With this thought in mind, Ye Fan set off quickly, leading the slowed black wild boar to run wildly.


As he ran, as he rushed forward, the surprise in his eyes became clearer and more obvious.

When he saw the deep ditch on the ground, Ye Fan was stunned and his face became very serious.

"What a terrifying force, to actually hit the earth with such a long ditch, what level of master is this fighting?"

Ye Fan was dignified, guessing who the shot was, and the battle between the little giant and such a person, causing such a big fluctuation, must be quite extraordinary.

This made Ye Fan pay more and more attention to the little giant, feeling that the little giant must be hiding some kind of special power.

With this thought in mind, Ye Fan looked at the garbage dump and at the end of the ditch.

Faintly, he saw a burly figure standing quietly, giving people a strong pressure.

"Huh? The little giant is still standing. Could it be that the little elf Song Xiaomei said is dead?"

Ye Fan was puzzled, because the smoke and dust did not fall completely, which also affected Ye Fan's sight, so he could not see clearly.

But it doesn't matter, just look at it in the past, so Ye Fan didn't delay time, but continued to run for the first time.

After running to the junkyard, looking at the little giant standing quietly, Ye Fan was completely frightened, and his scalp was numb.

The reason is that the little giant, standing all covered in blood, has a ferocious look on his face.

And the terrifying figure of the little giant, which was like a wall, actually became bigger again, the muscles were more bulging, and the blood vessels were more twisted.

But that's not the point, the point is that the little giant died, it died standing up, and it even kept its punching posture.

At the heart of the little giant, there was a big hole, a big hole in the shape of a fist.

Along this big hole, you can even see a deep ditch behind it.

"Could it be that someone, after killing the little giant with one punch, punched a deep ditch together?"

Ye Fan was startled, hurriedly walked to the little giant, looked back through the big hole, and saw a straight ditch at a glance.

"Can't be wrong, it's a terrifying power. What level of power is this? It's too strong."

Ye Fan's face was solemn, and he was in awe of the existence of the little giant, and at the same time thought of the elf that Song Xiaomei said.

"A elf? So powerful? But where did it go?"

Ye Fan looked around and didn't see the so-called elf after looking twice.

However, he saw a stiff crow and two eagles, which were flying fast out of the city, as if they were chasing something.

"Could it be that the elf left Blackrock City? By the way, it is safer for a strong man like him to leave as soon as he takes away the ancient book."

Ye Fan murmured secretly, feeling that things had become very tricky, and even the ancient books might never be brought back.

Because the outside of the city is vast and there are many mutant beasts, it will be very difficult to find ancient books.

The key point is that he still doesn't know what the elf looks like, and the elf is very powerful. In the face of such a master, Ye Fan wants to get back the ancient book, which is simply a dream.

"What should I do? The ancient books must be brought back, otherwise I can't change my life against the sky. Wait, I thought, I can use official power."

Ye Fan thought of the two eagles just now. These two eagles have unique signs on them, which are the signs of the city guards and law enforcement teams, which means that the official has more clues.

As for the stiff crow, Ye Fan felt that he was inseparable from the evil energy organization.

"Wait a minute, the official people will definitely come to investigate, I just explain, bribes and bribes may be able to draw a relationship with the official."


the other side.

Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei were also being questioned by the official. When they learned that the ancient book was taken away by the elves, the official frowned.

They didn't see Qin Yue summon the elf before. When they discovered the elf through the eagle, they were already fighting with the little giant.

And the terrifying battle scene proved that the elf was very powerful and could be called a monster.

There is a high chance that such a master has nothing to do with Qin Yue and the others, so after recording the address of Song Xiaomei's house, they let Qin Yue and Song Xiaomei leave first.

The main official people still have a lot of things to do, in addition to investigating the elf, but also saving people.

For example, Lord Song Yuan, who was still in a coma in the ruins, was the bronze median who was blown away by the little giant.

"Lord Song Yuan, Lord Song Yuan, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

Several healing summoners continued to treat Song Yuan. Seeing him slowly opening his eyes, everyone hurriedly asked.

"Am I still alive?" Song Yuan asked weakly, feeling pain all over his body.

"Of course you are alive, don't worry, you just broke a few bones, we will find a better healing summoner to treat you." The patrol team leader hurriedly said.

"It's a blessing to survive. What about the little giant? This guy is too powerful. I can't even beat the bronze median. It's too strong."

Song Yuan's face was solemn, and he felt that things were very difficult. If the little giant was allowed to rage, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Sir Song Yuan, don't worry, the little giant will not be rampant anymore." The captain said again.

"Fart, the little giant looks like the puppet of the evil energy organization. The puppet of this organization will not wreak havoc? Your first day as the captain? What about your brain?" Song Yuan scolded directly.

"Lord Song Yuan, listen to my explanation. In fact, the little giant is already dead and was killed in the garbage dump." The captain said helplessly.

"Fart! The city lord and the deputy city lord left with a few high walkers. Now the strongest in Black Rock City is only me, and even I was beaten down by the little giant. How could it die? Rely on you black iron to kill it?

Stop talking nonsense, it's just you bastards who still want to kill it? Go dream. "Song Yuan continued to curse, not giving any face to the captain at all.

"Sir Song Yuan, what I said is the truth. The little giant was really killed, and the body is still in the garbage dump. If you don't believe me, come and see it."

The explanation of the captain's righteous words is indeed very embarrassing.


Seeing the explanation of the captain's righteous words, Song Yuan also frowned and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that the city lord and the deputy city lord are back? They killed the little giant?"

"No, neither the city lord nor the deputy city lord came back. It was a mysterious elf who suddenly appeared and killed the little giant." The captain continued.

"Mysterious elf? It killed the little giant?"

Song Yuan is still a little unconvinced. Although there may be some masters hidden in the city, this little giant is very unusual. It has a very terrifying power.

Song Yuan even suspected that before this puppet died, it might have been a very powerful silver rank, but after being refined into a puppet, its spiritual power was reduced to black iron perfection.

But the puppet still retains the skills, combat experience, and various talents before his death, so it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to kill this little giant.

This also caused Song Yuan to still look at the captain with suspicion.

"Sir Song Yuan, you'll find out when you come with me. It's in the garbage dump." The captain suggested.

"Okay, then go have a look."

Song Yuan was still willing to believe his own eyes, and he was only willing to believe what he saw with his own eyes. Although there was no need for the captain to lie to him, the little giant was too strong.

Thinking that he had tried his best to confront the little giant, but the terrifying power gushing out from the little giant instantly broke his arms.

The sound of broken bones, Song Yuan felt like it sounded beside his ears when he thought about it now, which made him feel scared.

So even if he was seriously injured, he was still supported and headed to the garbage dump.

Waiting for it to come to the junkyard.

Seeing the little giant with a big hole in his heart and the ditch on the ground, Song Yuan was completely frightened, and his scalp was numb.

"My god, this attack is too strong. It even punched a hole in the little giant. I used all my strength and only left a small wound."

Song Yuan said in horror, looking at the blood-stained little giant standing still, he was very surprised.

"It's really strong. Even a corpse puts a lot of pressure on me. Standing here, I even feel cold on my back."

The captain also spoke solemnly. He really felt the strong pressure, which was enough to prove the power of the little giant.

But such a strong little giant actually died and was bombarded to death by the elf, which was shocking, and made people pay more attention to the elf.

"Where did that little elf go?" Song Yuan hurriedly asked.

Add another chapter. Originally, I wanted to be lazy and only update two chapters, but you have voted too many recommendation votes, and the author can only add more.

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