The Murong sisters were already waiting.

Seeing Chen Ye come in, the two immediately stood up.

"Asura, congratulations!" Murong Chuixue congratulated again.

Murong Yuling didn't speak, and looked at Chen Ye with a steady gaze with deep meaning.

Chen Ye smiled and said, "Murong, they are all old friends, so I don't need this set. If you really want to congratulate me, then I have to say congratulations to Yuling too!"

"Shura, thank you!"

Murong Yuling finally spoke.

She first thanked her earnestly, and then said: "According to the agreement, this time my dungeon evaluation reward, except for the points, the rest of the income belongs to you. I got a total of four kinds of rewards, points, attribute points, special items, The golden treasure chest, the attribute point is 30 physique, it has been added directly to me... Would you like to sell me a low-value special item that you don't want at a high price?"

Chen Ye understood what Murong Yuling meant, and wanted to make up for Chen Ye with points.

Chen Ye smiled and shook his head: "No, thanks to your care during this time, don't worry about it so much!"

"Take care?" Murong Chuixue suddenly interrupted: "Asura, can you tell me how Yuling takes care of you?"

"She cooks every day!" Chen Ye said truthfully.

Murong Chuixue immediately grabbed Murong Yuling's ear: "Wow! You stinky girl, I'm usually hungry, but I refuse to ask you to cook, and say you don't know how to cook? It turned out to be a lie to me. ?"

Murong Yuling glanced at Chen Ye angrily, and then pleaded, "Sister, I was wrong, I'll cook for you when I go back!"

"It's almost there!"

Watching the pair of sisters fight each other, Chen Ye couldn't help laughing and crying.

Murong Yuling said again: "In addition to points and attribute points, there is also a special item and a golden treasure chest, Shura, let's go to the trading center and give you the things first!"

"Don't be so anxious..." Chen Ye suddenly asked, "What time is it now?"

Murong Yuling was stunned for a moment. She had just come out, so she didn't know the time.

"Three ten." Murong Chuixue replied.

"How about three o'clock? Then you can still brush the dungeon again..." Chen Ye said slowly.

The two sisters were shocked when they heard the words.

Murong Chuixue was even more surprised: "Asura, you don't need to fight like this, right? You just came out of the dungeon world!"

"This time the dungeon world has been very boring. I stay in the same place every day, and my whole body is almost rusted..."

Chen Ye shrugged, and then said: "Also, isn't September the super-large copy of "PUBG Mobile"? It's only two months away, I want to work hard to improve my strength and give those who want to target me. Man, a 'surprise'!"

Murong Chuixue looked at Chen Ye speechlessly, and smiled bitterly: "Asura, at your speed, Adam will be trampled under your feet in two months!"

"Isn't that just right?" Chen Ye also laughed.

"Okay okay, since you have your own plans, I won't advise you."

"Murong, I don't have the dungeon cooldown refresh card. I need your help..."

Chen Ye said very rudely, but Murong Chuixue was not angry at all, but rather happy.

Because Chen Ye behaved like this, treating her as a friend.

"Sura, you're right. I just wanted to tell you that there is a friend who has three dungeon cooldown refresh cards. I'll let him send them later."

Chen Ye nodded and said happily, "Murong, please!"

"Asura, don't tell me this, you are too kind to Yuling, I'm not so busy at all."

"Yes!" Murong Yuling also said: "Asura, if it is useful to me, just speak up."

"Okay okay, don't talk about this!" Chen Ye changed the subject: "Murong, I still don't know a bit about the sixth floor copy, can you tell me?"

Murong Chuixue was speechless again: "Asura, you don't understand, how dare you rush to brush it?"

"So I'm asking you now!" Chen Ye said with a smile...  

"Shura, I'm really convinced of you... I'll tell you about my experience!"

Murong Chuixue said as he recalled, "The Avengers is a big dungeon world, just like "One Piece", after entering the dungeon, you can choose your own identity, and you will still use you in the second stage of "The Avengers". The identity chosen now."

"The background of the dungeon world is a modern society with advanced technology. The mission of the reincarnators is to kill an alien race called the 'Chitarians', and at least 20 of them must be killed, and the mission time is ten. hours, with five hours of prep time…”

"The more you kill, the higher the score!"

"Sura, after entering the dungeon, there is an organization of S.H.I.E.L.D., you have to be careful about them, although most of the organization is ordinary people, but a few guys are very powerful, such as Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, etc. , especially the big Hulk, he is so powerful, and when he is angry, he is a little bit indistinguishable from me, you must be careful..."

"Shura, to be honest, I still recommend that you go back and have a good rest, and then check the information on the Internet tomorrow, and then brush this 5.0 copy."

"I know." Chen Ye waved his hand.

This is not Chen Ye's arrogance.

He knows the plot, and in terms of his familiarity with "The Avengers", who in this world can compare to him?

Later, Chen Yehu

Ran asked curiously, "Murong, with your current strength, can you take care of that Hulk?"

"Of course I'm fine now!"

Murong Chuixue smiled confidently: "That big guy is only capable of surpassing me, nothing else!"

Chen Ye nodded slightly, knowing in his heart that he was still a long way from being a Grade A reincarnator.


(The fifth update, I'm not in a good state today, and I write very slowly... I beg for the monthly pass, please vote for the book after 12 o'clock, as long as the monthly pass is the first tomorrow, I will try my best to update it!!).

=== Chapter 164 What about the nuclear bomb? (1/8) ===

"Murong, you go on talking, it's better to tell everything about it!"

"it is good!"

Murong Chuixue said: "Enter the copy, edit your identity first, after confirming, the system will randomly place you somewhere in New York City, you have five hours to prepare, after five hours, the Qitarians will Invasion..."

"...Then, you have ten hours of performance time. During these ten hours, the more Chitarians you kill, the higher your evaluation will be when the mission is over!"

"However, there is one thing to pay attention to. When killing the Qitarui people, try not to be too high-profile, otherwise you will be targeted by the Qitarui army, which will be very troublesome!"

"Six hours later, there will be a plot character called 'Black Widow' who will close the space-time channel. At this time, you can stop hiding yourself and try to kill as many Chitarians who stay in New York!"

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