For everyone’s sake! (1/1)
“If we want to go, we must open up a new road, and this is a jungle, there is no road here, I don’t think you have seen it without me saying it!”
While saying these words, Wen Ning took out a machete.
Wen Ning shook the knife in his hand, and then said word by word.
“When we got here yesterday, we were stabbed by a lot of thorns, so in a while I will open the way ahead, I will choose the right path, and I will cut off all the economy so that you can pass smoothly.”
“So to be honest, the job I’m doing is dangerous and labor-intensive. If you want to do my job, you can do it. Who wants to do it!”
When Wen Ning asked this sentence, he looked carefully at the two women in front of him. When the woman heard that he was about to open the way, both of them couldn’t help but take a step back.
After all, they can’t do this kind of physical work. Although women are no worse than men, from the point of view of strength.
Women are always inferior to men, so this kind of cool work was naturally done by Wen Ning.
“Don’t, don’t, it’s up to you to handle Wen Ning, okay, don’t talk nonsense, let’s go quickly, another half an hour has passed” “!”
The two women began to urge, and at this time Wen Ning didn’t want to continue to struggle, and then walked forward with the sickle.
Wen Ning was out of breath after walking only two steps, because he was so tired, there were more weeds and thorns in this wilderness than Wen Ning imagined.
After cutting for a long time, a path less than 5 meters was cut down. Wen Ning stopped and wiped his forehead.
Because at this moment, Wen Ning’s forehead was covered in sweat. After all, it was very, very hot and humid in such a forest.
In addition, Wen Ning has always opened the way, soIt is very, very normal to be tired and sweat.
Seeing Wan so tired, at this moment the two women’s hearts are not feeling well, if. If walking 1 kilometer is so tiring, when will they get to the original place?
He Fanling thought about it thoughtfully, and decided to tell Wen Ning his question directly. He Fanling silently wiped Wen Ning’s sweat, and then said it word by word.
“Wen Ning, it’s too stupid for us to rely on this method. If we do this, we don’t know when we will find the waterfall we want to find!”
“` 々Although there is no dew here, we can choose a road with less weeds. The road you chose is full of thorns and light, so it seems that you will have to cut a lot of time!”
“Why don’t we find another way, find a better way, and take a less physical effort, what do you think?”
He Fanling would have such a proposal, naturally it was for the good of Da (the king’s) family, and Wen Ning knew it in his heart, but it was something He Fanling could think of.
Wen Ning naturally thought about it too. During the half hour of resting there just now, Wen Ning has been observing the surrounding environment which is almost exactly the same.
That is to say, it is the same no matter where you go.
Anyway, it is almost impossible to find a good way out of this place. Since it is impossible, why continue to waste time? .

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