The Noon Gate is the main gate of the Forbidden City, located in the center of the north-south axis of the Forbidden City, and was built in the 18th year of Yongle.

In the center to the sun, the position is the meridian, hence the name Noon Gate.

At noon, Chen Yu came in a hurry in white clothes and holding the Cold Star Sword.

This is Ye Gucheng’s saber of the Eight Classics.

It is cast by cold iron under the sea, blowing hair and breaking hair, the blade is three feet three, and the net weight is six pounds and four taels.

Although the quality is worse than the Xuan Tie Sword.

But it is more compatible with the flying immortals outside the sky.

After the internal force of the Xuan Tie Sword was urged, it was certainly indestructible.

But the weight is too heavy, the shape is too simple, and the sword intent is biased towards domineering.

The light spirit and arrogance of the flying immortals in the sky do not match well.

It doesn’t matter if you abuse the food.

But when dealing with top masters, there is actually some gap.

Well, even if there is no gap.

But mentally, if you find that your weapons are not matched enough, you will also be a little uncomfortable.

The next goal is to find a legendary longsword.

Chen Yu secretly planned.

“This is the important place of the imperial city, who dares to trespass through the noon gate with a sword?”

Chen Yu was still hundreds of meters away from the noon gate, and a whistling sound sounded, and dozens of guards surrounded him.

“I’m not going in, just mention a few words on the door.”

“The emperor asked, you said that you can’t stop me, and he won’t pursue you.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

The emperor of this plane, in fact, has something.

The martial arts cultivation is extremely deep, and he also knows the doorway of the rivers and lakes very well.

When Ye Gucheng was assassinated in the original book, it was also called the emperor’s own martial arts, and he could be ranked among the top ten masters of the rivers and lakes.

The emperor himself agreed with this judgment.

Of course, if Ye Gucheng used the Heavenly Flying Immortal on the emperor…

The emperor must still kneel.

Whether or not you can enter the top ten masters and whether you can block the flying immortals outside the sky is not a concept at all.


“Bold! Jianghu Takeo, no son of heaven, no mercy to kill! ”

“If you dare to fight back, you will be in the Nine Tribes!”

The leader of the guards was furious, and the long sword was unsheathed and pointed at Chen Yu.


More than ten guards agreed loudly, and each of them unfolded their figures.

The sword came out of its sheath, or stabbed or slashed, and attacked Chen Yu.

“Zhulian Nine Clan? Your official authority is quite big. ”

Chen Yu glanced at the head of the guard lightly.

Holding the hilt of the Cold Star Sword in his right hand, he gently pumped it.

A sword light flew out diagonally, like a shocking lightning, like a long rainbow passing through the sky.

Walk through the crowd.

No one can describe the brilliance and splendor of this sword, and no one can describe the speed of this sword.

The sword light dissipated, and the bodies of the guards besieging Chen Yu stiffened at the same time.

The movements all stopped.

A moment later, a spot of blood appeared in everyone’s throat.

The blood spots continue to expand, and the blood slowly seeps out.

The strength of the body disappears in an instant.

The sound of weapons landing on the ground continued to sound.

This was followed by a dull crashing sound.

This is the sound of a corpse falling to the ground.

“You… Who are you? ”

The body of the head of the guard trembled violently.

“Ye Gucheng.”

“Shiro… White Cloud City Lord… Leaf…… Ye Gucheng? ”



The head of the guard squirmed again, as if he wanted to say something.

Then, a spot of blood also appeared on his throat.

The blood spots slowly enlarged, and blood gushed out.

The eyes of the head of the guards showed a look mixed with self-mockery and remorse.

Then, fall down heavily.


“Enemy attack!”

Hurried whistles, constantly sounding.

One after another.

A moment later, the figure flickered, and several figures approached rapidly.

“Ye City Lord?”

The leader is an old man with a thin face and a noble bearing.

When he saw Chen Yu, his face froze.

Extremely cautiously, he stopped more than ten meters away.


“He is the Lord of Baiyun City?”

“No wonder.”

Behind him, three men in Chinese clothes also suddenly stopped.

The body is either ethereal, dignified, or light.

Obviously, the skills are extraordinary.

“Wei Ziyun?”

Chen Yu glanced at the old man and asked casually.

“It was in Xia that I saw Lord Yecheng.”

Wei Ziyun said busily.

“It turned out to be a Xiaoxiang swordsman.”

Chen Yu nodded.

Xiaoxiang swordsman Wei Ziyun’s martial arts skills are still quite good.

He can basically be regarded as the number one master of Ouchi.

On the rivers and lakes, the reputation is at least 3,000 points.

It’s not bad to be a person, and he is exquisite.

It was very good to have a good relationship with Lu Xiaofeng, and he was deeply trusted by the emperor.

When you go out, you can basically represent the power of the palace, and you can also sit on an equal footing with the Mu Dao people.

Of course, this equality is just identity.

If he draws his sword, Mu Daoren can still casually second him…

“Desert Divine Eagle Tu Fang, I have seen the city lord.”

“Star picker Ding Ao, meet the city lord.”

“The god of wealth … Uh, Yin Xian, see it. ”

The remaining three greeted each other.

Yin Xian was known as the Rich and Noble Excalibur, but he seemed to feel that the “Excalibur” in front of Chen Yu was a little embarrassing, so he omitted it.

These three people, together with Wei Ziyun, are called the four masters of the Great Interior.

“Long time to look.”

Chen Yu hugged the sword as a return gift.

“Dare to ask what big mistake these guards have made? I also asked the city owner to inform one or two. ”

Wei Ziyun hesitated and asked.

“Naturally a capital offense.”


“If you can’t practice the sword, if you can’t learn the sword, you dare to be rude to me, and you want to curse me for the Nine Tribes.”

Chen Yu smiled: “It’s quite awe-inspiring.” ”

“This… They shot first? ”

“If I strike first, how will they unsheath their sword?”

Chen Yu said lightly.

“Uh… Ye Cheng Lord taught a lesson. ”

Wei Ziyun was startled, thoughtful, and took a step back.

When he talked to Chen Yu, he was just doing a face project.

It is impossible to really fight to the death with this world’s top swordsman for the sake of a few dead people.

If you are such a noble person, what kind of big inner master?

Isn’t it fragrant to be a hero?

“Dare to ask Lord Ye City, come here today, what is your advice?”

Seeing Wei Ziyun shrinking, Ding Ao stiffened his scalp and asked with a smile.

“It’s not enough to advise, I’ll write a few words.”

Chen Yu took a few steps forward and jumped.


Wei Ziyun and the others hesitated and dispersed.

Chen Yu’s long sword was unsheathed, and the sword qi was rampant.

Above the city gates, stone chips fell one after another, as if it was raining.

The wind and rain are terrifying, and the falling flowers and snow are vast.

The sword momentum was exhausted, and Chen Yu’s long sword struck and fell lightly.

Although he can’t walk in the air yet, he won’t do anything light.

But the sword of the Flying Immortal is too fast, and he can still finish writing calmly.

When I was Zheng Keyang before, I mixed up a calligraphy skill.

Now look at it, these lines of big words are quite beautiful.

Chen Yu was slightly satisfied.

Sure enough, there are no completely useless skills.

At this time, if the writing is too ugly, the scene is not good.

It’s a public execution!

“Full moon night, Forbidden Peak?”

“A sword comes to the west, flying immortals outside the sky?”

“Dare to ask, City Lord, what is the interpretation of these four lines?”

Wei Ziyun looked at the words on the noon door, his expression was shocked.

“On September 15, I will be at the top of the Golden Luang Palace in the Forbidden City, and I will fight the snow at the west gate, and I will invite you to attend.”

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

“This… This matter is too important, I dare not wait to make the decision without permission, and I have to tell Your Majesty. ”

Wei Ziyun’s scalp was numb when he heard this, and he hurriedly said.

“Well, after all, he is also the master of the imperial city, and it is also appropriate to give a notification.”

“Farewell, everyone!”

Chen Yu nodded and turned to leave.


Wei Ziyun and the others looked at the words on the noon door, their faces stiff.

For a long time, he sighed at the same time.

Big trouble!

However, the four people stared at these words, inexplicably and a little expectant in their hearts.

Indeed, it is a battle that people who practice martial arts cannot miss!

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