Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

053 Create A Sect! Sovereign Sovereign! 【Subscribe】

Within the multiverse, some changes have taken place in the beliefs against Van Sharil again!

Priests, deacons, priests, bishops, cardinals, and diocesan bishops of many churches, in the boundaries of the world, in the capitals of human kingdoms, are all kneeling, praying for the "God's Judgment" Holy name of Vanshaliel!

"Great Lord of War, 'God's Judgment' Vanshaliel, you have mastered the power of the sun, and you will purify and drive away all darkness!"

"Master Van Shalier, you have given back my faith!"

"It's a blessing! It's the blessing of Seraphim!!"

Sunlight fell into the capital.

Jiang Jun watched in astonishment as he prayed in the church of Asai Kingdom, together with the lingering radiance of the sun.

"Since Lin Yun defeated the Seven Lords of Hell last time, he has disappeared, but the Holy See, the royal family, and the nobles seem to be celebrating again?"

"Is this the god?"

"By the way, he hasn't logged into the Consciousness Network for a long time, what's he up to lately?"

What is Lin Yun up to?

Of course, he is busy adapting to the power of his 89% imprint of the law of anger, the improvement of his law of the sun, and the belief feedback of the sun priesthood!

And sort out the belief network and prepare to form a god system!

His life became much calmer.

But I am still busy every day, I need the Caldera Palace, ask Master Unis about the establishment of the sect, and soak in the big library of heaven to read and absorb all the knowledge of the divine paper all day long!

[Current mission completion: 31%]

"It's coming soon, I feel that the time for me to establish a sect is not far away..."

He returned the prayers of the believers in the multiverse, and closed a book leisurely on the wall of the mural.

He said to Attila the servant of God:

"I need a copy of The Confessions..."

"Yes, Master Van Shalier."

"The human king's description of faith will be an excellent reference for me to establish a church."

Beside Mu Hui looked at the profile of the seraphim who was seriously reading the book, and felt that his face was too perfect and too cute.



"Have you been studying lately?"


"What kind of denomination are you going to start? Is it sacred, reformed, or some other type of denomination?"

Lin Yun said: "I want to establish a multi-religion with infinite possibilities, including darkness, light, and all phenomena in the universe. Anyone who has a devout belief in me, no matter whether they are in hell or the abyss of the underworld, can become me. believers."


Mu Hui said: "Master... This is likely to cause the church to split, self-contradiction, and it will cause a lot of trouble and a lot of hostile churches."

She said: "There are already many branches of the church related to the sacred aspect, but if you intervene with power other than the sacred, it is very likely that there will be violent conflicts with many races and gods in the multiverse..."

Lin Yun laughed: "How do you know this?"

"I...I know that you want to establish a sect, form a god system, read a lot of materials in the old world, and have been logging into the consciousness network recently."


Lin Yun said: "Sacredness, glaciers, jealousy, sun, anger, war, plague, famine, death, corruption, truth... both dark and light must be integrated into my sect, do you think I Will you be afraid of competing with the gods of the multiverse for belief and breaking out conflicts?"

He smiled lightly: "They should be afraid of me."

Mu Hui was dizzy... She stared blankly at the young seraphim, thinking that the master is so powerful.

Lin Yun said: "If you want to rule the entire multiverse, multiple laws, forces, rules, [a diverse church must have the ultimate inclusiveness.


Lin Yun said: "I have determined the framework of the church so far. It is not necessary for everyone to communicate with the gods through the clergy, but even ordinary people who have devout beliefs can also rely on their beliefs to get feedback."

Servant of God Attila quickly came over with a stack of books, including the "Confessions" that Lin Yun needed.

"Master Van Shalier, do you really want to establish this sect with multiple teachings?"


Every angel of heaven is a master of theology.

Attila laughed: "You don't restrict their marriage?"


"Do you not limit them to worship you all their lives?"

Lin Yun said with a smile: "Only the weak will limit the offerings of believers and force their behavior. My believers are all over the multiverse, and there are a large number of them. They are responsible for their actions and should have freedom."

Attila never expected that as the future master of the heavenly gods!

Master Van Shalier's ambition is so huge!

It's even terribly big!

Want to rule the multiverse?

He has read most of the books in the library, and he actually wants to create a religious sect that integrates pluralism?

Doesn't this mean that his future pantheon will also have gods from different planes?

And not just limited to the camps of Heaven and Holy Light?

"My lord, if someone else makes such a choice, I'm afraid heaven will not agree with his decision...but you..."

"I'm different."

"You have the highest privilege."

Lin Yun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "My church will still carry the faith of the church on earth, and still use the seven sacraments, namely, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Divine Order, Last Apotheosis, Marriage, Sustain the faith of mankind.”

"But this does not mean that the sect will exclude other existences."

"Diversity means infinite possibilities."

"But that doesn't mean that all evils can be tolerated in my church. His nature should be inclined toward justice."

Altila looked at the wall of the mural, and the holy light descended on the young seraphim.

Mu Hui, together with several saints standing in the distance in Linggei's sacred palace.

Guarding the servants of Vansariel in the distance, Vicor!

They all looked at the magnificent holy light in shock!

" this?"


Pure white holy light erupted.

A sect that swept across the entire multiverse was quietly established in heaven, and in an instant, the voice of Van Shalier spread throughout the entire heaven.

Announced the establishment of his own sect.

"The Sovereign, the Supreme Monarch Sect will be established with the multiverse, and I will lead the priesthood of war and the sun to accommodate all beliefs in the multiverse

Create pantheons and sects. "

"My followers will have unyielding faith."

"The will to be undefeated, to be able to work and coexist with darkness, to accommodate each other, to tolerate each other."

"My believers will submit to me with their faith, and when nature, forests, mountains, rivers, glaciers, plagues, and wars break out, they will master the corresponding magical powers and resist disasters!"

"."My believers have the law and responsibility to issue judgments to the kingdom and launch wars!"

"Possesses esoteric characteristics."

"They have the heart and courage to cleanse their own sins and forgive all sins, and they relentlessly pursue power, establish my country, and perform miracles.

"In places where beliefs cannot be passed on, I will advocate the monastic system, maintain my own safety with superficial beliefs, and contribute to the supreme religion.

"Astrology and the Sun will bring strength to my followers..."

The entire multiverse is in shock!

Countless gods.

Listening to the vast holy voice spread throughout the world, together with the countless angels in heaven, they all looked up at the figure of the seraphim in the distance, Van Shalier!

Shocked by the sect he was going to found!

Flower hid in a gravel belt with difficulty, looked at the holy light in the sky in shock, and said: "Fuck, this is... what is this thing? It seems to be the object of my faith, Van Shalier the sound of!"

"His voice is so majestic and solemn, even as a demon, I want to do it?"

On the Kelsen plane.

Beside the saint Anastasia, Priest Horace said in amazement:

"He...he's going to create a true pluralist sect? Sovereign (good) Monarch? This...this...this is just incredible!"

"My lord, have you heard the voice of that lord Vanshalier?"

Anastasia, of course, heard the voice.

Her fanatical belief sublimated in an instant.

Feeling the birth of the new sect and the powerful and weak co-existing power, the vision of Lord Vanshalier spread throughout the multiverse, and the scene of establishing the sect shocked countless humans and creatures, including dwarves, goblins, undead, demons, orcs. , dwarves, orcs, priests, and warriors were all shocked by that picture!

Some people even listened to the holy voice respectfully on the spot, feeling the sacred law that affects the world, and changed their beliefs.


The spider goddess with powerful divine power, Rose listened to the teachings of Yongjidao sect in amazement.

"Sovereign Monarch Joe?"

The dark elves and gods all bowed their heads and said in horror: "Master Rose, why do the teachings of this church give me such a terrible feeling?"

"Is he going to sweep the entire multiverse?"

"How long has he been born, and he has already started to board the table of the gods?"

"I feel a surge of ambition!"

"He seems to have the courage and will to rule the entire multiverse. Is the heavenly pantheon about to rise?".

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