"Finally used it!"

Chen Hao, who was carrying Gatling, looked at the laser beam coming from the sky with a calm expression on his face, not even hiding.

Then! Night Owl's powerful laser beam mysteriously disappeared right in front of Chen Hao! ——Because they were all taken into Chen Hao’s creation space!

"What? What's going on?"

Ye Xiao frowned and realized something was wrong - he always thought that no matter how powerful Chen Hao was, he could only collect tangible things, such as bullets and so on! ——But now it seems that Chen Hao can even absorb laser light!

"No! This is impossible! My laser beam has a temperature of 3,000 degrees. How can he absorb it!"

So Night Owl increases its efforts! Push your own laser beam to the limit! ——Towards the 6000-degree mark!

He doesn't believe it! Such terrifying heat! Chen Hao can still take it in!

But Chen Hao not only accepted it, he was also very happy to receive it.

"It turns out that the temperature can be raised! Okay! Okay! Try harder and raise the temperature a little more! Don't hide it!"


Night Owl was so angry that he almost vomited blood! His eyes flashed red and the laser beam stopped! ——After all, if he wants to shoot such a high temperature, the consumption for himself is extremely shocking!

But seeing Ye Xiao stop, Chen Hao smiled slightly.

"You can't do it anymore? Okay! Then let me do it!"


Although he was panting heavily, Ye Xiao still scoffed - Gatling wanted to kill him, it was simply a fantasy!

But the late night snack is absolutely unexpected! What Chen Hao took out this time was not a Gatling bullet! But the same laser beam as him! ——Even take it out! Bigger than his! Even stronger!

"Laser beam! Activate!"


Chapter 93 Dopamine Secretion

"Laser beam! Activate!"


Hearing Chen Hao shout "Laser Beam", Ye Xiao couldn't help but was slightly startled, thinking that is obviously my unique weapon! ——But the next moment! One dish is thicker than a midnight snack! A laser beam bigger than a midnight snack! It shot out suddenly from Chen Hao's palm!


The laser beam carries a rumbling momentum! Blast in front of Ye Xiao with great domineering force!

Shocked and unable to accept it, Night Owl reluctantly used Cyclops to fight back!


Two tiny laser beams merge into one! Challenge Chen Hao head-on! ——He doesn’t believe it! It’s also unacceptable! Chen Hao's laser beam is actually bigger than his own! Thicker than mine! ——After all, that is the unique weapon that I am most proud of! So you must be the strongest!

"Ah ah ah ah! I am the strongest! Ah ah ah! Chen Hao, go to hell!"

The Night Owl roared hysterically! Power surged throughout his body, and every inch of muscle on his body turned bright red! ——This is him burning his muscle power, turning it into a laser beam, to compete with Chen Hao!

But the reality is cruel - Night Owl is indeed very strong! But it’s not enough to be an enemy of Chen Hao! ——How many copies of the laser beam he is proud of can be copied in Chen Hao's hands! Just copy as many as you like! How big to copy! Just copy as much as you want!

So Chen Hao only felt a little resistance - that is, the full force of Ye Xiao! ——Then he smiled coldly. Increase output!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!"

Just for a moment! Night Owl's all-out effort became irresistible! ——His laser beam was shattered by Chen Hao! His powerful right hand! He was also blasted into blood mist by Chen Hao!

So for a moment, Ye Xiao was stupid! This is the first time he has failed since he awakened his powers! And he was defeated so completely!

"I...I lost...I lost!"

The night owl's eyes are about to burst! The look in Chen Hao's eyes was also full of horror and fear! ——Because he understood one thing! ——Chen Hao can kill him! And it's a complete kill!

So Night Owl immediately turned around and ran away! Shout into your headphones at the same time!

"Come and save me! Come and save me!"

This arrogant and powerful man! Now I don’t even bother to use nice words like “rescue”! Just ask someone to rescue him in embarrassment!

So the first reaction of people who hear this sentence is surprise! ——The second reaction is that the situation is very urgent!

"Quick! Let everyone nearby rush to support Ye Xiao!"

Chu Qian, who was sitting in the command room, immediately issued the highest order! ——The importance of Night Owl to the 339th Corps cannot be replaced by anyone! So we must try our best to save it!

So the moment the order was given! Dozens of helicopters lurking around! Plus hundreds of armed drones!

Everyone moves out!

Kill Chen Hao as a means to support Night Owl's escape!

"Fire! Fire!"

The Gatlings on the helicopter opened their guns one after another and blasted Chen Hao with a powerful firepower of 6,000 rounds per minute!

Chen Hao waved his hand.

"Space domain!"

30 meters absolute field open! Swallow all the bullets instantly!

Everyone on the helicopter was stunned.

"This this......"

"You're done fighting, it's my turn!"

Chen Hao raised his hand again, and a powerful laser beam shot out domineeringly! With a few booms and booms, all the helicopters were swept down in an instant! There were screams!

"Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!"

Chen Hao looked at the result with satisfaction - this laser beam is much easier to use than bullets!

Seeing that the helicopter was unable to stop Chen Hao, Chu Qian quickly ordered.

"Get the drones on!"

The command was issued, and hundreds of drones rushed towards Chen Hao like mad dogs! ——The longest part of this kind of drone is only 1 meter, so it cannot carry firearms at all, because the recoil of the bullet will make its accuracy extremely poor! ——So if you can’t carry firearms, you can only carry bombs!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Micro missiles the size of pens were launched from the drone! ——Relying on the precise guidance of the drone camera, one shot at a time in the air towards Chen Hao!

Chen Hao's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"And this kind of treasure!"

You know, more than 90% of the most powerful technological products are produced in military technology! ——For example, the Internet, VR, telephone communication, etc. that are now popularized are all used for civilian purposes only after they were eliminated by the military! ——So the most cutting-edge technology still has to be found in the army!

So the moment the drone released the micro-missiles, Chen Hao had already decided - he had to grab some! Even if it’s just one!

So Chen Hao waved his hand! ——The powerful laser beam swept across half of the sky! Destroy dozens of drones in an instant!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The flame flow from the explosion of the drone instantly knocked over the surrounding drones! Make these drones fly unstable - and then be forcibly captured by Chen Hao!


The corners of Chen Hao's mouth raised slightly! In this way, this battle has yielded huge gains! ——Not only has the powerful means of laser light speed been obtained! He also gained an artifact like an armed drone! ——Of course, there is another reward, that is, killing Ye Xiao, the strongest combat force of the 339th Corps!

So Chen Hao looked at the Night Owl who had fled far away, curled his lips, and used his absolute control over the space field to start distorting the space - as long as he distorted a few convex lens spaces, and then distorted a few concave and convex lens spaces, It will form a powerful telescope!

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

Don’t talk about the 32x lens! Even 3200 times is fine!

"Already aiming!"

Chen Hao said with a smile.

At the same time, Chu Qian, who was sitting in the command room, just breathed a sigh of relief - although a large number of helicopters and armed drones were lost, Chen Hao was finally stopped and gave Ye Xiao precious time to escape. !

"As long as Night Owl can be kept alive, the price will not be in vain!"

But Chu Qian never thought in her dreams - that last second! I am still grateful to be alive! ——The next second, a laser beam larger than Night Owl's entire body suddenly swept across! Instantly beat Ye Xiao into nothingness! Not even the scum is left!

"What! What!"

Chu Qian sat directly on the chair in shock! She didn't react at all, Ye Xiao actually died like this!

When she reacted, she realized - the only one who could emit a laser beam more powerful than Night Owl was Chen Hao!

"It's Chen Hao! It's Chen Hao who did it! He actually did it!"

Chu Qian couldn't help but gasped! ——She began to regret why she wanted to provoke Chen Hao! And he also began to wonder why Chen Hao had not reported to the district until now that there was a mutiny in the 339th Corps - there was only one reason! ——That’s what Chen Hao thinks! On his own, he can sweep the entire 339th Corps!

Although this was Chu Qian’s unilateral idea!

"Damn it! Damn Chen Hao!"

Chu Qian couldn't help but her face twisted slightly! ——She was originally just a very humble woman. She married Song Yulin because of money, so no matter how Song Yulin abused her, as long as he gave her money, she could continue to endure it! ——And now, she finally took control of the power and became the overlord of one party! But within her sphere of influence, an extremely piercing nail appeared!

"No! I will never allow such an awesome person to exist! This Tiandu City can only be dominated by me! It can only belong to me alone!"

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