Chen Yu carried the little dragon girl on his back and walked all the way.

The long sword waved, and the Mongol soldiers intercepted along the way were all killed.


The bugle blew up, and hundreds of Mongol soldiers formed an army formation and blocked in front of Chen Yu.

“There are too many people, you let me down.” I’ll go back to the cave and wait for you first, they won’t necessarily be able to catch up with me. ”

Xiaolongnu gritted her teeth and whispered in Chen Yu’s ear.

Xiaolongnu has always had clear grievances.

If others save their own lives, they cannot drag others down in any way.

“Your current situation is not necessarily rushing out. This group of tartars can’t hurt me either. ”

Chen Yu thought about it and shook his head.

On the side are Mongol soldiers, extremely brutal.

With the peerless appearance of the little dragon girl.

If you leave her here, I always feel that the end will not be good.

Chen Yu casually made up the plot in his brain, and felt that it was still forgotten.

Anyway, this girl is not heavy, so it will not affect him to cut people.


“They are crowded. But a large number of people is not necessarily useful. ”

Chen Yu smiled and opened the aura of the “Sixth Heavenly Demon King”.

A wisp of black qi emanated from him, as if it came from the occult.

Dozens of Mongol soldiers surrounded suddenly froze.

Then, the whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

The long knife in his hand could not hold it, and it involuntarily fell to the ground.

Even if they didn’t even look at each other.

Just seeing the presence of that person made them feel as if they had been cut by a thousand cuts.

This is also easy to understand.

At the time of the battle of Honnoji Temple, Chen Yu’s spirit was only 50 points, which could be called a magic white.

But now, the spirit has broken through 200.

In the Spirit Law System, it also belongs to the fourth-order reincarnation who has completed the foundation building period.

Although the aura of the “Sixth Heavenly Demon King” was still ineffective against first-order martial artists.

However, for the crushing of ordinary people, it has a qualitative improvement.

When it came to the fifth-order virtual pill and the sixth-order golden pill, Chen Yu suspected that after he opened the aura, he could directly scare these ordinary soldiers to death.

Cultivation and martial arts may have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But when it comes to large-scale AOE for ordinary people, the practice is fancy and the effect is much better.

A moment later, Chen Yu found the head of a thousand households sitting in the Chinese army.

With a sword, he split the shivering head of a thousand households in half.

As a result, the Mongol army was completely chaotic.

“Wow! Run! ”

“That man is the devil!”

“He must have been sent by Immortal Heaven to punish us.”


More than a thousand Mongol soldiers were like headless flies, scurrying around.

Chen Yu let out a long roar, and those who blocked all the way were invincible, and the general was cut through.

From time to time, with a wave of the long sword, he also stabbed to death several lucky soldiers who stood in his way.

All the way forward, it didn’t affect the speed in the slightest.


Xiaolongnu looked at this kind of picture, and her originally cold mood was also a little agitated.

The military prestige is like a tide, I go against the current, and a thousand armies are easy to destroy!

When she was a child, Grandma Sun told her some stories of the ancients.

For example, Zhao Zilong entered and exited seven times on the slope of Changsaka, such as Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, took the first rank of general among the ten thousand armies.

Originally, she just thought it was a rendition and a legend.

But in Chen Yu, he actually found a trace of overlap.

“Is this the courage of all people?”

“The legendary peerless warrior is nothing more than that, right?”

Xiaolongnu thought timidly.

“Huh? Wail! ”

It seemed to hear Chen Yu’s whistling, and on the top of the mountain, the Condor poked his head out from a distance.

Then, it should have seen Chen Yu, and the Condor became happy.

Jumped in place and swept down.

Like a giant bowling ball.

The Mongol soldiers who were blocking all the way in front flew around.

“What is it?”

Xiaolongnu seemed a little scared when she saw the mighty appearance of the Condor and was a little scared.

Subconsciously hugged Chen Yu’s neck tightly.

“It’s okay, this is Brother Eagle, you sit on its back first, go to my yard to take shelter.”

“By the way, help me gather the same door, and I will go to the main hall to kill people first.”

“This bird…”

“Don’t bite, brother eagle, huh?”


“Look, it says that too.”


Chongyang Palace was in front of him, and Chen Yu put the little dragon girl behind the Condor of God.

The Condor seemed to be a little excited, and bounced a few times.

It wasn’t until Chen Yu patted it heavily on the head that he became honest.

Stepping away from his long legs, he took the little dragon girl and rushed to Chen Yu’s unique courtyard very quickly.

On the way, once he encountered the Quanzhen Taoists who were besieged by the Mongol soldiers, they would peck the Mongols to death in the mouth.

The strength of the Condor is still quite powerful.

Even a master at the level of Li Mochou may not have beaten it.

Just protecting the little dragon girl who has not healed from her injuries is not difficult.

Chen Yu still pays attention to his own wind evaluation.

But the Quanzhen sect is very particular about rules and precepts, and even a wife cannot be married.

Xiaolongnu is also a beautiful girl, not an old woman.

If you carry her directly in front of a group of single dogs, it is not a good thing to be too intimate.

Of course, the sect will not necessarily punish him, but the head of the sect who is about to reach it is estimated to be gone.

The resentment of single dogs is still very strong.


Outside the Chongyang Palace of the Quanzhen Sect, it was killing in the dark.

There are corpses everywhere.

There are Quanzhen factions, and there are Mongolian soldiers.

Inside Chongyang Palace, Ma Yu sprayed blood from his mouth and sat on the ground.

Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, and Liu Chuxuan were holding long swords, trembling slightly.

Behind them, there were hundreds of Quanzhen Taoists, all wounded.

Standing across from them were dozens of tantric monks.

Everyone’s eyes are shining, their temples are high and bulging, and they are obviously extraordinary.

This is the first Vajra Sect of tantric martial arts.

Many monks surrounded a big monk in a yellow robe, extremely tall and thin, and his body was like a bamboo pole.

Like the stars holding the moon.

This is the Mongol national master, the sect master of the Vajra Sect, and the King of the Golden Wheel, known as the first grandmaster outside the Saiwai.

When the King of the Golden Wheel stood with his hands in his hands, he had the tendency of facing the abyss, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

In fact, from beginning to end, no one could take his hand.

Even the Tiangang Beidou Formation was easily broken through by him.

He also injured Ma Yu, who was in charge of the sword formation, with a palm.

“Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, Lao Gu asked you one last time.”

“Where did the one named Zhao Zhijing go?”

King Jinlun swept his gaze towards Qiu Chuji and the others, revealing a trace of disdain.

Such strength still dares to claim to be the first sect in the Central Plains?

It’s just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

“King Jinlun Dharma, Mo said that my nephew Zhao is not there. Even if he is here, I will not give him to you later. ”

“Under my Chongyang Sect, am I greedy for life and afraid of death?”

Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi rebuked angrily.

“Today is the day when your whole true religion will be destroyed, and it is the same whether you hand it over or not.”

The King of the Golden Wheel stretched out his hand and took out a huge golden wheel, and when it turned, it was awe-inspiring.


Qiu Chuji and Wang Chu combined a pair of swords and attacked the King of the Golden Wheel.

“Don’t measure yourself.”

The King of the Golden Wheel sneered, waved the Golden Wheel in his hand, and smashed the long swords of the two.

The long sword broke inch by inch and fell to the ground.

Qiu Wang and the two turned white at the same time, and they retreated several meters, as if their blood was churning.

“Kill them all!”

King Jinlun waved his hand.


A group of monks either holding a ring knife, or holding a vajra pestle, or holding a Zen staff, all with a murderous aura.

“Golden wheel old bald donkey, and slow.”

“I killed you in vain.” You came here to find trouble with my fellow doormen, it doesn’t seem to be very good, right? ”

Screams rang out, and several Mongolian warriors guarding the gate fell into the gate.

Before he landed, he was killed.

A Taoist stepped on their corpses and slowly walked into the main hall.

Holding a dark black heavy sword, it faintly revealed a bloody light.

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