"The so-called [magic circuit] is a kind of thing that can replace rituals and belong to some kind of mechanism and machinery. "

The bland voice of the professor, who lacks emotional ups and downs, echoes in the huge classroom.

"It's like using the power of steam to push the gears to turn, enter the magic and the magic happens. "

"Of course, this is just a metaphor, and the process is more complicated......"

Rien was listening intently and even taking notes.

is different from the poor student performance of the male protagonist who is sleepy and dozing off in class.

He's a serious techno-side reincarnation player,

Moreover, he also solved the first solution of the "devil's formula".

Therefore, it is very curious about these "knowledge" from different replica worlds, so to speak, thirsty for knowledge.

What's more, you can actually gain skills by listening to lectures!

[You carefully studied the course of the Karakuri physics professor "Kimberly"]

[Intelligence determination in progress...... Judgment passed!]

[You have a certain understanding of "magic circuit construction"!]

["Magic Circuit Tectonics" learning progress increased by 50%! (10x benefit)]

["Magic Circuit Tectonics" learning progress increased by 50%! (10x benefit)]

【Skill you have acquired: Magic Circuit Tectonics Lv1】

"Learning progress can also be increased by 10 times?!"

The new skills added to the skill list made Rien a little curious.

"If I go to school in the Karakuri Academy for a few years, I wonder if I will be able to acquire a lot of skills in "Two-Six-Seven"?"

But that's just thinking.

Despite the 10x increase, the way to learn skills is too slow.

Relying on the 14 hours of the main quest alone, I can't even finish a semester of courses.

Especially if it will be upgraded in the future.

It's better to directly use skill points to "ding" to the full level.

Lane is not short of skill points, and he still has more than a hundred skill points on the panel that he can't use.

These skill points are saved and you can't have children, so there is no need to save them.

After class, Li En directly upgraded [Magic Circuit Tectonics Lv1] to Lv10!

Unexpectedly, when he wanted to level up this skill.

However, there are options that are not the same as the previous skills.


[Magic Circuit Structure increased to Lv10!]

[This skill is a knowledge skill, you can choose the following promotion directions!]

[1. Draw inferences: you randomly acquire a knowledge and skill of the same system]

[2. Knowledge mastery: The effect of skills, drawings, and props related to this knowledge is improved]

[3. Wisdom Feedback: Each level of this skill increases your intelligence attribute by 1]


Magic Circuit Constructs is a skill that doesn't have any attribute bonuses or active effects.

Similar to [Firearms Mastery] and [Melee Mastery], it takes effect passively.

But it's different.

With each level, Rien felt like he had a lot more knowledge about the "magic circuit" in his head.

This knowledge is the most valuable asset of this skill.

As for the choice of promotion, after thinking about it for a while, Li En chose "proficient in knowledge".

With the help of 10 times the income, his knowledge skills are very efficient in learning.

You only need to get the skill, even if you only have Lv1, you can force it up with skill points.

As for "smart feedback", it was the first option to be ruled out.

The reason is the same, Lane is not short of attribute points at all.

Even without the elimination method, "knowledge mastery" is also the promotion option with the highest potential and return expectation among the three.

"Suppose all my knowledge and skills are strengthened by [Knowledge Mastery] ......"

"So how much will the effect of my skills be increased?"

With anticipation, Rien gathered his notes and prepared to leave the classroom.

At the end of the course, the students left the venue one after another.

Li En noticed that in a corner of the classroom, there was a staring gaze.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small dragon-shaped figure lying on her shoulder...... It's Charlotte.

After making eye contact with Rien, the blonde girl who peeked at the found girl turned her head in a panic, pretending to pack her things.

Rien could even hear a sigh coming out of Sigmund's mouth.

If you can label people.

Then Lane's evaluation of Charlotte may be "tsundere" + social fear".

"Gone, night night. "

Lai En took the hand of his puppet girl, making the latter's eyes light up.

But then, night after night, as if facing a great enemy, looked at the door of the classroom.

A handsome man with flowing blond hair and a slender figure smiled kindly at the two of them.

He said in an elegant, full voice.

"First meeting, Mr. [Star], and my lovely Miss [Tyrant]. "

"It's a pity, but I'm looking for you this time...... I'm here to deliver a ticket. "


Discipline Member, Defender of Discipline at Karakuri Academy

The main thing is to maintain the discipline of the students and investigate and punish the "bad students" who violate the school rules.

"Introduce myself, I'm Felix Kingsford, codenamed [Girl with the Silver Gun]. "

Felix's hand, with an armband symbolizing the members of the Discipline Commission,

and the same white gloves as Charlotte.

This is the symbol of the night party "Thirteen People".

Moreover, Felix is ranked higher than Charlotte, who has a dragon as a doll, and is ranked No. 4

"So ......"

Li En looked at the ticket in his hand and said helplessly.

"Can you please explain what this ticket with a lot of zeros is about?"

Although he received a huge reward of 10,000 pounds for the first mission to enter the dungeon.

But there is still a long way to go to close the hole in this ticket.

"It's because of your personal fights, and the cost of repairing the damaged campus facilities. "

Felix pulled out a list full of detailed entries on the cost of repairs.

"200 pounds for a brick?!"

Charlotte, who also had a ticket next to her, let out a sad scream.

Although she is a daughter from a noble family.

But because of something, the family suddenly declined, and it simply couldn't afford to pay such a huge fine.

"Although the college does not prohibit private fighting, there are many rules and restrictions, such as no killing, no destruction of the campus. "

Felix shrugged.

"You're going too far...... Of course, in addition to you, there are penalties for other people involved in the battle. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's just that you two are the main cause of the destruction. "

Night and Sigmund glanced at each other, and the two automaton looked away in unison.

Sigmund in the form of a dragon, and Night Night in battle mode, are both professional households.

Any single attack can smash a huge hole in the beautiful stone brick floor.

Li En understands the reason, but the amount of this fine is really incredible. []

However, knowing the true face of the blonde beautiful boy in front of him, he chose to laugh and not say anything.

Wait quietly for the other party to extend an olive branch...... Or there is no hidden horse's foot.

Sure enough, after a pause, Felix coughed lightly, as if he had expected it.

"Of course, you have another choice. "

"Help me...... Or help the academy deal with a puppeteer. "


Hearing that the fine could be circumvented in other ways, Charlotte immediately asked.

"Ogre. "


【Hidden Side Quest: Demon Eater】

+ Difficulty: E+

+ Description: A mysterious puppeteer known for preying on automata, reappears at the Royal Karakuri Academy, destroying dozens of automaton in an extremely brutal manner, eating their corpses, finding him, and bringing him to justice!

+ Objective: Find out the truth about the "Demon Eater" incident, collect key clues (0/3), and subdue the killer

+ Service rewards: 5000 reincarnation points, 5 attribute points, 5 skill points, "Ogre" series optional equipment x1


"Interesting ......."

Some of the words in the mission objective made Lane think.

It's not just a combat or kill mission.

It's about gathering key clues and subduing the killer.

in order to complete this hidden side quest.

It's a lot of trouble, but correspondingly, the rewards are also very high!

According to the 10 times income, it is 50,000 points, 50 skill points and 50 attribute points!

There is also an optional piece of equipment from the "Ogre" series.

It is worth mentioning that this quest is a hidden side quest though.

However, it is not an exclusive mission for the protagonist, and every player has a chance to trigger it.

Ryne knew exactly why he was approached by Felix......

In yesterday's battle, he showed a strong combat power that was not inferior to the "Thirteen".

Combat power is one thing, and collecting clues also requires very keen observation.

"Xia'er, do you have any thoughts about the [Demon Eater]?"

Rien asked the blonde girl who walked out of the Discipline Commissioner's office with her.

"Ogre, are you sure you want to ask me that?"

Charlotte glared at Rien.

Because the injuries caused by Sigmund's "magic sword" circuit are very similar to the traces left by the ogre.

Therefore, there are often rumors in the academy that she is the real culprit of the Ogre incident.

Although only unfounded suspicions.

But with the recent resurgence of the "Ogre" incident, this rumor has intensified.

Suddenly, Charlotte reacted.

“...... What do you call me?"

"Xia'er, what's wrong. "

Lane said casually.

"You, you, you, you, you ......!"

The girl's face was flushed, and she stammered and couldn't say a complete word, without the slightest hint of a tyrant's demeanor.

For her, "Xia'er" is a nickname that only family members or the closest people can call.

Sigmund, for example, is qualified for this.

But Riene suddenly called her that, much to Charlotte's surprise.

After squirming for a while, Charlotte finally accepted the title.

This was not surprising to Rian, because the favorability was there.

It's just a name, even if it's a further thing......

Well, it's still a little too far ahead of its time for a textbook tsundere character.

No matter what the strategy is, whether it is a boss or a group, you need to come step by step.

In this area, Li is experienced and invincible.

"It's a 3.4 night party today, who are you going to challenge?"

Suddenly, Charlotte asked coldly.

"That's right, today is the first day of the official start of the night meeting. "

Hearing this, Rien thought carefully.

He has become a glove holder, and the task of [Dark Horse] has naturally been completed.

Because he defeated the other glove holders, he was able to get the admission to the night party.

According to the rules, he can only be ranked in the bottom 100.

However, there are benefits to being ranked low.

That is the "high ranker" who is challenged by the low ranking, and must not refuse.

On the contrary, the strong challenge the weak, and the latter has the right to refuse.

"Who knows, maybe it's the unlucky thirteen. "

Lane smiled, after triggering the [Ogre] quest, he actually already had a challenge goal.

Hearing his bold words that he was going to challenge the "Thirteen", Charlotte was not to be outdone.

"Even if you want to challenge me, I won't release water!"

"I must show you the true strength of Sigmund!"

If Sigmund had been there, he would have shook his head again and again.

If Li En uses that trick "forbidden",

I'm afraid that even he will have to force a shutdown.

The reason why the automaton of two people is not around,

It's because they're going to a place......

The scene of the murder left behind by the [Demon Eater].


(Finally got it on the shelves and started updating).

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