Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

057 Red Knight Follower Hetty! Raiders Of The Land Of War! 【Subscribe】

Lin Yun's Kingdom of God has been incorporated into the planet Kelsen, and the Supreme Monarch Sect has been established!

He ended his communication with his sister in the Garden of Eden.

Looking at the bustling beauty.

"Finally, there is some smoke and fire in the world. Although the Garden of Eden was beautiful in the past, it is a bit boring to only have the words of the saints. Now the entire Kingdom of Tilbury, together with the human beings on the stars, have made my kingdom of God even stronger!"

"It's time to use the 'Multiverse Faith Propagation Crystal', plunder the priesthood and faith of war, and overthrow the God of War!"

Lin Yun is somewhere.

Feel the large number of warriors, titans, soldiers, strategists, barbarians, fighters, and half-orcs on the battlefield of the multiverse!

That seat can almost be called a battleground!

Countless lives were born on this neutral plane, they love fighting by nature, and are full of desire for war!

The 'Multiverse Faith Propagation Crystal' will allow me to place a fifth true eye outside of the four worlds of purgatory, heaven, hell, and underworld!"

"Omniscience is omnipotence, and my path to the Lord God has just begun!"


Lin Yun stood in heaven, looking at the Heavenly Mountain in the distance, and the 'Multiverse Faith Propagation Crystal' in his hand quietly shattered.

Then, his consciousness seemed to permeate the entire land of war!

Start wandering overlooking the plains!

"This is?"

"Didn't the previous transmission crystals randomly select targets? This time, I actually came to pick believers in the plane myself?"

Lin Yun can feel that his consciousness can control the crystallization point!

"The plane I chose last time was the bottomless abyss."

"And this time, the plane of war is a typical neutral plane in the multiverse! Therefore, the strength of believers this time should be much stronger than last time!"

"Crown? Or holy, demigod?"

Lin Yun's will swept across the grass, skimmed over the wastelands and plains that had been baptized by war, crossed the mountains and rivers, and entered the taverns in the cities.

Together with the nobles and warriors in the noble manor!


A general who is training soldiers, and a war priest who advocates combat!

He can even feel that there are already a large number of believers who believe in him in the entire land of war!

"Honorable Master Van Shalier."

"You are the king of war of the gods of heaven, you led the army to defeat the invasion of hell, and killed one of the seven kings of hell, sin of jealousy, Leviathan! Your reputation spreads in the multiverse, please Accept my pious (overwhelming) faith, and I am willing to obtain your grace through war."

"Master Van Shalier!"

Lin Yun's will surrounds this plane city named Partington.

in the city.

There are 15 green trees on both sides of the street, and in the center, there is a warrior holding a huge shield and roaring to the sky with a huge axe!

He is dressed in armor, his muscles are twisted and ferocious, and his face is wild.

"The god of war? A statue of Tippus?"

"His followers are gathering?"

The sound of iron hooves resounded on the streets of the city. Caravans and carriages, together with fruit wine and elite soldiers holding long swords, were standing in the city. A large number of citizens gathered in one place to listen to the announcement of the war priest.

"Van Shalier, has invaded the belief in the land of war, and he will bring destruction to the order of the multiverse!"

"The power of the Supreme Monarch Sect is being born and sprouting!"

"The great god of war, Tips, will never allow any gods to tarnish the meaning of war! Today, the city of Partington will usher in a coming of the true god. The great god of war Tips dominates and dedicates his devout faith."

A large number of citizens of Partington are cheering loudly at the central statue of the city's assembly square.

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together like ants in black masses in the city.

"What is this for?"

【Current mission completion: 53%】

Lin Yun glanced at the task completion of the achievement system, and on the other hand, he was looking for believers with extremely high potential in the city of Partington, the ground of the War Ground!

"If I want to overthrow Tips and plunder his war priesthood, then I must be more cautious in choosing the target of fanatics this time."

"It's better to be above the holy seat."

"This place is no better than the bottomless abyss. As a neutral plane, there are no rules and regulations. The 'Multiverse Faith Propagation Crystal' can finally exert its true power."

Lin Yun's consciousness wandered downward, looking for the target of the fanatic.

"Ordinary Tier 4 soldiers, no."

"A sixth-order rogue? Wearing a cloak looks like a character from the Creed game, but it's too weak."

"A second-order assassin or a thief? Is he fishing in troubled waters, stealing something at this faith rally?"

"The eighth-level barbarian is a good choice, but its berserk state doesn't seem to be easy for me to influence and control, so I should choose a more rational fanatic as the target.

"Second-order sentinel... no. 17

"The war priest is a tenth-rank crown, but his belief in Tips, the god of war, is too strong."

"Land of War has a true master of the plane. Logically speaking, shouldn't there be only crown life? Doesn't it even have holy life and demigod life?"

Monks, adjudicators, priests, soldiers, knights, swordsmen, thieves, mages of Warland, and rangers gathered in the city center of Partington.

Lin Yun picks and chooses, but his vision is too high.

Lin Yun, who is used to seeing the top life angels in heaven, sees believers below the crown, and feels that their power is too much to reuse!

"I want to plunder the priesthood of war in the place of war. The power of this agent must be above the holy throne, otherwise I will need to grow in the short term, and it will be difficult to help me achieve my goals and complete the tasks of the achievement system."

Lin Yun is not in a hurry.

Because there is no pressure from the outside world, he must be allowed to make a choice!

He chose to wait!

As time goes by, the population of the city gathers after an hour.

The war priest, with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and said:

"The oracle of the God of War has been issued. He will launch a cleansing of faith in the entire war zone, completely defeating the seraphim of the heavenly pantheon, the "God's Judgment" Vanshaliel's faith invasion!"

"The God of War has no tolerance for wind and sand!"

"The figures of the Ice Iron Cavalry, Ocean Knight, and Red Knight will lead the will of the God of War and cover the entire land of war!!"


Following the words of the true God pastor.

The crowd of the city spread out to both sides, and the Red Armored Knights, about 200 people, held high their lances and banners, and descended quietly to the center of the city.


"No.... Holy Throne?!"

"That's the Red Knight Order under the command of the God of War!"

Lin Yun waited for so long, looking at the crowned knight with a smile.

"Let me see if there is any weak belief."

"They all seemed 'firm' in their beliefs

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Yun's mouth, he said 'it seems'!

A tall red knight with long red hair, her faith seems to be shaking, her will is even a little fuzzy, and the lance in her right hand trembles undetectably.

Ordinary people can't see clearly.

But they couldn't escape Lin Yun's eyes.


Lin Yun's "Multiverse Faith Propagation Crystal" falls to the figure of the red knight!

A system prompt came: "The host has obtained the faith of the fanatic, the red knight Hetty Barthalom."

Immediately afterwards.

The red knight standing next to the statue, Hetty Bartholomeu shook her forehead, and she was shocked to find that in her consciousness and in the distant heaven, there is a person who dominates her destiny The big shot, established a relationship of faith!


"First meeting, my believer.

" are...the True God of Seraphim 'God's Judgment'...Vanshalier?!!!"

" is it possible?"

Hetty was shocked to feel the will in the soul, her destiny and belief, all changed and changed in an instant!

She only felt that in her faith, the voice of that seraph was so gentle, because.

So admirable!

Lin Yun asked: "Welcome to the Supreme Monarch Sect."


"Hetty, if you understand the teachings of the sect, you should know that there are hidden teachings in the sect, and your belief will be hidden under the belief of the god of war in Tips, and the communication between you and me will become Stealthy, imperceptible."


Lin Yun said: "I need to plunder the faith of the land of war, and seize the priesthood and authority of war from the hands of Tips, and you will become the sharpest blade in my hand

Hetty was shocked by the sudden picture!

"I will grant you grace and blessings."

Hetty suddenly noticed that four kinds of strange powers emerged from her body!

" this?"

"Plague, war, famine, death, the power of apocalypse?!"

Suddenly, a brand new power of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse emerged from her body!

The realm of the Holy Throne opened, and immediately between the brows, an illusory demigod godhead condensed!

"I actually broke through to a demigod?!"

Just when Lin Yun was in the land of war, using the crystallization of belief transmission.


The statue in the center of Partington City seemed to come alive in an instant, and a quaint wave of divine power, as if it existed forever, suddenly stirred up the whole world and spread to the surroundings.

The fanatical war priest bowed respectfully and said:

"God of War...My lord Tips, your strength will always be strong, your strength is shocking!"

"Let us greet the coming of our Lord together!!"

The huge statue opened its eyes, and the bloody wind of war seemed to appear in front of everyone's eyes.

He looked around and said:

"The heavenly pantheon in the multiverse, the 'God's Judgment' Van Sharil, intends to erode the belief in the land of war. I will launch a cruel war in the land of war and kill all the war believers who believe in Van Sharil. .”

A warrior, samurai, monk, and strategist looked at the scene in shock, and they discussed:

"The god of war, Lord Tips, wants to compete with the seraphim who launched the doomsday judgment in the multiverse, Vanshaliel, to compete for the priesthood and faith?"

"Sure enough, the God of War cannot be profaned!"

"I will convert! Abandon the interference of Van Shalier! Return to the embrace of the God of War!!"

The tall figure of Tips suddenly shook countless gravels, and he looked down at the demigod-level red knight.

"Demi god?!"


Hetty Basalom's pupils dilated suddenly, her expression was full of fear, she had just betrayed the God of War in front of her, and became a fanatic of the heavenly god system, Vanshaliel!

Her fate was changed and she broke through the demigod realm.

But it was noticed by the God of War in front of him!

Lin Yun said with a smile: "He can't detect the change of your belief, this is the teaching of the Supreme Monarch sect, the power of esoteric and monastic systems.

"You will lurk by his side, know all his movements, help all the believers in the plane of the war, avoid, and even win this war!"

Hetty was appeased by the True God quietly, and her heart was at peace, but the huge statue, the God of War she once believed in, still made her tremble a little.

Although she is already a demigod.

But in front of this ruler with powerful divine power, she did not dare to act rashly.

Tips said:

"Become my servant, and you will spread the grace of war on my behalf."


The blessing of the God of War descended on everyone's shocked eyes.

[Current mission completion: 65%]

Lin Yun looked at the picture of the god of war bestowing blessings on his followers, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "You want to clean up the entire place of war? Launch a terrible


"But you don't know that you made a wrong move from the beginning?"

A great deal of power hangs over the city of Partington!

White clouds and blue sky cast sunlight on Hetty's face.

She was shocked to feel the surging divine power of war in her body!


"Is this the blessing of Tips, the God of War?"

"Master Van Shalier, what should I do? He wants me to be his servant?"

Lin Yun smiled and said, "Promise him."

The demigod red knight Hetty took off her bright red helmet, revealing a bright and clean white face, with elegant and mature facial features commanding everyone in Partington City to

All exclaimed!

The red knights on the side were all surprised and said: "Blessing from Lord God of War?!"

"Heidi... isn't she a weak believer recently? When did she break through to become a demigod?"

"This is so unreasonable!"

"Lord Hetty!"

Lin Yun almost wanted to laugh out loud!

"You hand over the position of god servant in the god system to my believers, and bestow my believers with divine grace... This kind of operation is really powerful!"

In the connection of faith, he asked Hetty:

"Why, as a red knight, do you not firmly believe in Tips, the god of war?"

Hetty said: "Master... Two months ago, my parents were critically ill. I prayed day and night for a month, but Tips didn't send God's grace to save my parents.

. This led to a huge rift in my faith, almost to the point where I couldn't hide it... I even thought about quitting the Order of the Red Knight... stay away from Partington

A man ends his life..."

"Your parents are still there?"

"already dead."

Lin Yun said calmly: "No, your parents are still there."

Hetty felt the words of the true God in her faith in shock!

"The angels in heaven all possess the power of resurrection. The souls of your parents have not completely died. I can detect this situation."

"What... what?!!"

A line of clear tears dripped from the corners of Hetty's eyes, her mature face, and the corners of her elegant and dignified mouth trembled slightly as she said: "My... my lord, you... you.

"I will help you, revive your parents, and make up for your regrets."


Hetty came back to her senses and said excitedly: "Thank you for your grace!"


Fanatical belief erupted in Hetty's body, almost surpassing the level of the Holy Spirit. The matter of his parents could make him abandon the belief of Tips, the god of war, and naturally it could also make her

Faith becomes stronger!

The city's charism continues.

The afterglow of the vast divine power dissipated.

The red knight Hetty came to a barren mound alone.

Lin Yun asked, "Is there no cemetery?"

Hetty said: "All the gold coins were taken by the pastor of the church in the name of healing my parents..."

"Hehe... What a sad story."


The holy light is in front of that tomb! Quietly gather!

Immediately afterwards, an extremely mutilated soul of the dead was instantly and quietly revived by Lin Qu's terrifying Seraph's resurrection technique: even the soul was filled and complete.

Lin Yun felt the effect of the artifact Asha's tears in her body!

"The power of the artifact has at least doubled the strength of my resurrection technique!"

"But it still has the potential to replenish the soul?"

However, while Lin Yun was observing his artifact, Hetty looked at the figures of his parents, appearing in front of his eyes, with countless complex emotions such as joy, pain, sadness, and sorrow.

Emerging on her delicate face!



"Woo woo woo..."

The elderly couple embraced their daughter in the cold red knight armor and held her hand tightly.

Lin Yun looked at this scene with a smile.

He knew that a real game of chess and a big battle would break out completely in the land of war!

"Tips, you want to cleanse my faith and drive me out of the faith table of the priesthood of war?"

"I'll let you understand what a real war is."

"What is the meaning of 'omniscient is omnipotent'?" The information brought about is poor. "

General Alvin looked at the troops under his command with a worried expression.

"My about we...change it..."

Alvin said firmly: "I believe in the power of the ruler. Since he can defeat Leviathan, one of the seven kings of hell, and establish the Supreme Monarch Sect, the faith will spread to the entire Dominion.

Metaverse, how could it be possible to give up the domain of the priesthood of war?"

"My lord...why can't you give up? Your evidence is too illusory, and the gods are high above! Vansariel, as the seraphim, the god who commands the army of heaven...our life and death are of no importance to him. significance.

Alvin laughed: "You want to convert?"

"My lord, it's still too late!"

Alvin felt the growth of the fighting power in his body, and said with a smile: "I said I got his response, do you believe it?"

"Impossible, Van Salil is high above..."

However, Alvin looked devoutly at the sky above the land of war!

He said:

"My great ruler, Vanshaliel, you are the king of war in heaven, and you will spread your radiance all over the land of war!"


In the eyes of countless demoralized troops of soldiers, barbarians, gladiators, rangers!

Alvin's body surface quietly overflowed with a holy light!


"It's the grace of that 'God's Judgment' Vanshaliel!"

"It's just... shocking!"

"He actually wants to start a war with that God of War, Tips...?".

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