Steve tried to use his arms to push himself up, but then an elbow hit him and he fell back to the ground.

"I won't give in." Physical pain couldn't make Steve give in.

At this time, Linn noticed someone coming at the intersection, it was Agent Carter.

Lin En shook his head and did not continue to pester. Killing the protagonist could easily lead to a sudden death, so Lin En was not prepared to do it.

And Lynn, the scapegoat who shot Dr. Erskine, was also found, that is Smith.

It's not right to say that he took the blame, because he was the one who found the gunman, but he was arranged so that he couldn't escape and gave Linn a big cover.

So just when Carter was raising his gun to shoot, Linn directly lifted Steve and threw him in Carter's direction.

Facing the attack of the big chest muscles, Carter subconsciously lowered the muzzle of the gun.

However, her strength was far from being able to catch Steve, and she was crushed to the ground.

So Steve accidentally bit into Agent Carter's mouth.

Linn frowned and then relaxed: "As expected of Steve, he can easily do things that ordinary people can't do."

"We will meet again in the future. Maybe we will be colleagues next time we meet."

After leaving these words, Linn accelerated and disappeared in the alley.

Steve looked confused, wondering why the other party suddenly let him go.

When a group of agents arrived, they only saw Chief Carter rubbing his hands.

And Steve stood there with wandering eyes and whistling.

"Sir, here?"

"Okay, close the team." Carter ordered coldly.

Steve stayed behind Carter.

[You completed the side mission: Kill Dr. Erskine, 1/1]

[You completed the side mission: Obtain Super Soldier Serum, 1/1]

[Main mission, obtain military industry/, completed]

[You can continue to stay in the story world to complete side tasks. 】

Germany, Hydra base.

Schmidt is not in a good mood right now.

Mostly because of the words of another madman.

Just a few days ago, the head of state's subordinates conveyed an order for Schmidt to hand over the energy weapons, with a bad attitude and a very arrogant tone.

Schmidt was so angry that he took out the weapon developed by the Cosmic Cube and blasted away the people sent by the Führer to formally break with Berlin.

This has completely broken with the German army. Without Berlin's funding, the Hydra organization is now a little short of funds and needs to find ways to make money.

There are two ways to make money, the first is to make money in a steady stream, and the second is to make war fortune.

With the reputation of Hydra, forget about the normal way of making money, so the best way is to make war fortune.

Hydra possesses technological weapons that span the ages, and he will not sell the guy who has settled down, so the Red Skull's idea is to rob.

Hydra has trained many soldiers over the years, and coupled with epoch-making energy weapons, neither the Allies nor the Germans are his opponents.

But the Red Skull doesn't want to get to that point.

It's not that he is afraid, but that he knows his weakness, that is, the Hydra soldiers are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Although energy weapons are powerful, the enemy's weapons are also shot one at a time, so there is no way to use tactics to clear the ground.

The result of fighting will only be that his soldiers will become fewer and fewer.

This result is related to Schmidt's psychology.

Hydra has a strict organizational structure, and its soldiers are very loyal. In order to ensure loyalty, the speed of recruiting soldiers is very slow.

In this case, Schmidt also had other thoughts for a while. He heard that the United States was developing a super weapon that could determine the key to the war situation at once, so he could also develop the same super weapon.

After figuring it out, Schmidt felt relieved. .

After the order was laid out, a messenger knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The messenger first clenched his fists with both hands and extended his arms slightly upward in a very standard Hydra military salute. Then he said: "Chief, Lieutenant Lin En has returned from completing his mission and is waiting for your summons."

"This is really a double blessing." Schmidt said with a slight smile on his face: "Let this hero come in quickly."


Schmidt was very unfamiliar with this Linn.

Hydra is well organized, and there is something very wrong with a lieutenant being promoted from private to lieutenant in just two months. The report says that he is a junior of a certain senior executive, and with his outstanding abilities, he has established a position Great merit rises so quickly.

But Schmidt always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find anything abnormal.

There is no exception, just the biggest exception.

However, Schmidt, who thinks he is the most perfect work, is not afraid of anything, not to mention that Linn completed his mission, brought back the super serum and killed Erskine.

He should meet Lieutenant Linn, both logically and logically.

A minute later Lynn was standing in front of Schmidt.

Lynn looked at this handsome guy and had to say that Schmidt was still a handsome man without going crazy.

"Chief, the mission has been completed. Dr. Erskine is dead. This is the only super soldier serum left." As he spoke, Linn opened the safe to reveal the blue serum.

After speaking, Linn put down the safe in front of Schmidt and performed a hydra salute.

Schmidt just took a casual look and closed the safe, seemingly not caring about the contents.

"Lieutenant Linn... I shouldn't say Captain Linn. You have done a good job. You have made great contributions to the American Empire this time. I have to reward you well. Your position is mentioned as captain, and what do you want? Just say it?"

Lynn wanted a lot, and that was to visit a factory where energy weapons were made.

But seeing that Schmidt didn't care about the Super Soldier Serum, he knew he couldn't have it.

So Linn pretended to think, and then said: "Then please allow me to join the super soldier's scientific research team."

"I met a very powerful and physically strong man in the United States. Smith died at the hands of the hypocritical American imperialists."

Schmidt's face darkened after hearing Linn's words. He didn't expect that Erskine would leave such a problem.

"No problem, just go to Zola's place first, right?"

"It's the leader, long live Hydra."

After Linn left, Schmidt's expression gradually returned to normal.

He didn't see anything unusual from Linn, but he heard bad news about a super soldier created by Erskine.

Then he flipped through the report that Lin En handed in.

Infinite strength, unlimited energy, running speed as fast as a car, and very strong chest and gluteal muscles?

Fortunately, Dr. Erskine, who created the super soldier, is dead, and the only super serum has reached his team.

I am also studying the transformation of soldiers with lower needs. Placing mechanical arms on soldiers will not only allow disabled soldiers to go into battle, but also save resources for manufacturing super soldiers.

Linn did not choose to use other gods.

He was not sure whether Schmidt, who was also a beneficiary of the super soldier serum like Steve, could resist other gods, so he did not use it in order not to be exposed.

After arriving under Dr. Zola's staff, Linn suddenly felt dizzy because of the astronomical formula.

Even if he tried to write it down, there would be no results, because the serum produced according to the 1:1 formula is useless in space.

As long as you don't have the super soldier serum manufacturing technology displayed on your body, you won't be able to create the serum no matter what.

These are the rules of space.

So his purpose here is not to learn how to make super soldier serum, but to use super serum.

The manpower and material resources consumed in making Steve were huge, and even turned him from a skinny boy into a muscular fitness expert. The energy consumed and transformed can be imagined.

Lin En did not have such material resources on his own, so he had to use Hydra.

In fact, Lin En wanted to go to the super weapon research and development team at first, which was about the development of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and guided the creation of energy weapons.

Bombs more terrifying than the atomic bomb are currently being developed.

It is the scientific research project that Red Skull attaches most importance to.

However, Linn changed his mind after the Red Skull didn't value the Super Soldier Serum at all.

The main mission has been completed and he can leave at any time.

But he still wanted to see the space gem, but it seemed that the protection measures in space were very strict and would not allow him to get the space gem so easily, so he settled for the next best thing and entered the super soldier project first.

This project is also in charge of Dr. Zola. Through this relationship, we may be able to get a glimpse of the Rubik's Cube.

Lin En is very good at heart-to-heart conversations. As soon as others see Lin En's clear and innocent eyes, they will give a thumbs up and praise Lin En as a good person.

He is definitely a warm-hearted and ethical Hydra warrior.

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