Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

063 Harvest! The Immortal Fire Of The Ancient Gods! 【Subscribe】

Within the Kingdom of God, Lin Yun looked at the system task reward this time in amazement.

[The host successfully plundered the priesthood belief of Tempus (God of War), successfully established sects and gods, and obtained the achievement "God of God" (this task rewards a rise in status)]

[Achievement Reward: The Immortal Fire of the Ancient Gods (Ancient Gods Level, Current Unlocking Progress: 0.01%)]

[Achievement rewards: Judgment, Hidden Clericship, Law Branding (1%)]

[Achievement rewards: Saints * 50,000 people]

[Achievement Reward: Artifact * Mask of Misfortune]

[Achievement reward: Multiverse Teleportation Circle (located in Eden)]

"The immortal fire of the ancient gods?! How could this kind of thing appear in the rewards? The ancient gods are existences beyond the status of gods and kings!"

Lin Yun only felt an unquenchable divine fire.

Burning deep in his soul.

That flame guards his soul and carries his future path to the ancient gods!

"It's too strong. The power of this flame has actually increased the mastery of all the laws in me!?"


【Brand of the Law of Wrath (100%)】

【Degenerate Law Brand (100%)】

【Brand of Corruption Law (37%)】

【Sun Law Imprint (62%)】

[Apocalypse law imprint (33%)]

His figure within the Kingdom of God quietly turned into a jet-black mass of light, followed by boundless darkness, covering his six pure white wings!

"Fallen angels are called "enemies of the world" in many religious works. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Satan and his angels failed to win the battle with God and were called Go to hell, lose your clean appearance and reputation as an angel, and fight for your only dignity, pride, and higher education in the shackles."

The entire multiverse.

All are shaking.

The sin of arrogance in hell, Lucifer raised a smile, and he murmured: "Leviathan's sacrifice is worth it, Van Shalier, your destination is hell from beginning to end."

Sariel said: "I left him a letter on the moon."

Huge black and corrupt smoke filled the world.

Even if it is separated from heaven and the kingdom of God, Lucifer can still know the existence of this news through countless subtle imprint feedbacks.

Lin Yun suddenly felt his left hand.

A branded imprint.

"What's this?!"

On his left arm, a group of long black lines emerged, the lines were like poisonous snakes, and like red wine!

His pitch-black six wings spread quietly.

The thick black smoke of degeneration is surging in all directions, but it is difficult to get out of the ten-meter range.

Here is his divine kingdom of Eden.

He is the ruler of this place.



"My left hand~*?"

He looked at the ray of light on the dark ring brand, which symbolized the laws and power of hell, symbolized the sin of arrogance, and the emblem of Lucifer!!



From Lin Yun's right arm, a depraved and extremely evil power erupted quietly, and an elegant, lazy voice with hidden infinite pride came: "I will bestow on you the blessing of the ruler of hell, you can struggle, you can Scream, you can identify with the present heaven, but from the moment you fall, understand that you will always come to hell."

Lin Yun began to recall news and situations one after another!

He found.

When Leviathan held his hand!

At that time, tens of millions of hell troops, demon lords... were subconsciously lying on their way!!!

"That's not kneeling down to Leviathan, let alone me? It''s Lucifer?!"

"Blessing from the Lord of Hell?"


A terrifying snake-like emblem was branded into Lin Yun's body.

Immediately afterwards.

His godhood turned into a mass of pitch black, a large amount of smoke, black mist, and all the blood vessels on his fingertips, which were originally crystal clear skin, turned into a mass of degenerate black.

The power of the vast Lucifer.

into his body.

His godhead seemed to form a parallel world.

"My divine power is rising crazily...this power?!"

"Degenerate, evil, not only the power of darkness, but also the power of dawn?!"

[You have received the god-given blessings of the Lord of Hell, Satan, and Lucifer the Sin of Pride, and mastered the priesthood: Dawn. 】

[You have received Lucifer's god-given blessing, and you have obtained: the imprint of the Law of Dawn (50%)]

【God King Godhead (to be unblocked, current unblocking progress: 35%)】

Lucifer's voice came: "Vanshalier, let's fall, from today onwards, fall into the abyss of hell.

"You will become the eighth prince of the gods of hell, and you will be my only successor in the multiverse."

A terrifying will came quietly.

But in an instant.

In Lin Yun's body, the immortal gods of the ancient gods are burning blazingly!

The seal of Lucifer on his left hand, after being blessed, was actually melted by the flames of the ancient gods!

A lot of power, and began to increase the unlocking progress of the "Immortal Fire of the Ancient Gods".

[The Immortal Divine Fire of the Ancient Gods (Current Unlocking Progress: 0.45%)]

"This is?"

"As expected of the power of the ancient gods above the king of gods, it actually burned the power of Lucifer's imprint and eliminated the negative impact of the imprint on me? Stopped this fall?

But that residual power was still not completely wiped out, but hid in Lin Yun's left hand and quietly disappeared.

Lin Yun felt scared for a while.

But the expression is still a little scary!


His divine power is gathering crazily, and he is beginning to break through to the rank of the upper main god!

The divine power in his body is like the sea, accepting the faith and prayers of the 50,000 newly added saints in the Kingdom of God!

"Praise be to you, my Lord!"

In the Kingdom of God, a huge teleportation circle quietly fell, and the faith provided by the 50,000 believers who were close to the crown poured into Lin Yun's body like a torrent.

"Teleportation array... 50,000 saints?!"

He didn't have time to observe the artifact in his hand * the doom mask, let alone the agglomeration of the Judgment and the Hidden Priesthood, including the two principles of Judgment and Hidden Cultivation imprinted in his body.

The pitch-black fallen wings are flying.

On his perfect face, there are a series of cruel and evil black lines.

The law of anger is also condensed in his body.

And the three complete laws of truth, sanctity, and war are also mastered by him!

The Archangel of Gabriel, with his sword, fell aside.

Feeling the explosion of the power of the upper Lord God, Lin Yun murmured: "I am approaching the status of the God King. As long as the progress of the God King's God Status is unlocked to 100%, I will be able to break through the level of the God King!"


Monstrous power erupted in the Garden of Eden.

That power attracted the believers of the Kingdom of Tilbury, the saint Anastasia, the priest Horace, and the entire rebuilt theocracy to pray and sing hymns!

Lin Yun says:

"But... how should I explain to heaven, the ins and outs of Dawn's divine power?"

"."How should I explain to heaven that the Lord of Hell bestows blessings?"

"It's not just a conspiracy."

"A blessing from hell is a conspiracy!!"

"Since Lucifer launched Ragnarok and fell into hell, no angel has mastered the law of dawn anymore!!"

"Lucifer used to be the seraphim in front of the throne of God. He used to be the 'Son of Dawn'. He was the most beautiful and noble among the angels. Above the high clouds of heaven, straighten your spine, stretch the huge wings behind you, lead the legion to declare war on heaven, launch the dusk of the gods, and the angel legion led by Michael, and the horn played by Gabriel, brothers who used to be brothers , and the swords are facing each other, let's fight!"

“He even claimed that ‘I will ascend above the high clouds; I will be equal with the Most High. But you will go down to Sheol, to the very depths of the pit.’”

"And until Lucifer was defeated and entered hell, he fell for nine twilights and became the devil Satan, the ruler of hell..."

"His heaven, is the dawn.

【Law of Dawn Imprint (50%)】

Lin Yun looked down at the light like the morning sun in his hands, and even, the holy light of the morning sun shone high in the Garden of Eden.

"I... actually possessed the power of Lucifer's Dawn, and he even gave me the priesthood of Dawn?! What a huge price this is?"

"This will inevitably lead to a crisis of trust between me and the heavenly gods. (Leave Li Zhao..."

"I have broken through the boundary of the upper Lord God, and I am a line away from the God King..."

Lin Yun sighed, mixed joy and sorrow!

"In my current Godhead, I not only have the blessing of the ruler of heaven, but also the blessing of the ruler of hell."

"This time I was almost attacked by the brand of Lucifer. This kind of plan of the terrorist master that has existed for hundreds of millions of years is terrible. If there is no 'inextinguishable fire of the ancient gods' deep in the soul, things will be in big trouble gone."

Lin Yun recalled Leviathan's death, and felt more and more palpitations. At first, he felt that Lucifer's mark appeared too easily and disappeared too inexplicably, but he didn't expect that it was hidden in his left hand?

"Even Leviathan was probably deliberately sacrificed by Lucifer..."

"This means."

"One of the Seven Lords of Hell, he said he would die, and then he attracted Sariel from heaven to fall into hell?!! It's too horrible. Maybe Leviathan is immortal, and Sariel is not willing to betray at all.

Go to hell and send someone under the fence"

"But hell plans to do so, what about heaven?"

He admired the gathering of fifty thousand saints in the distance.

The image of the fallen seraphim quietly changed.

His wings turned from pitch black to snow white!

Immediately afterwards.

The face in the mirror has changed from an eight or nine-year-old boy to an eleven or twelve-year-old boy. .

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