S-Class Gem! (1/1)
Since this guy wants this thing so much, then just find a way to give it to him.
Just like this, the two of them chatted one after another, watching the panda chasing the chameleon running around in the valley.
Finally, after a period of chasing, the panda at this time finally caught up with the chameleon directly, and then rushed up directly.
He directly stabbed this guy to death with one paw. At this time, Wen Ning also saw the panda resisting the torn chameleon.
Then it was thrown in front of Wen Ning.
At this time, Wen Ning said to Wu Di: “Okay, this thing has arrived, you can take a look at it now.”
“What is the need for this?” Wen Ning said.
It was Wu Di who came over excitedly and handed the evolutionary gem to Wen Ning, and said, “The specimen of this corpse is finally obtained.”
“Did you know that if the research on the chameleon’s tissue skin is completely successful, then it will be able to produce clothes that help humans avoid danger~.”
“At that time, you can directly change your clothes according to the environment, so that you can directly avoid risks in some dangerous situations.”
“If such a good thing is really researched, it will be a grand event in the entire scientific community.” Wu Di said excitedly.
Looking at Wu Di’s appearance, Wen Ning was also a little confused. In fact, for Wen Ning, he didn’t really understand this matter, after all, he should know it after thinking about it.
This thing itself is like this, if you let Wen Ning go to fight and train your own beast, then there is nothing wrong with it.
But if you ask Wen Ning to study these things, then I’m really sorry, Wen Ning himself doesn’t know and understand these things very well.
If there is really something else to come out of this, then naturally there is no way to do it, but fortunately this evolutionary gem is in Wen Ning’s hands.
This is something that makes Wen Ning feel happy, after all, he is also working hard to collect such A-level gems.
Of course, it would be even better if he could collect S-level gems. Of course, Wen Ning is not really greedy, after all, these things are hard to come by.
This is not something that I can say that I can have it if I want it. This is obviously impossible, so Wen Ning himself also happily put the gem into his backpack.
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Then Wen Ning said to Wu Di: “Then if this is the case, there is no need to talk about this matter, now you have what you want.”
“I also got what I wanted, so if there is nothing else, then we will retreat first.” Wen Ning said.
After hearing Wen Ning’s words, Wu Di said at this time: “Okay, I won’t say much about this matter. Thank you for this time.”
“If there is a chance in the future, then I hope to ask you for help.” Wu Di said cheerfully.
Wen Ning also nodded: “It’s okay to help, as long as you pay me, the rest is easy to talk about.”
After saying goodbye to Wu Di, Wen Ning left the valley with the two girls.
It was almost in the evening, when the originally cloudy sky suddenly cleared up, and then the setting sun appeared in front of us all at once.
Seeing such a situation, Wen Ning was also curious: “Could it be that the legendary bright moon is about to appear?” Da.

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