Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

051 Unis' Teachings! Torture? 【Favorites】


Outside the Caldera Palace, Lin Yun looked at the picture of Vicor offering his allegiance to him, and looked at the god-level angels around him, eager to become his god.

Although his pantheon has not yet been established.

But it has already caused the internal pursuit of the heavenly gods!

He laughed and said:

"Vikor, we have not known each other since I was studying under Lord Gabriel, and I am willing to accept your allegiance.

"grown ups!"

Vicor knelt on one knee, holding a long sword in his right hand and placing it in front of his left chest!

Immediately afterwards.

The huge power of the Lord God overflowed in heaven, and Vikor said: "I swear by my faithful belief, my godhead and my soul, that from now on I will be completely loyal to Lord Vanshaliel and fulfill my duty as a servant of Seraphim. I will defend his divine kingdom, guard his faith, judge his enemies, and draw my sword against all his enemies until I dedicate my soul without reservation!"

Lin Yun held the Angel Excalibur, touched Vicor's cheek with the back of the sword, tapped it three times, and said with a smile:

"I will accept the allegiance of your soul and bestow upon you the glory of the heavenly pantheon!"



A huge glow illuminates the entire heaven.

Outside the Caldera Palace, Unis watched this scene with a smile.

Mu Hui stood in the distance, "410" said in shock:

"The lord... the allegiance of the archangel at the lord god level! And... still a servant?!!"

"This fanatical faith?"


All heaven is shaken by the personal allegiance of that virtuous angel, archangel of the armies!

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Yun looked around calmly, and said to the angels hovering above heaven:

"My god system has not yet been established, and knowledge needs to be mastered and learned. After my god system is established, if you feel that the god system conforms to your beliefs and your will, come to me again."


"Master Van Shalier!"

"I am also eager to serve Lord Vanshaliel!!"

The discovery of the gods in heaven, Yintuer looked at the scene with emotion, and said with a smile: "It is really a rare and miraculous scene in heaven for millions of years."

Servant of God, Attila laughed and said, "I'm afraid the seven archangels have not received such courtesy, have they?"

Yintuer said: "They all pin their hopes on Lord Vanshalier, and want to take the position in advance, and have their own position before this adult has grown up... and the seven Archangels, whether it is Lord Gabriel, or Lord Unis, their subordinates have been relatively fixed, and only Lord Vanshalier symbolizes the infinite possibilities of the future."

Attila said: "It also symbolizes the covetedness of hell, and the extreme danger."

Yintuer laughed and said, "Master Vanshalier has the Doomsday Judgment, so what about the danger?"

Attila and tens of thousands of gods and angels looked at the back of the young Seraph, and Vicor led the guards to maintain order.

Lin Yun entered the Caldera Palace.

Looking under the dome, there are two huge rows of stone pillars and pools.

Numerous murals.

Numerous depictions of the battle of the angels and gods, describing the twilight of the gods, together with stone slabs and exquisite hollow sculptures.

Among the two rows of knight statues.

The figure of the seven archangels "God's Flame" Unis is tall and majestic, wearing heavy armor, and the six white wings on the back are slowly flapping.

"Lord Unis."

Unis said calmly: "Vanshalier...Your prestige in heaven is rising day by day, but your real strength cannot compare with your prestige. What they value is not your present, but your In the future, you should understand what I'm talking about."

"I see."

Unis said: "Blind beliefs are never firm, and I am relieved that you can reject them instead of becoming arrogant and disoriented like Lucifer in the chase.

Lucifer, the king of hell, is the arrogance among the seven deadly sins.

The beauty that corresponds to heaven is humility.

Unis turned around, the armor made a crisp sound, the sun shone on his heroic and majestic shoulders, and he looked straight at Lin.

If one of the seven archangels, Raphael, who is beautiful, dignified and graceful, is a symbol of joy.

Then Unis, who is also the Archangel of Seraphim, is the symbol of rage and flames!

He was in hell.

In charge of the torture of demons and saints.

He used to be called the "Hell Chief", "Pure White Terror", and "King of the Sun". If Gabriel is the chief guard among the seven archangels, then Niao Yongsi is the ascetic who burned hell!

He has led countless wars against hell.

Destroyed countless stars, deeds spread in the multiverse forever.

Whenever someone sees the stars in the sky, they can reflect them and imagine the existence of Unis.

"As far as personal power is concerned, I will teach you to master the power of anger. As far as the main god is concerned, I will first teach you how to create your church and give back to the beliefs of believers in the multiverse."


Unis began to impart knowledge, a holy white light.

Like a silk thread.

Ripples along the pool.

Lin Yun only felt that the chaotic thoughts in his mind, together with the countless times and spaces in the multiverse, and the countless planes, quietly cleared the clouds and became clear under the narration of Unis.

"Categorize belief networks, distinguish species and life, and distinguish their specific locations in the multiverse," Unis said.

"You need to divide the position and coordinates of the human kingdom into your will and godhead, organize and divide the areas, with Grand Harbor as the boundary, the believers within the boundaries pray together in one place, and the island believers outside the boundaries Categorized with another place!"

"As a god, you can even gather devout believers in the city of Grand Harbor to worship."

"Make festivals, use fixed time, fixed location, and fixed rituals to clarify the classification and division of beliefs! Enhance the connection with believers and deal with the efficiency of beliefs.

"No wonder the gods require believers to worship?"

Lin Yun only felt that a vast door was slowly opening to him!

A brand new world never imagined before is beckoning to him.

"This is the main god... This is the feeling of the god who is in charge of countless believers in the multiverse..."

Unis continued:

"Worship, Sabbath, Communion, Memorial, Burial, Prayer, Blessing..."

A lot of ways to establish a connection between the Lord God and believers entered Lin Yun's mind!

According to the teachings of Unis, Lin Yun roughly started planning the beliefs of believers in the multiverse, dividing different areas within the Godhead.

Then, according to the degree of belief of believers in the plane area, the belief is given back.

All of a sudden!

Countless realms in the human world erupted with pure white sacred brilliance!

A devout believer in the church who was praying suddenly looked at the icon of the young seraphim in front of him in shock, watching the feedback of the magical power of the return of the prayer..

"It's Master Fanshalier!!!"


"Lord Vanshaliel gave back... gave back my faith!"

"Very good!"

In the Holy See among the major kingdoms in the world, the joy and panic of the clergy began to resound in the multiverse!

This means that for the first time Lin Yun really understands and accepts faith


The true personality of the Lord God, feedback information.

A great gift from God has descended upon a clergyman!

A pious and faithful fief bishop suddenly felt the feedback of the holy light and divine power overflowing in his body, and then his power broke through from the seventh level to the ninth level crown one after another!


In the Caldera Palace in heaven, Unis said: "The power of faith you give back is too great."


In the entire multiverse, Lin Yun is like a child holding candies, wantonly swaying candies to his believers.

Unis said: "Believers need to be tested. The power that comes easily will never be cherished by ordinary people."

"My lord, what kind of believers will you give back?"


Lin Yun was curious about how Unice gave back to believers in the multiverse, Unicorn said with a smile: "I have not responded to the beliefs of the world for a long time.

Lin Yun said: "Don't you need faith?"

"The stars in the sky exist, and my faith will last forever. The life span of human beings is too short. In a hundred years, they are playing the command, but they have to experience birth, learning, growth, marriage, divorce, accidental trauma and suffering, Until death and burial, so I only care about the result, not the process that mortals go through."

"True saints will become more firm in their faith when they face a desperate situation, and believers who have long been eager to gain benefits and benefits from faith and get relief from disasters "often betray their faith the fastest."

"Vanshalier, you have gone through one test after another, but can you pass my test?"

"Your test?"

2.7 Unis said: "If you want to master the divine power of 'Wrath' and 'Sun', you need to go through torture!"


In an instant, a terrifying flame appeared in the pupils of Unis!


Before Lin Yun's eyes, waves of divine power erupted!

A vast and indistinct sun is slowly rising in front of his eyes...


"This is?"

A large teleportation circle?!"

Lin Yun opened the system panel and looked at the progress of the achievement task on the panel in astonishment!

[Current mission completion: 0.34%]


"Master Unis talked about it for a long time, but the progress is only 0.34%?! He won't treat me like Lord Gabriel?"

"Torture? Sun and wrath? What is that?!!"

Lin Yun has suffered.


Because his soul is extremely powerful, not only accommodates the Platinum achievement system, but also absorbs the power of the four holy pools of heaven in the state of soul at the beginning of his birth!


"Lord Unis can't really hurt me. As long as you understand this, no matter what you face next, it will be a good thing!"

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