Global Recovery Started To Become the God of Luoshui River

Chapter 167 Heaven's Path Reincarnation

The words are divided into two parts.

Li San was sitting quietly in the Sun and Moon Hall in the River God's Mansion, and in front of him stood several Yin soldiers who came to report on the mission.

Suddenly, the wind blew, and lightning flashed.

Li San turned his head and looked at the outside world.

"The weather has changed, is it going to rain?" Li San muttered when he saw the wind blowing outside.

Suddenly, Li San saw a bucket-thick lightning descend from the sky, heading towards the Yunling Mountains. Then, with the roar, the lightning knocked down a century-old tree.

Looking through the far distance, Li San curiously looked at the place bombarded by lightning.

Then, the second and third lightning strikes also hit the pit.

The rain continued to gather, and the tombstone suddenly appeared in Li San's field of vision.

At this moment, Li San's heart trembled.


Li San had a feeling in his heart. He used Wang Zhanqi to see the tombstone, and Li San felt that his heart was severely touched the moment he saw the tombstone.

This is Yu Hong, only Yu Hong can make him feel so touched.

"Shakya Dharma Eye!"

Li San's eyes flashed with blue light, and he stared at the tombstone again.

"It's her! It's her!" Li San trembled slightly, got up, and stepped out. Under the shocked eyes of the Yin soldiers, Li San disappeared into the river god's mansion out of thin air.

"This is?"

Several Yin soldiers who reported the mission looked at each other, not understanding why.

"Let's go and have a look with the adults."

Someone made a sound, and the rest nodded immediately. They all used the vertical golden light technique to leave the Sun Moon Palace, and followed Li San after leaving the River God Mansion.

The Yin soldiers have all heard of the word Hong’er. Lord River God often recites these two words when he is meditating. Some Yin soldiers have also inquired out of curiosity. After learning that it is Li San’s wife in the world The Yin Soldier was also relieved.

But today, seeing that Lord River God's expression changed drastically, and he even pronounced his wife's name, these sinister soldiers had to pay attention to it. They were all very nervous about the matter of Lord River God and his wife.

The downpour was still falling, and Li San had already reached the Yunling Mountains.

When the rainwater touched Li San, it was as if there was a layer of transparent air waves separating the rainwater.

Li San stood on the edge of the big pit, looking at the tombstone that emerged, tremblingly stretched out his hand and gently stroked the tombstone.

This is the tombstone of her wife Yu Hong.

Although it was struck by lightning, it only appeared after more than a thousand years, and only a corner was exposed, but Li San knew that this was Yu Hong's tombstone.

He didn't even need to calculate. When he saw the tombstone, he felt that it was the breath that could only be emitted by things that were closely related to him.


Li San stood at the edge of the pit, waved his big hand, and suddenly a strong golden light shot into the ground, the ground cracked open layer by layer, and rolled towards the surroundings.

As the rain fell, the tombstone gradually appeared, growing outward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the rock shattered, and a large pit several times larger than before appeared in Li San's field of vision.

Two tombstones with historical traces appeared in front of Li San.

Seeing the tombstone, Li San was stunned, his eyes flushed, and countless thoughts rolled over.

"This is...?" The shadow soldiers standing in the distance also saw two small tombstones, close to each other.

After thousands of years, the handwriting on the tombstone is not clear, but it can be seen vaguely, "Tang Longshuo three years... kind father Li San... mother Yu Hong... son Li You... ."

The Yin soldiers were shocked, and they all looked at Li San, who was wearing a blue robe.

"Don't be surprised, this is Hong'er and I's tombstones." Li San said in a low voice, as if sensing the gazes of the Yin soldiers.

The Yin Soldiers couldn't figure out how the tombstones of a generation of strange people like the God of Rivers, who have influenced future generations for thousands of years, would be so ordinary.

This is very different from what they imagined.

There was a smile on the corner of Li San's mouth. He knew that his son did not let him down. This was according to his last wish.

At the beginning, Li San explained before the deadline, that after his death, he must keep everything simple and find a quiet place to be buried.

In Li San's opinion, instead of making his funeral more luxurious, it is better to save some money and let their mother and son go to the sun and the moon. In the long river of history, no one can escape the fate of turning into loess.

In this case, it is better to keep a low profile and find a tomb quietly.

Unexpectedly, my son chose his tomb in the Yunling Mountains in Luoshui City. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there is a small stream running through it not far away. It is an excellent place.

Li San turned his eyes and looked to the side of his tomb, where he saw a coffin with a golden phoenix engraved on it through the layers of soil.

Under the corrosion of the years, the pattern on the coffin has become weak and invisible. There is a woman lying inside. This woman is already a well-preserved corpse.

She lay there quietly, still maintaining her original appearance, and even her skin was full of elasticity like a living person.

Seeing Yu Hong's appearance, Li San was overjoyed. He no longer had the lightness of the cloud, but only the excitement of seeing his sweetheart again after a thousand years.

Li San didn't think about why Yu Hong's body was still the same after more than a thousand years, as if the coffin had become rotten not long after his death, but the body had not changed at all.

Li San didn't know about these things, and he didn't think about the reason. He just wanted to leave with his wife's body.

Li San raised his hand and gently picked it towards the void, and suddenly a strong golden light disappeared into the tomb, as if a big golden hand was holding the coffin.

As Li San's palm lifted, the big golden hand also began to lift.


The soil on the mountain seemed to be dug up by a huge shovel, and a coffin broke out like this, wrapped in Li San's mana.

The big hand that wrapped the coffin exudes a rich golden light, which is unusually dazzling in the night sky, like a star.


Li San raised his finger gently, and the big golden hand was also slowly breaking out of the ground. Li Sansheng was afraid that he would damage the coffin and disturb Yu Hong inside.

Slowly, the whole coffin broke out of the ground, and was dragged by the golden hand and floated in the air, looking very strange in the dark night sky.

Li San looked at the coffin floating in front of him, stretched out his hand tremblingly, tapped his fingertips slightly, and the lid of the coffin slowly fell back.


Upon entering, Yu Hong was lying peacefully in the coffin, with a thick layer of silk under her body.

Seeing Yu Hong, the corners of Li San's eyes flushed red and tears kept pouring out.

After a thousand years, he finally met his sweetheart, the wife who accompanied him to the last moment.

This is not too stunning, but a dignified, generous, and extremely attractive woman, someone he often dreams of.

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