Zhang Fang did not rush to answer Qiao Feng's question, but stretched out slowly and looked out the window on the side. He happened to see two children surrounding a candy seller's stall. , their father, with a helpless and doting expression, took out a few copper coins from his arms to pay the bill.

Seeing this scene full of human touch, Zhang Fang couldn't help but curl up a smile, then turned around, looked at Qiao Feng again and asked: "Does Master Qiao think that the heroes gathered in Juxian Manor today are all rushing? Did he come with you?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not!" Zhang Fang corrected him with great seriousness: "Among the heroes, at least 70% came to this Heroes Conference because of Doctor Xue's face. To them, you are a Han It doesn’t matter whether they are Khitans or good or bad, but they can get to know Divine Doctor Xue at this conference and have the opportunity to make friends with him, which is very important to them..."

Zhang Fang briefly stated the interests of most participants in the Heroes Conference, and then added: "These people really don't want to fight you, all they need is an excuse. And the fire I set just happened to give It’s an excuse for them, but it’s much safer to participate in firefighting than to fight against a top expert like you.”

After a slight pause, he added: "Anyway, the matter of putting out the fire is equally fair and just, and no one can say afterwards that it was wrong for them to help put out the fire."

After hearing Zhang Fang's reasonable analysis, Qiao Feng finally believed that his motive for setting the fire was completely out of goodwill. Thinking back to the misunderstanding and ridicule I had made towards him before, I felt even more guilty.

[Qiao Feng's favorability for you is turned on, and the current favorability is 20 points (a casual acquaintance). 】

Hearing the system prompt of increased favorability, Zhang Fang smiled slightly, and then continued to talk to himself: "In addition to these 70%, there are 20% of heroes who come here for fame. In their opinion, Shaolin Xuan Two eminent monks, Nan and Xuanji, participated in this hero conference, and they also came to participate. Rounding it all off, they have almost the same status in the world as Shaolin Xuannan and Xuanji."

"Of course they won't miss this kind of show-off, and they will even fight you to the death, as long as the chance of winning is high enough. But..."

At this point, Zhang Fang raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Most of the seven people who were there before ran to put out the fire. The chance of winning has suddenly become slimmer. Naturally, they don't want to die in your hands, so they can only go with them to put out the fire."

"These two types of people have all gone to put out the fire. Nine out of ten of the heroes have been eliminated. The remaining ten percent have no chance of winning against you, and they can only choose to die down."

Having said this, Zhang Fang's eyes fell calmly on Qiao Feng: "With your character, Master Qiao, even if you are eager to save people, you can't take advantage of them."

"In this way, although my fire cannot resolve this war, it can at least postpone it for a day and a half. With this buffer, it means there is a chance to solve the problem."

He spread his hands and said, "This is all my motivation for setting fire."

Zhang Fang's attitude was extremely sincere and his analysis was so thorough that Qiao Feng couldn't help but look at him with admiration. But there was still one thing he didn't understand, so he asked, "I remember I haven't met you before, but you seem to know me very well."


Zhang Fang knew that another foreshadowing he had laid before had finally come into play. So he cast his gaze to the sky outside the window, seeming to be caught up in some kind of memory: "There is an old man who mentioned you to me more than once, saying that you are not only extremely talented in martial arts, but also chivalrous and extremely capable, which is rare in the martial arts for a century. A pillar of talent at first sight.”

Hearing this, Qiao Feng immediately realized something and asked nervously: "Your Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon was also taught by that old man, right?"

Zhang Fang's expression became stern, and he immediately looked away and said: "That old man thought I was too stupid. He practiced one palm technique for half a month and still couldn't get started, so he didn't allow me to mention him to others, let alone reveal that he had ever Tell me about my martial arts."

"Master Qiao has a broad mind, and you don't want to force me to be a villain who doesn't keep his word, right?"

Zhang Fang kept secret about the old man he was talking about, but Qiao Feng already had a guess in his mind.

I would like to ask who in the world not only understands the "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", but also knows Qiao Feng so deeply?

Except for his mentor, Wang Jiantong, the former leader of the Beggar Clan, he didn’t even think about anyone else!

Qiao Feng had already figured out the reason why Wang Jiantong taught you the "You Tanzhi" palm technique.

It must be because of Qiao Feng's life experience. Although Wang Jiantong thinks highly of him, he is always worried about him. So when I went out one time, I met this thoughtful "You Tanzhi". After some contact, I became more and more fond of him, so I decided to pass on him "The Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" as Qiao Feng's substitute. existence to prevent the Beggar Gang from ending its inheritance after an accident occurs.

It's a pity that "You Tanzhi" has all passed the test in terms of character, thinking, ability, etc., but his martial arts talent is something that no one dares to praise.

Therefore, after Wang Jiantong only taught him one palm technique, he gave up his original idea. Not only did he not teach him any more palm techniques, he was also not allowed to disclose the matter to others.

In this way, with Qiao Feng's own brainstorming, Zhang Fang not only saved the trouble of explaining the origin of the palm technique, but also deepened the relationship between them.

If it were a narrow-minded person, he might be dissatisfied and disgusted with Zhang Fang, a person who might replace him.

But Qiao Feng won't!

After he figured out Zhang Fang's other identity, the look he looked at him became a little more cordial than before.

It turns out that this young man is actually my long-lost junior brother!

[Qiao Feng's favorability towards you has increased, and the current favorability is 30 points (a gentleman's friendship). 】

After Zhang Fang's words, Qiao Feng's favorability towards him went from minus 10 points at the beginning to plus 30 points. Feeling intrigued, she even dragged him to the first floor of the inn, ordered wine and meat, and started chatting with him.

During this period, Zhang Fang needed to think about ways to resolve the conflict and refused to drink with him. Qiao Feng didn't mind, so he drank by himself and continued to chat with Zhang Fang, who was a teetotaler.

Zhang Fang also took this opportunity to continue talking. With his understanding of the original plot and Qiao Feng's character, every seemingly casual sentence could scratch the opponent's itch. After a while, the other party's favorability level was raised to 40 points. However, these 40 points of favorability seemed to be the limit that the mouth escape effect could reach. No matter how hard Zhang Fang tried, he could not increase this number again.

Although this situation is somewhat unexpected, it is also reasonable. Just like in reality, a person will like someone because they have a good chat with them, but it is extremely difficult to make others express their feelings to you by talking nonsense.

Seeing that his favorability has been maxed out by himself, Zhang Fang doesn't worry about the gain or loss of this favorability. Instead, he decisively changed the subject and took the initiative to ask about the details of the Beggar Clan meeting in the Apricot Grove, as well as Qiao Feng's movements after the Apricot Grove.

With 40 points of favorability as a basis, Qiao Feng, who was in high spirits, answered all questions. He recounted all his experiences from the Xingzilin Conference to the time when he came to Juxian Village for medical treatment. Among them, only the part related to A'Zhu entering Shaolin in disguise has been hidden, and the rest of the content is explained in great detail.

In general, Qiao Feng's experience is almost identical to that described in the original work, and there are no obvious changes like those in Juxian Village.

After Zhang Fang listened to Qiao Feng's story, he frowned in thought without saying a word. The index finger of his right hand resting on the table was tapping the table rhythmically, but it was a completely meaningless subconscious behavior.

Seeing Zhang Fang like this, Qiao Feng, who had just taken a sip of wine, couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Looking at Brother You's appearance, could you be thinking of something?"

As his favorability continued to rise, Qiao Feng became more and more comfortable with calling him "Brother You".

"There's a problem! And it's a big problem!" Zhang Fang finally stopped tapping on the left side, met Qiao Feng's eyes and said: "According to what Qiao Daxia said, at the Xingzilin Conference, you can't be blamed for killing Deputy Gang Leader Ma. It has been completely cleared, but at least it cannot be confirmed.”

"But among those who came to Juxian Village to attend the Heroes Conference, your killing of Deputy Gang Leader Ma has become an established fact, and no one has ever raised any doubts about it."

Qiao Feng's face darkened when he heard this: "Brother You thinks I'm lying."

"I feel like someone is causing trouble behind this!" Zhang Fang calmly brought the Holy Qi of Immortality to his eyes, and his eyes suddenly flashed with light, as if full of wisdom: "I feel like here Behind this incident, there seems to be an invisible big hand pushing the holding of this Heroes Conference in Juxian Village."

"This is definitely a conspiracy, a conspiracy against you!"

Qiao Feng was shocked: "Brother You, in your opinion, is it possible that the mastermind behind this incident is the same person as the murderer who killed my adoptive parents and my mentor, Master Xuanku?"

This problem is a bit big, and it also involves a powerful enemy that he absolutely cannot deal with at the moment.

How dare Zhang Fang dare to take advantage of this issue?

So he quickly shook his head and said: "It's still too early to connect the two. However, I believe that as long as the mastermind behind the promotion of the Heroes Conference can be uncovered, tomorrow's martial arts mess will be eliminated! "

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