Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

083 New Achievement Task! Mammon's Influence! Blood Clan Shock! 【Subscribe】

The vast fluctuations erupt in the multiverse!

The divine brilliance of the heavenly plane, and the power of the "God's Judgment" Van Shalier, not only attracted a large number of believers in the entire multiverse to pray!

All the believers in the city of Es in the material plane of Sigg knelt down.

All the pilgrims feel the vastness of the power of the gods!

It makes other planes, as well as the gods of hell, feel infinite fear!!

A great demon said:


"It's the seraphim of the heavenly god system, Van Shalier, is his strength increasing again?!"

"Where does the future of the gods of hell go? He is so mighty, why doesn't he fall into hell?!"

The central place of hell, Pandemonium, also known as the City of No Return, was created by the angels who were cast into hell to excavate countless treasures under the command of Mammon to build their own temple. called the palace of Satan.

One of the Seven Lords of Hell, the 'sin of greed', Mammon looked coldly at the gate of the Demon Realm's treasury.

A space crack appeared in front of him.


"grown ups..."

"Why didn't you stop the establishment of the Supreme Monarch Sect and stop them from building the holy city?! Spread the faith?"

Bill Berg raised a smile, and said respectfully:

"Master Mammon, the depravity of Van Shaliel is close at hand, and the saint has returned to heaven.

"Holy one?"


Behind Billberg is the majestic holy city of Ace! The fortress-like, terrifying walls and buildings about a thousand meters high create a huge shadow and block the sunlight of many Ace citizens, but in reality Up, with the engraving of the Light Circle!

The entire city wall unexpectedly showed a transparent color, reflecting infinite holy light!

The entire city of Ace has become more prosperous than before.

Countless pilgrims from the Supreme Monarch Sect have caused the outer city of Ace to expand!

Time passed quietly.

Mammon listened to Bilberg's report.

He frowned and said:

"Van Shalier's power is rising crazily again, we can't even determine his current power level.

"My lord, he was only born not long ago, so it shouldn't be possible for him to break through to the throne of God, right?"

"Continue to lead the Hell Knights and wait."


Mammon tore apart the rift in time and space in the human world, and headed towards the vault of the demon world.

A holy light erupted from the whole hell!

The territory of Pandimenan is illuminated by light, which constitutes a completely different picture from the ever-burning flames of hell.

And at this moment, Moore said coldly about the crime of anger, one of the seven great kings of hell:

"The war between hell and heaven will surely break out in the future."

Sariye leisurely touched a dark soul, and said: "I have a hunch that Van Shalier has broken through the realm of the god king. His potential and strength are unimaginable to those who have never seen him, but unfortunately , I have witnessed his growth with my own eyes, and I have the opportunity to be one of his mentors to teach him to follow me to learn the way of the soul.

"Didn't you leave him some relics?"

"His potential is almost limitless, have you thought about it?"

Samuel said: "Prepare for war. The increase in the power of heaven means that it is bound to launch an attack on hell. This is the same law in previous years."

The tide-like army of hell is surging and converging.

With the explosion of the terrifying divine power named Vanshaliel in the multiverse, the projection of the heavenly plane descends!

The plane of the moon for the entire blood race.

All trembling and turbulent!

"Why, I can feel the power of the original god of the blood race?"

A young vampire viscount, looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, the moonlight drifts through the dark clouds, illuminating the sky above him, while the core plane of the entire vampire is experiencing subtle events

The viscount walked towards the castle.

A steward.


Together with the blood servant who bowed his head and looked pale, he was bending over him, and the viscount walked into the castle room, looked at his ancestor, and asked:

"Ancestor, why is the plane of the blood family changing?"

"Is there a record in the prophecy about the origin of this change?"

The elderly ancestor of the blood race, Grand Duke Priestley said gracefully: "Judging from the prophecy, there will be a ancestor of the blood race who will rule the entire moon plane and change the division and chaos of the entire blood race."


Bright moonlight illuminated by divine beams of light in the sky!

"That is!?"

"What a holy breath?"

"My eyes seem to be corroding..."

Countless vampires began to evade that sacred light.

They shouted:

"It's the Seraphim of Heaven! Vansariel!!!"


"His miracle once again came to the multiverse. The plane of the moon is biased towards neutral evil. It was also affected by some of it before, but why is the whole plane vibrating now?"

bright moonlight.

Poured on the earth, it is the projection of the moon, and even the energy source of the entire moon plane.

The dark clouds and gray fog were illuminated by the pure white holy light.

Vast divine power from Vatican.

It made countless blood race feel palpitations.

Blood Viscount, Rob Omar shocked: "He is really too strong! This level of divine power, I am afraid that another group of believers will be harvested in the multiverse!"

No one knows, the shock of the plane of the moon.

It is related to the [Cain's blood crystal soul] of the original god level harvested by Lin Yun!

It is more related to the blood clan he mastered, the core law of vampires, seclusion, power, and blood blood!

Infinite divine radiance, rippling throughout the multiverse!

Even the old world is amazed by the power that erupts from heaven.

With the pilgrimage activities in Ess, the beliefs of believers have become more pious.

Dragon Island, the natural plane of elves, the plane of orcs, the underworld, the bottomless abyss, the world of shadows, the plane of shadows, the plane of ether, and the great mages and prophets roaming the astral world are all standing in the starry sky of the universe. among.

I felt mixed emotions for the heavenly splendor that Fanshalier erupted.

"Is this the fourth time?"

"In a short period of time, Van Sharil's real name has long been known to the multiverse. I don't know what this burst of power means, what does it symbolize?"

"I got feedback from the gods, and they said that Van Sharil must not be allowed to grow."

"The Supreme Monarch Sect deserves to be destroyed."

All the gods in the entire multiverse felt a sense of dread towards Van Shalier, that seraphim!

And at this moment.

Lin Yun looked at the new achievement task on the system light curtain in surprise.


【Ding Dong】

[New achievement task release: ask the host to become the archangel of the seven archangels! Take control of the priesthood of murder, and in the multiverse, murder the "betrayer of heaven" and "seven monarchs of hell" Sariel]

【Current mission completion: 0%】

".w murdered the former seven archangels? Betrayer of heaven, the new seven kings of hell, Sariel?!"


Lin Yun looked at his [brand of murder law (24%)] [the whole person froze in place in surprise.

"The task this time requires me to become the Archangel of the Seven Seraphs of Heaven, that's all! After all, my next goal after becoming the God King is the Archangel!"

"But I was actually asked to perfect the priesthood of murder."

"Murder Sariel?!"

Lin Yun looked at the new task of the system light curtain, which was extremely difficult.

"Sariye can endure millions of years in heaven. If he is so easy to kill like Leviathan who is blinded by jealousy, then he is not worthy of being called the archangel of the seven archangels. Now the king of hell! "

"But thinking about it from the opposite angle, what if I completed this mission?"

"Then I will have another new miracle in the multiverse. After all, I killed the seven kings of hell, Leviathan (alright). It can be said that through the power of war, through the means of the absolute truth of the doomsday judgment, Step up the battle!"

"But if Sariel dies!"

"My real name will be proclaimed throughout the multiverse. My believers, my beliefs, and even the gods and sects will usher in new expansions! My murder priesthood will be fully established in the multiverse and will be accepted by all believers. Acknowledged! Even beyond the belief of Grekkon, the god of murder, in the hearts of thieves, assassins, illusionists, and murderers in the multiverse!"

"This will be of great benefit to me in commanding the entire multiverse in the future!"

【Doomsday Judgment (33%)】

"Since the mission this time is murder, it is unlikely to use the power of Doomsday Judgment."

"Sariel, you betrayed heaven."

"In murder, be a dry bone under my feet."

Just when all the gods in heaven are looking forward to, the master of the pantheon, Master Van Shalier, will succeed the position of the archangel of the seven archangels, and marvel at his divine personality!

Their Master Van Shalier has already started planning and murdering Sariel!

And before that.

Lin Yun also needs to use multiverse belief propagation crystals, deploy two new true eyes, and learn from Master Michael, and take over the position of the seven archangels first!

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