Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

338 Superficial Investigation, Private Affairs At Public Expense

"Then you underestimate Master Vanshalier too much," Mu Hui explained to Qingluan with a smile: "Michael has been thinking about Master for so long, isn't there still nothing?

What are you afraid of?

Don't worry, as long as you don't betray the adults, nothing will happen. "

So Qingluan told Mu Hui everything about meeting the Eavesdropping Beast today.

Mu Hui also felt incredible after hearing this.

"Eavesdropping beast, this thing is too precious.

Unexpectedly, Master Michael would spend all his money on this thing.

"Does that mean that adults are in danger now?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Under Mu Hui's repeated comfort, Qingluan was still in shock.

She really didn't know what to say.

"Just rest assured that nothing will happen.

After repeated assurances from Mu Hui, Qingluan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But she still has doubts in her heart, and she has to ask Lin Yun when she finds a chance.

How did she know that just after Mu Hui comforted her, her condition was reported to Lin Yun.

"Miss Qingluan is a little scared."

Mu Hui knelt in front of Lin Yun and said respectfully.

"What is she afraid of?" Lin Yun was a little puzzled.

"She told me that today you found the eavesdropping beast on the border of heaven, and it was attached to her.

"You talk about it." Lin Yun laughed.

"Michael is really willing to spend all his money. He even used a wiretapping beast. Does he think I won't be able to find out?"

But it is true that the stealth of creatures like eavesdropping beasts is determined according to the strength of their masters.

Like Michael, that level.

Only when you are far away from him, or when the angel's strength is very weak, can you get a glimpse, and it is only for a moment.

In fact, it was just a coincidence that Lin Yun found out today.

"You tell her, don't be afraid of Michael, he won't do anything to me?"

"Miss Qingluan is afraid of becoming your target and being held in the hands of Master Michael."

"The handle?" Lin Yun sneered.

In his hand is a golden cup filled with wine, inlaid with various patterns.

This is something presented to him by his Mu Hui, and it looks very luxurious.

"How can I have a handle? Don't let her think about it anymore, otherwise she will be taken advantage of by the side.

"Yes, my lord."

Woke up early the next morning. Qingluan received a notice from Mu Hui that Lin Yun was going to take him down with him.

Qingluan breathed a sigh of relief.

It was exhausting to be in this paradise.

Seeing Lin Yun, Qingluan's mood immediately improved.

She waved to Lin Yun, and Lin Yun responded with a smile.

"By the way, we're not just going to deal with the things Michael said this time in the lower realm.

"What else is there?"

"Looking for medicinal materials, have you forgotten about alchemy before?"

"I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten." Qing Cha quickly waved his hand.

"But I don't know the medicinal properties of the herbs in this world at all, how can I find a substitute?"

"So we have to do some research first, and then we can look for alternatives. This can be considered a trip at public expense.

Mu Hui, you are still staying in heaven, helping me to watch Michael and his movements.

Then, tell the dead angel not to act rashly, and there is no good fruit for alarming Michael.

"Yes, Yinze."

"Then prepare two other rooms for me. The decoration doesn't need to be too much, but it must be cleaned. Prepare two robes, you know?"


After speaking, Lin Yun opened the teleportation array.

As he opened it, he said to Qingluan, this will let you see how our angels get down.

Standing in the lively market, Qingluan still felt a little unbelievable.

"This is us?"

"Yes, we have reached the lower realm, how about it?"

"." Is this the same market we went to before?"

"Yes, it was the market we went to before, but now our appearance has changed.

After all, he was caught by someone before, so it is not inconvenient to use his previous appearance. "

At this moment, portraits of Murphy and Spirit Owl were posted everywhere on the street, saying that they were catching prisoners.

"What, what's going on here?"

Qingluan took off one of the portraits and was a little surprised.

"It looks like there is no official seal on it, it should be these beggars who are looking for Murphy spontaneously!

It's just that they didn't even draw Murphy's face clearly. "

Lin Yun clicked his tongue.

"Isn't Murphy's face like this?"

"What's Murphy like? Let me ask you.

He used his (Wang's Zhao) cloak to cover half of his face, only his nose and mouth could be seen.

Ordinary people who can remember. "

"In that case, as long as you find a similar person, can you pretend to be him?"


"If you say that, then they won't be able to find anyone at all, as long as Murphy is willing to take his hat off."

The two were discussing when they suddenly heard a scream.

"You beasts, it's amazing to take the elixir. Can you do whatever you want to harm people after taking the elixir? Just wait, Emperor Qiu will punish you!"

Lin Yun looked towards the voice, several men were actually bullying a woman.

The woman was cursing, and what she said was very ugly. .

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