Next to a stone cave in the back mountains of Shaolin

Several monks of the Dharma Hall were gathered together, their expressions solemn.

“Today’s movement is quite large, it is estimated that it is not simple.”

The leader was a rugged-looking middle-aged monk.

He is the first master of Shaolin Dharma Hall, and his martial arts are also extremely profound, second only to the three monks of Shaolin.

Even slightly better than Asura, Jinnara and others.

In this way, Shaolin in this plane can indeed be regarded as a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and a master like a cloud.

Second only to the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

Of course, the Heavenly Dragon Sect is not a traditional sect.

Just like Xuanzhizi and others, they are all well-known masters in the rivers and lakes, and they have come to mix with glory and wealth.

In terms of the accumulation of masters, it has a natural advantage over these martial arts sects.

“First of all, why do we have to protect this old man every time there is an invasion of foreign enemies?”

“Yes, you junior brothers descend demons in the mountains, but we are lazy here, and some can’t talk about it.”

“What kind of big man is this person?”

Although there was a lot of movement under the mountain, in fact, the monks were also a little disapproving in their hearts.

After all, the Shaolin Temple is a thousand-year-old temple.

The vicissitudes of the sea are still standing.

There are many masters, and the strong are like clouds, just like legends.

Shaolin has a fierce martial style, and there is really an invasion of foreign enemies, which is also a good opportunity to test their martial arts in their hearts.

Now stuffed in the back mountain, in fact, these monks are more or less dissatisfied in their hearts.

“That man, really a big man, you ask so much, beware… Well? ”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Not far from the monks, a young man in a green shirt was standing silently on the side, seemingly listening vigorously.

Everyone was deaf and clear, but none of them noticed the arrival of this young man.

“Who are you?”

Wuxi asked.

“I’m passing by, borrowed, let it be.”

Chen Yu didn’t think much of it when he saw Wuxi seeing himself.

He didn’t intend to hide at all.

After casually turning around the back mountain a few times, I sensed that there were many people here, so I came over.

After listening to a few words they talked about casually, it was basically certain that the Heavenly King was in the cave.

Speaking of which, if there is no one to defend here, Chen Yu really may not be able to find it.

After all, the scenes in the game are too simple.

The huge mountain behind the Shaolin Temple, if you find this small cave, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

“Borrowed? What have you borrowed? ”

Wu was stunned and asked.

“I want to go to see Li Cangtian, you can just let it go.”

“Swing the Shaolin stick array, take it!”

Wu was furious and roared.

Li Cangtian’s imprisonment and this is the biggest secret of Shaolin and even the entire Righteous Path Alliance.

Even if there are monks here, only he, the first seat, knows the secrets.

Now he was actually casually said by a teenager.

Let his mentality collapse directly.


Hear the command of no anger.

The remaining five monks raised their eyebrow sticks at the same time and smashed them down.

“Thank you for showing me the way today, I won’t kill you, so let’s do it myself.”

Chen Yu waved his hand and randomly snatched an eyebrow stick.

Swipe gently.

Several Shaolin monks broke their calf bones, let out screams, and rolled on the ground.

“Bold demon! Vajra also has angry eyes, Buddha will also descend demons, Dharma to all sentient beings, come to you today! ”

Wuxi’s face changed slightly, his figure flashed, and he came to Chen Yu and slapped out a palm.

The palm style is simple and thick, and it is obvious that it has decades of cultivation.

It is one of the Shaolin housekeepers.

“Don’t you have any qi?”

“So who can you cross?”

Chen Yu shook his head, smoothly formed a lotus fist mark in the fire, and blasted out with a punch.

The sound of bones shattering sounded…

Half a minute later, Chen Yu broke the hands and feet of these monks. Clapped his hands, didn’t bother to care about the screams outside, and walked straight into the cave.

One thing to say, he really didn’t kill him.

These Shaolin monks are all extraordinary.

Even if your hands and feet are broken, you can roll back to the mountain gate.

Unless you are too unlucky and are bitten to death by a passing viper.

Then Chen Yu can’t take care of it.

The tempers of this group of monks were smelly and hard.

Even if he is a martial arts alliance master, eighty percent have to grind for half a day.

It is also likely that it will not be released.

At this time, it reflects the advantage of being a villain.

If the other party is not convinced, he will be convinced.

Simple and brutal, no ink.

Inside the cave, an old man with eyebrows as white as snow was immobilized by chains, sitting cross-kneeled in place, closing his eyes and recuperating.

It seemed that he felt Chen Yu come in, and the old man slowly opened his eyes.

In the eyes, the essence is radiant.

“Are you Li Cangtian?”

Chen Yu asked.

“It’s the old man, who are you?”

The old man was slightly startled and asked.

“I am also from the Tianlong Sect, we are a family, specially here to rescue you out.”

“You are from the Heavenly Dragon Sect? So what should you call an old man? ”

“Oh my God.”

“Call the old man by name, it seems that you are my brother’s person? Then why did you save the old man? ”

Li Cangtian snorted coldly.

He used to have a respected status, and in addition to the leader of the Heavenly Dragon Sect, he was also an imperial master, and he was also the number one master in the world.

Because he was framed by the Dragon King, he was alone and besieged by the various major factions of the decent martial arts.

Although he was captured with exhaustion, he also hit the earth shockingly.

Now Li Cangtian is slightly angry, and the aura of the world in the past faintly appears between his eyebrows.

Ordinary people can’t help but be daunted.

“Li Canglong? He doesn’t deserve it yet. ”

“I came to save you only because I also want the sect leader of the Heavenly Dragon Sect.”

“Anyway, whoever takes the throne will have your brother die.” Therefore, everyone seeks common ground while reserving differences, and it is still possible to cooperate. ”

Chen Yu said lightly.

The other party is also the founder of the Heavenly Dragon Sect, and at another age, he should still be able to communicate.

As for the other party’s little mental coercion, he still did not put it in his eyes.

“You want to kill Li Canglong? Hahaha, interesting and interesting! ”

Li Cangtian was startled and laughed, as if he had seen something funny.

But there was not much anger between the eyebrows.

He was trapped here for more than ten years, and he hated Li Canglong the most, followed by the experts of various sects participating in the siege.

Although Chen Yu does not respect him as the sect leader now, he is not a person of Li Canglong.

According to his age, the events of that year must have nothing to do with him.

Although listening to the other party is a little whimsical, at least he is not his own enemy.

“It’s pretty strong.”

Chen Yu swung the gentleman’s sword and slashed it on the chain.

Mars overflowed, and the chains swayed, but they were not damaged at all.

“This is deep sea cold iron, although your sword is good, it is useless. Even ordinary divine weapons can’t be cut off. ”

Li Cangtian glanced at it, slightly disappointed.

“Then change it?”

Chen Yu took out the Xuan Tie Epee Sword, poured in internal force, and suddenly cut it down.

The chains snapped!

The heavy sword has no edge, no great skill, no indestructibility!

Originally, in the game, the giant que epee was found and cut off.

But the setting of the Xuan Tie Sword is similar to the Giant Que Sword, and Chen Yu tried it and found that it was also possible.

If it really can’t be done, give it a sword qi, and it should be broken.

“…… Where did you get this sword? ”

Li Cangtian was stunned and quickly asked.

“I can do some tricks, and I can change some knives and swords at will, it’s still very simple.”

Chen Yu said perfunctorily.

“It’s not a simple question…”

“Forget it, this chain, hey…”

Li Cangtian was silent, still not entangled in this question.

He moved his body and bones, wrapped the broken iron chain around his arm, and his mood was a little complicated.

It was as if the arms were extended for half a meter.

The cold iron chain is extremely strong, and it has actually become a good weapon.

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