Above heaven, a low-ranking angel of power and a middle-ranking angel of power salute Lord Vanshalier!

"These days, I can see Lord Vanshalier on duty instead of Lord Gabriel every day!"

"too strong!"

"In the last test when the night came, Master Vanshalier almost defeated the entire army of crowned demons! Hell dogs, horned demons, horned demon governors, together with berserk demons and balrogs, stood in front of that lord. , It will collapse at the touch of a finger!!"

"At the beginning, Lord Gabriel was still following Lord Vanshaliel!"

"Later, the task of guarding and patrolling has been handed over to Lord Vanshalier... I have never seen such a young Seraphim, who replaced Lord Gabriel to perform the duties of the chief of the guard. In the past, it was Michael. The adults helped!"

"Hush...Lord Vanshaleil is here."

The whispering guard angels suddenly looked solemn.

Lin Yun is looking at the progress of his system tasks.

[Current training achievement completion progress: 97%]

"Finally, the training with Master Gabriel is about to end this time!"

"During this training, I almost mastered a lot of divine arts from hell and other species... Every battle with Gabriel is suffering. In comparison, the invasion of hell, the battle with demons, It's the most relaxing moment for me..."

Lin Yun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the huge angel door.

His mastery of the power of truth has reached 42%.

And what's even more terrifying!

The progress of the branding of the sacred law has also increased to 53%. Once it breaks through 100%, he will thoroughly grasp the sacred law and the law of truth, and see through all falsehoods!

"The law of truth is Gabriel's original power. If I can grasp all the power sources of the seven archangels?"

"What kind of picture will that be?"

He walked towards the angel platform in the distance.

Gabriel was wearing silver armor and fell on the platform. He said calmly, "Vanshaliel."

"grown ups."

"This will be your last test and training."

On the huge angel platform, the figures of guard angels fell from the sky and lined up neatly. Hundreds of thousands of guard angels were all looking at the young seraphim in the center of the platform.

Gabriel laughed and said:

"Defeat them, or be defeated by them!"


Unis, who was standing in the distance, said in astonishment, "What is Gabriel doing?"

Migar said: "The intensity of his training for Van Sharil is becoming more and more terrifying... Before, he was allowed to fight the demon army alone, but now he is going to fight against the entire heaven's guards alone? ! "

Unis said: "Gabriel's training is like a lesson learned from the past, and it has brought me a lot of pressure. In this month, I can clearly see Van Sharil's control over the divine law and his progress! He is bound to be in the future. Can become the strongest king of angels in heaven!"

Migal spread his six wings, the king of jihad, the chief warrior, the supreme commander of the angelic army, and the archangel who was hailed as the king of heaven by hell said with a smile:

"I am also constantly adjusting the plan to teach Van Sharil. His potential is too high, and he can surprise people every time."

While the two were talking.

The battle for the entire angel platform has broken out! !

More than 100,000 fully armed elite guard angels spread their wings and struck at the center of Van Shalier!

Even more frightening.

Their order turned out not to be chaotic due to the large number of people.


Gabriel is directing the engagement himself!

Unis said: "Vanshalier's divine power is constantly being consumed, and he should not be able to withstand the test of the angels of the entire security force."

"It's too difficult."

"Even for the next Lord God, it is very difficult!"

"Van Shalier was born for a short time, and if he waits until he becomes an adult, he may be able to withstand such a test."

"Gabriel is too impatient."


Attila in the distance led the sixteen holy spirits and said with a smile: "That one is Lord Vanshaliel. Lord Gabriel said that this is the last training and test. After this training is over, heaven will bestow Lord Vanshalier's palace is also his feat and reward for killing the demon army within a month."

Mu Hui looked at the scene where the angel army assembled in shock! !

Countless heroic guard angels with wings on their backs.

Attacking and killing towards the center!

However, a heaven-like platinum light illuminated the entire heaven! !

"He's still a kid..."

"So many angels besieged him..."

Attila smiled and said, "Child?"

Mu Hui said: "At least in my opinion, he..."

Attila shook his head and said: "One month ago, a high-ranking fallen angel who was lured by hell to fall died in the hands of Master Van Shalier. Three days ago, Lord Van Shalier defeated the whole world by himself. An army of demons invading heaven!"


Attila said: "Master Vanshalier is a middle god! According to the division of lower gods, middle gods, upper gods, lower main gods, middle main gods, upper main gods, god kings, and ancient gods, Gabriel The adults said that he has the possibility of breaking through the upper gods in the near future."

Mu Hui was shocked and said: "Breakthrough to the upper...higher gods?!!"


Gabriel, who was directing the battle on the field, was full of appreciation and a sense of accomplishment!

That's right.

Gabriel, one of the seven archangels of heaven, the chief of guard Gabriel holding the horn of doom, looked at Van Sharil, who had almost taught him everything, as if seeing himself in his youth! !

An army of 100,000 vigilance angels is overwhelming and orderly!

Hunting towards the young Seraph in the middle!

Gabriel roared angrily, "Array!"


An angel holding a huge shield crashed down!

"The left wing avoids the red elephant emblem, and the right wing advances!"

"Circumvent the divine law!"

"He will use high-level magic, God's Judgment, and the right wing will scatter!"

Gabriel's command is swift as the wind...

The entire angel platform is like a chessboard, avoiding Lin Yun's blazing angel flames!

Lin Yun is surrounded by guarding angels everywhere!

A large number of sparks emerged beside him!


Vicor, a virtuous angel of the main god level, had a solemn face, his big sword slammed open Lin Yun's golden sword, and he spread his wings, attacking Lin Yun.

"Master Vanshalier, take the sword."


The captain of the guard angel, the supernatural power of the main god exploded!

Countless angels are like white clouds.

Including the sky above Lin Yun!


The beam of holy light erupted on the angel platform!

Unis said with a smile: "Vanshalier is just a mid-level god anyway. Even if he is a seraphim, he has mastered the law and terrifying divine power, but it is difficult for him to compete with the main god, and it is difficult for him to compete with an army of 100,000 angels."

But just when his voice fell! !

the whole heaven.

Together with the mountain peaks in the distance, a fiery brilliance erupted! !

A young cherub surrounded by an army of more than 100,000 angels closed his six wings and opened them suddenly! !

The blazing light engulfed the entire angel platform, and all the angels were swept by a powerful storm of divine power, and their wings fluttered for a while, covering their faces!

Unis said in shock:

"Higher God?!"

"He broke through?"


A large number of guard angel troops, as well as the main god-level German Angel Captain Vikor, all looked terrified.


Gabriel watched the scene with joy.

the whole heaven.

The seven archangels were all alarmed!

Lin Yun looked around at the 100,000 guard angels and said with a smile, "I want to defeat you and successfully complete the test of Lord Gabriel!"

Gabriel's face under the helmet was full of joy!

Countless angels affected by the divine storm regrouped and fell towards Lin Yun.

And Mu Hui felt his scalp go numb, watching the scene where the young seraphim repelled the 100,000 angel army and surrounded him!

"He... is he Van Sharil?!"

"This... every angel here is placed outside, I am afraid that they are all above the ninth-level crown, overlooking the world, and aloof existence!"

"His strength is too terrifying!"

"Is this the object of my belief in the future?"

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