Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

070 Reverse! Under The Command Of Lord Lucifer! Bilbom's Kneeling! [Please Subscribe! 】

Lin Yun can feel that as he hides his identity, his hidden practice is still growing!

The law of apocalypse is also when watching the Hell Knights charge.

Learned a lot about knights!

[Secret law imprint (2~7%)]

[Apocalypse law imprint (48-%)]

[The Law of Corruption Brand-Imprint (43%)]

"The stronger the power of the law, the more terrifying my body and my divine power will be.

"The power of the law of corruption is also changing with the turbulence of the shadow plane!"

Nearly 150 of the 200 Hell Knights died!

[Current mission completion: 16%]

"The progress of the mission has been improved again. The goal of this mission, in addition to making me travel in the mortal world, the most important point is to clean up the heretics and help the entire Supreme Monarch Sect. In the multiverse, the top material plane, Sigg Stand on the plane!"

"After the establishment of the holy city, it is necessary to guide the believers of the multiverse to carry out a huge pilgrimage!"

"And the object of pilgrimage is naturally myself!"

【God King Godhead (to be unblocked, current unblocking progress: 39%)】

"The unlocking progress of the god king and godhead is also improving as I eliminate heresies and grow my divine power!"

"The stronger the power of the church, the higher the feedback power I get!"

He looked down at the fallen Knights of Hellknight.

A name is bloody.

The Hell Knight with a broken figure looked at him in horror and fear.

Billboom was severely injured, and even his godhead was cracked. His hell god kingdom, like a tornado passing through, was full of ruins, space cracks, and turbulent flow.

"who are you?!"

"I've never heard that there is such a terrifying existence as you in heaven..."

"Could it be that Fanshalier is the hidden target of heaven, and you are the real hope of heaven?!"

Bill Berger's right arm disappeared, his left leg disappeared.

The blood gurgled and turned into a stream.

Lin Yun said with a smile: "I come from hell, hehe, I am a subordinate of Lord Lucifer.


Lin Yun said with a smile: "We are in the same group, but I prefer to kill, I'm sorry Bill Berger."


Bilberg looked in front of him blankly, and defeated himself and the monsters of the Hell Knights.

But he heard him recite slowly: "Bright star, son of the morning, why did you fall from the sky? How did you fall to the ground, you who conquered the nations? You said in your heart: I will ascend to heaven ;I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mountain of congregation, in the farthest part of the north. I will ascend above the high clouds; I will be equal with the Most High. Yet

You will go down to Sheol, to the very depths of the pit.

Deep in Lin Yun's left hand.

A pitch-black mark of arrogance, like a poisonous snake, appeared in front of Bilberg!

He said in shock:

"You... are you really a sin of arrogance, Lord Lucifer's subordinate?!!"

"Fallen Seraph?"


"I am the successor cultivated privately by Lord Lucifer, and I am also blessed by his ruler.

"You monster, you actually attacked your own people!?"

That left-handed Lucifer's brand, it is impossible for anyone else in hell to have it, if it can only prove part of his identity!


In Bilberg's eyes, behind the angel of heaven in front of him, a burst of depraved brilliance erupted quietly!!

Six pitch-black wings spread out behind him!

That black feather is terrifying, deep, and full of evil depraved divine power.

What is even more frightening to Bill Berger is.

His pupils were also pitch black.

The terrifying divine brilliance emanating from the godhead between the brows seemed to annihilate all the holy light!

Together with the previous glow, everything is fading and disappearing, and the shadow plane has once again returned to silence. Billberg's shock is almost beyond words!

He said:

"Fallen... Seraphim... Seraphim-sama?!"

"You, you are actually the successor of Master Lucifer, you are actually "You are really the main god of hell gods?"

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Yes, I was lurking in heaven, followed Van Sharil, joined the Supreme Monarch Sect, and became his god, and was ordered to descend to the earth to establish the holy city of the sect."

Not to mention the head of the Hell Knights, Mammon's number one subordinate Bill Borg, and the remaining Hell Knights around were shocked.

Bilberg said: "My lord, are you...are you trying to hide your identity?"

"Yes, part of you must die, as my contribution to reporting to the gods of heaven."

"your name?"


"I understand, I understand all the rules! You are a believer of Lord Lucifer, this matter is absolutely true, our hell will definitely lead Van Shalier to fall successfully! Next, I will cooperate with all actions of Lord Lucifer, cooperate All your instructions."

…… Ask for flowers…………

"very good."

Lin Yun quietly took out the black pearl from his pocket and handed it to Bill Bohm, thinking:

"I'm fooling you, I don't have a single word of truth..."

"Of course, the fallen law of the fallen seraph, the law of decay, and even the death of the apocalypse knight, the plague, famine, and the law of dawn are all true, together with the mark of Lucifer on my left hand, the darkness in the godhead is also true !"

"As for the others, you can slowly make up your mind."

"In short, the power of hell will be used by me."

"Help me build the holy city and sect."

"The power of other gods must also be used by me. Together with all the reincarnated people in the old world, they will become my chips to rule the entire multiverse in the future!"

"This road is still very long, and the strategy of a city in a plane has not yet been launched!"

"The road to domination of the multiverse is long."

"It still needs to forge ahead."

He walked slowly to the distance!

A knight named Hell Knight was defeated by nearly 150 gods!

All the souls were taken away by that fallen seraphim, Lord Lucifer's subordinate angel, but they didn't feel sad, and even a little rejoiced!


Bilberg's Hellknight subordinate said!


"We almost broke through Lord Lucifer's conspiracy!!"

"No wonder... no wonder he is not afraid to follow us to the shadow world. Otherwise, according to common sense, it is impossible for the angels of heaven to pursue such a far position and distance. They are more inclined to protect the Holy See and pay more attention to it than us. order!!"

"Lord Lucifer..."

"Unexpectedly, has it extended its power to the core area of ​​the Supreme Monarch Sect?"

Bilberg couldn't help but sighed to the Lord of Hell.

Kneel respectfully.

"The next task, the goal, is to cooperate with the Lord Fallen Angel to achieve his wish!!"


Lin Yun laughed.

Disappearing in the shadow plane, I thought to myself, this means being sold and counting the money for others, right?

He has some understanding of the conditions of hell.

Bill Bohm is not qualified to testify with Lucifer at all!

Sin of arrogance.

What is arrogance?

"Hehe work!".

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