Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

028 Tempting Little Believers! Unity Of Unis Gabriel! 【Favorites】

Inside Lin Yun's Divine Kingdom of Eden.

The city of angels is full of gold, pearls, and onyx. All kinds of trees grow out of the ground and are full of exotic flowers. The tree of good and evil and the four rivers flow under the dusky sky. Red tourmalines, diamonds , beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire...

Countless treasures shone with luster.

And Mu Hui felt extra joy and excitement at this moment! !

"Grand position... I have become a ninth-level crown life!"

She felt the growth of her own strength!

She sensed a powerful divine power enveloping her body, and immediately after, her state of life underwent a huge qualitative change!

"I have advanced from the illusory Holy Spirit to become a saint. Logically speaking, it takes a long time! It requires a lot of divine power... However, the angelic blessing and divine power of Lord Vanshaliel in front of me! Helped I'm done with this path!"

"Does Master Van Shalier want me to be his right-hand man and God in the future?"

"The identity of the old universe is not a trouble, but it gives me an advantage in front of this Seraphim?"

"Very good!"

However, just when Mu Hui thought that this was the end of the matter!

When preparing to pray devoutly to Van Sharil, the seraphim, every day.

The young Seraphim.

A radiance of divine art erupted from the mouth!

The power of the upper gods caused countless golden lights in the entire kingdom of God to flicker!

"Miracle, creation of living creatures!"

"This is?!!"

For a moment...Mu Hui only felt that her soul was flying high, and then, rays of light lingered around her, and her gratitude and belief in Lin Yun increased crazily!

And there is an instinctive voice that seems to be reminding her, making her grateful!

On her back, two pure white wings appeared! !


"Tenth rank crown! Angel?!"

" is this possible?"


Lin Yun is also the first to use such a miraculous power. He has learned from Gabriel to create creatures, so he can naturally increase the essential power of the Holy Spirit through the consumption of his soul.

【Current believer: Mu Hui】

[Faith level: 90% (ordinary believers)]

"One-third of the achievement task is about to be completed, and the next step is to find believers in the consciousness network of the old world... Hehe, if you can become my believers, accept my power and miracles, including answering prayers, I hope I don't run into a white-eyed wolf!"

"Not everyone among the reincarnations is of the Holy Spirit."

"Mu Hui's ability to become the Holy Spirit and being chosen by Attila shows that her soul is pure enough and kind enough."

The power of the fallen angel in Lin Yun's body is also growing.

The power of the fallen seraphim's heart is still in the digesting stage, it's not a one-off deal!

[Degenerate law imprint (59%)]

"The blood of the demon lord has been digested. Although the heart of the fallen seraphim is at the level of the middle god, it can bring more benefits than the blood of the demon lord!"

"I am getting closer and closer to the level of the main god."

"Thousands of saints in the Kingdom of God have continuously provided the power of faith, and the unlocking of the main godhead has also exceeded 70%."

The strongest force in Lin Yun's body.

Doomsday desires to kill, but also desires to crush Hell.

Mu Hui turned into an angel respectfully, folded her wings, and knelt down to Lin Yun.


"Have you contacted the old world?"


"Why no contact?"

Mu Hui is still 10% away from the fanatic's progress, which is not far away.

She respectfully said: "Lord, I don't have enough soul stones... Soul stones are resources to connect to the consciousness network of the old universe, and heaven needs 100 times more soul stones than the normal state!"


Lin Yun casually took out the soul of a ninth-level great demon and handed it to Mu Hui.

"take it."

[Faith level: 100% (fanatics)]

Mu Hui looked at Lord Fanshalier in front of her, her eyes were full of little stars!

twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

"The ninth-level great demon soul!!! If you say it, you will give it away!"

"I'm just so lucky."

"When the other reincarnators were suffering, I met the great Lord Vanshaliel!"

"Master Van Shalier is simply the most perfect and handsome existence in the multiverse...he is the most perfect and handsome existence in the creation world...he not only helped me become a real tenth-rank crown angel, but also helped me solve Trouble of the soul, respond to my faith, give me refuge!"

"And in front of Master Van Shalier, I no longer need to worry about the troubles of the old world universe and the identity of the reincarnation!"

"He can see through all falsehoods and perceive the truth!"

"Too...too powerful!"

"And... I am already a tenth-level angel. In the future, I may have the opportunity to cross the twelfth level, break through the holy position and demigods, ignite the divine fire, and become a god in Lord Vanshalier's pantheon... .”

Under Lin Yun's lure, Mu Hui quietly turned into a fanatical believer of Lin Yun.

Unparalleled reverence prays and offers faith.

And Lin Yun quietly landed on the consciousness network, ready to start a new round of warding in the multiverse!


In the time and space where the multiverse is close to hell, Unis is surrounded by the movement of stars, and said with a smile:

"Gabriel...I now regret that I didn't compete with you for the order of teaching Vanshaliel."


Gabriel wore silver armor, his golden hair fluttering in the darkness of the stars.

"I gifted Vanshaliel a star, and you gifted him his own sword, but none of us expected that he would be able to comprehend and grasp the absolute truth of the Doomsday Judgment."

"He is the master of the future of heaven."

What was once a possibility has become a certainty.

Gabriel looked at the star and said with a smile: "I have taught him all the magic arts, what else can you teach him?"

Unis said: "The further you go, the more pressure you have to teach Vanshalier. Does he know what Sir Selati is going to teach him personally?"

"I didn't tell him."

"That's good."

Unis said: "If he can grasp the full power of our seven archangels, it will be a terrible disaster for Hell."

As the flame of God, Unis affects the movement of the sun and many planets, in the mortal world of the multiverse.

Known as the Sun Angel!

He has the power of anger, and he was once criticized in a special period, and he executed the torture of burning sins with fire in hell.

"Hell dares to invade heaven."

"Kill them all!"


The army of hundreds of millions of angels rushed to hell, and the entire guard of heaven, led by Gabriel, fell downward along the way!

Asmodeus, one of the Seven Lords of Hell, was surrounded by rotten poisonous mist and roared furiously:



"Dare to invade heaven, die!"


The silvery white light illuminated the entire hell, and the blood of countless great demons flowed downwards layer upon layer!

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