“Juniors have some skills. Even your master may not be able to stand so firmly in front of this seat. ”

Li Canglong narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of surprise.

Regardless of the other party’s cultivation, this determination can also rank in the top five in the world.

It was beyond his expectation.

“Is it good to stand steady?”

“…… In this life, I will only preach with force, and those who oppose my path will kill without mercy! ”

Li Canglong’s face stiffened slightly, and he stood with his hands in his hands, looking dashing.

After all, he is also the leader of the Heavenly Dragon Sect, and he needs to maintain his demeanor.

“It’s a pity that you are not Pangu.”


“If you don’t make a move, I’ll make a move.” I don’t have much ability all day, so I know how to pretend to go, isn’t it annoying? ”

Chen Yu frowned.

“Find death!”

Li Canglong’s face darkened, and he subconsciously threw out a punch.

In mid-air, a black dragon shadow soared out, surging with monstrous fist power.

Overlord rampage!

According to the game, the strength is usually proportional to the animation effect.

In terms of picture effects alone, the Dragon King is indeed much stronger than the Heavenly King, Flawless and others.

“Sure enough, the character of the game villain is still thinner.”

“If it were Pang Pinshi Xuan, it is estimated that he would not care about this kind of provocation.”

Chen Yu smiled and greeted him with a punch.

The legend of the martial arts group, to be honest, is quite simple and simple.

Good guys and bad guys are almost written on their faces, and the masters are quite martial arts, and they don’t like sneak attacks much.

Let Chen Yu live very easily for a while.

In the void, the fire lotus bloomed in front of the black dragon, and the two collided together and annihilated at the same time.

The violent qi scattered and swirled, and several experts of the Heavenly Dragon Sect vomited blood and fell to the ground when they were touched by the qi.

“Huh? What the hell are you…”

“Come again!”

Chen Yu’s blood qi erupted, and the air flowed around, condensing another fire lotus.

“Good! Interesting! ”

Li Canglong laughed loudly, urged the tyrant Qin Shengong, and punched out.

The void shook, and the stone tiles in front of the two shattered silently.

The two of them were excited, and they did not spare a hand.

Under the strong wind, the surroundings of the two were suddenly empty.

The originally densely packed front square, only these two people were suddenly left in the center.

Even if there is a dead soldier of the Dragon King, it is impossible to get close to Chen Yu at this time.

Going in is also broken and meaningless.

At most, the family members get a little pension…

If the Dragon King loses, the pension is gone…

“Ren Tianxiang, we will not die.”

Shi Wuyi was stunned to see it, and almost forgot to get down to business.

Finally, the power of hatred made her come to her senses.

Sneering, she cast the Asura Phoenix Skill and came to Ren Tianxiang and grabbed it out with one claw.

“Just stop when you die?”

“Of course not.”

“That’s so much nonsense.”

“Get out!”

Ren Tianxiang’s Golden Wing Divine Skill is naturally not inferior to the Bafeng Gong.

The two people fought fast, and they had already dismantled more than ten hands in an instant.


“What do you say?”

Luo Snake-Jun asked in a low voice.

“The sect master’s martial arts are invincible in the world, just wait and see.”

Ye Liuyun frowned, feeling that something seemed wrong.

The boy on the opposite side was really too fierce.

Even if it was her, in the face of the Dragon King’s coercion, she might not be able to resist.

At least it is also to operate the Ice and Fire Xuan Gong and protect the body.

Of course, if the Dragon King really wanted to make a move against her, his Ice and Fire Xuan Gong would be meaningless.

At most, she can only die with dignity …

And the other party not only ignores the coercion of the Dragon King.

Even, he condensed his fist intent and had a relationship with the Dragon King.

It was something she hadn’t thought about before.

In this world, can anyone really win the Dragon King?

Ye Liuyun couldn’t believe it.

However, what if the Dragon King really loses…

Isn’t that a little embarrassing about your own position?

If you win, it’s not right…

Ye Liuyun’s mind moved, stepped out, passed through the crowd, and appeared in front of Jiang Tianxiong.

“Jiang Tianxiong, let’s have a few hands with the concubine.”

“Please also ask the Yasha girl to give advice.”

Jiang Tianxiong was full of smiles, and Yitiangang punched towards Yasha.

The fists are mighty, but the blows are extremely gentle, and there is obviously some restraint.

Ye Liuyun comprehended in his heart, and the ribbon fluttered, and he fought with Jiang Tianxiong.

The silver hook and the blood toad also rushed out and fought with Ling Xiang’er and Luo Na.

“What? Are these people so positive? ”

Luo Snakejun’s eyes swept and found that beside Li Cangtian, only Xuanxizi was left.


Luo Snake Jun suddenly realized, his body shook, and he came to Xuanzi.

Both of them are old coins, and they understand it and act out in an instant.

In passing, the technique of using poison was communicated.


Ouyang Xiao took a step slower, and when his body moved, he found that only Li Cangtian was left in front of him.

He was startled and secretly took two steps back.

Ouyang Xiao is not a weak person, he is nicknamed the cold-toothed bat, relying on human blood to cultivate his martial arts.

The body contains cold internal force, whether it is scratched by its claws or bitten by its teeth, it will be cold into the body.

It is probably the character of Wei Yixiao, the standard blue-winged bat king.

But Biwei smiled longer, after all, he would not freeze himself while fighting.

On the rivers and lakes, there are also more than twenty in line, which belongs to the first-class masters.

But for Li Cangtian, it is not enough to see at all.

“Okay, you can fight if you want, if you don’t want to fight, watch the excitement with the old man.”

Li Cangtian glared at Ouyang Xiao, a little disdainful.

“…… What the Heavenly King senior said was. ”

Ouyang laughed awkwardly and stood far away.

The Heavenly Dragon Sect members present randomly formed a circle in front of Li Cangtian, and none of them made a move.

The situation is not quite right, and no one intends to take the lead.

Besides, if you make a move with Li Cangtian, it doesn’t seem to be desperate.

It can only be counted as giving away heads.


“Good martial arts!”

After more than ten moves, Li Canglong took a deep breath and his face became extremely pale.

The qi is released externally, condensing the fist intent, and extremely consumes internal strength.

Although his internal strength is extremely deep, it has also consumed seven or eight out of ten.

This is something that has never happened before.

Of course, Li Canglong is proud.

Regardless, he made it to the end.

The internal force of the other party has obviously dried up.

“It seems that your internal strength is deeper.”

Chen Yu smiled.

His internal strength is only in the middle of the uncle.

Although there is a blood qi burst to help, it is actually weaker than Li Canglong.

Although Li Canglong was consumed into an empty shell, his internal strength was almost exhausted.

Being able to fight with Li Canglong to this state, Chen Yu is still somewhat satisfied with himself.

“Hahaha, if you practice for a few more years, this seat may not be your opponent.”

“But alas, you are too conceited, just like Honza.”

Li Canglong laughed: “In the next life, don’t be so self-sufficient!” ”

“Thanks for the reminder, but it was you who died today.”

Chen Yu’s blood qi broke out again, and his body shook, and he had already appeared in front of Li Canglong.

Both hands formed a lotus fist mark in the fire, and a punch slammed in.


Li Canglong’s eyelids jumped, and a palm followed and slapped out, facing Chen Yu’s fist mark.

The energy surged, making a dull crashing sound.

“It’s not internal strength, simple fist strength, how… How can it be? ”

Fists and palms fought, Li Canglong’s face changed greatly, and he suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

“Nothing is impossible. Who said you can’t kill without internal strength? ”

Chen Yu smiled slightly, layers of fist marks continued to form, and suddenly bloomed: “Now, it’s the beginning.” ”

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