The first thing to fear is that Chen Hao can now defend and attack at the same time! ——This means that their battle plan has completely failed! They failed to break Chen Hao's limit!

The second thing to fear is that No. 7 actually had a conversation with Chen Hao! ——This means that among their super soldiers, some can maintain independent consciousness and even cooperate with Chen Hao to get out of their control!

External chaos plus internal chaos, they are now——internal and external troubles!

It is extremely unsafe!

So in this situation, Chu Qian was embarrassed and didn't care about her face, and hurriedly shouted at Commander Wang.

My dear, there is more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the latter is more exciting!

"Quick! Call back the remaining super soldiers! If they die or escape, then we are all finished!"

"Night Owl Corps! All retreat! All retreat!"

Commander Wang gave orders with an urgent look on his face!

But it was too late!

Because Chen Hao would not let any enemy escape alive from him! ——So Chen Hao released laser beams with both hands, killing all the remaining 4 super soldiers! Completely eradicating the roots!

"This... this..."

Chu Qian couldn't help but tremble all over! ——At this moment, she realized how stupid her previous order was! ——It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world for her!

Commander Wang also gave orders with a gloomy face.

"Cut off the live broadcast! At the same time, enter the wartime state! Remember! At this moment, we must be stable internally! ——If anyone makes trouble, kill them all!"

Because from the moment the Night Owl Corps was defeated! The morale of the 339 Corps was scattered!

"No! No way? We have so many supermen, but we all lost?"

"Does that mean this place is no longer safe? We don't have supermen to protect us?"

"Oh my god! I thought that although life here is worse than death, at least I can live safely. Now it seems that there is no security at all!"

"Haha! It's better to die!"

For a while, the sky above the entire 339th Corps was shrouded in a layer of uneasy haze of defeat, making the entire 339th Corps likely to fall apart at any time - because those who are afraid are not only the coolies, but also many soldiers and generals!

So Commander Wang can only choose to suppress it forcefully! - As long as it can be suppressed for a period of time, people's memories are short-lived, and everything will be fine!

But if it can't be suppressed...

So Commander Wang can only confess to his beloved Chu Qian.

"Commander Chu, we must prepare for the worst. The 339th Corps may... split! Or even be destroyed!"

"No! No! With you here! You have such a high prestige, you can definitely calm them down!"

At this moment, the only person Chu Qian can rely on is Commander Wang, who has the highest prestige in the 339th Corps!

But Commander Wang didn't even have time to be proud, and just said bitterly.

"Commander Chu, I may be able to calm the 339th Corps, but I can't calm Chen Hao!"

"From the previous information, Chen Hao has never been a passive character! So next, he will definitely take the initiative to attack, drive Noah's Ark, and directly attack our 339th Corps!"

"This is the biggest crisis!"


Chu Qian was stunned, but she also knew that Commander Wang was right - wasn't it like this before at Qiyun Villa? - Everyone thought Chen Hao would not come, but Chen Hao came to kill him! And killed all the enemies!

So Chu Qian also became twisted after a moment of fear!

"Then blow up all the missiles! Even if I die, I will drag Chen Hao with me! And his group of women will be buried with me!"


Commander Wang said bitterly-he couldn't bear Chu Qian to die!

At this time, a messenger hurried to the command room.

"Commander Chu, Commander Wang, there is a coolie outside who said-he has a way to kill Chen Hao!"

Chapter 102 Thanks to Commander Chu's rocket

"Kill Chen Hao? Is it true!"

Chu Qian couldn't wait to confirm-now she was like a drowning ant, and she wanted to hold on to any straw! She would never let go even if she was beaten to death!

"The subordinates have confirmed with him, he said that his name is Zhao Dong, and he used to be a colleague of Chen Hao in the same company! The yacht that Chen Hao drives now is the former property of their company, so he has a more advanced key than Chen Hao!"


Chu Qian was ecstatic-because Chen Hao used to be an employee of the yacht company, and she had never made this information public!

Therefore, Zhao Dong's ability to tell this detail has proved that Zhao Dong's words have a certain degree of credibility - so being able to kill Chen Hao is also very likely true!

So Chu Qian immediately ordered.

"Let Zhao Dong in! If he can really kill Chen Hao! I will reward him as deputy commander!"


In less than 1 minute, Zhao Dong was hurriedly brought to Chu Qian.

Chu Qian looked straight at Zhao Dong, with a cannibalistic light flashing in her eyes, and an attitude of holding the power of life and death!

"You said you have a way to kill Chen Hao, is it true or false?"

"Of course it's true!"

"Okay! If it's true, and if you really killed Chen Hao, I will reward you as the deputy commander of the 339th Corps! But if it's false..."

"Then you can cut me into pieces!"

Zhao Dong said confidently! ——After all, Noah's Ark is a high-tech yacht! ——And the more high-tech it is, the more it obeys high-level orders!

Seeing Zhao Dong's confident look, Chu Qian smiled with satisfaction.

"Tell me! Your plan!"

"My plan is very simple! Although Chen Hao has superpowers, and they are very powerful, he is still very dependent on Noah's Ark! So as long as we control the Ark, we can restrict his actions!"

"Just restrict?"

"Of course not! We can send him to a designated location and then bomb him to death with missiles! I don't believe that he can really swallow anything, even missiles!"

Zhao Dong is full of confidence in this plan-although Noah's Ark can theoretically withstand a wave of nuclear bombs, that's only in theory! ——If it is really hit by a missile, it is estimated that if it doesn't die, it will be seriously disabled!

As for Chen Hao in the Ark, needless to say, it must be the same.

If he doesn't die, he will be seriously disabled!

Commander Wang, who was standing aside, nodded slightly when he heard Zhao Dong's plan.

"Commander Chu, I think this plan is feasible! The reason why we didn't consider missile bombing before was because the heavy rain affected the coordinate positioning, and the Noah's Ark was mobile, so we were afraid that it would not hit accurately!"

"If we can really restrict Chen Hao's actions, then we can hit accurately!"

"Kill Chen Hao!"

Hearing the mature and steady Commander Wang say this, Chu Qian's fear suddenly disappeared.

"Hahahaha! God is still on my side!"

"Chen Hao! So what if you have powerful abilities? So what if you swept my Night Owl Corps? In the end, the balance of victory still leans towards my side!"

"Tell me! What do you need! I will provide you with everything!"

Chu Qian waved her hand, indicating that Zhao Dong could make any conditions, and she would do her best to supply them.

Zhao Dong's blood was boiling - he was so excited that he trembled all over when he thought that Chen Hao would die under the plan he led!

"I need the network. As long as there is a network, I can send a higher level of instructions to Noah's Ark!"

"Commander Wang."


Commander Wang on the side immediately took out the intercom.

"All network technicians, listen to the order, take your equipment immediately, and come to the command room to wait!"


All network technicians quickly packed up all the equipment and sat next to Zhao Dong.

The sense of power that others came immediately after an order made Zhao Dong feel a little proud.

"Now, you use satellite signals to connect to Chen Hao's Noah's Ark. As long as the network is connected, I can issue a second-level command to the Ark! And Chen Hao only has the third-level command!"

"Huh? Second-level command? What about the first-level command?"

"The first-level command is in Musk's hand, but now is the end of the world, he may have died long ago! So we who have the second-level command are basically equivalent to the first-level command!"

"Okay! If you take down Noah's Ark, I will reward you with a luxury yacht!"

"Thank you, Commander!"

Zhao Dong licked his tongue excitedly-luxury car! Luxury house! Luxury yacht! These three things are basically the ultimate dream of men! ——Especially now it is still a doomsday water world, so owning a luxury yacht is simply a pleasure to the sky!

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