The Cave in the Forbidden Area
It also caused some of the beast masters to be killed, and some of the beast masters had already turned into corpses at “277”, and fell among the beast masters of the Ji family at this time.
But the spirit fire dragonfly saw this scene, and it would not let the blue-eyed fire foxes do evil again.
Although Wen Ning is not the owner of the Spirit Fire Dragonfly at all, the Spirit Fire Dragonfly can feel that Ji Yange is very worried about Wen Ning.
So now the Spirit Fire Dragonfly went to Wen Ning’s side on its own initiative without Ji Yange’s order.
Wen Ning was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the spirit fire dragonfly.
And Wen Ning quickly realized that he knew that the spirit fire dragonfly was here to protect him.
“Spiritfire Dragonfly, thank you…”
Wen Ning breathed a sigh of relief now, and he also thanked the spirit fire dragonfly.
But the spirit fire dragonfly is very aware of the blue-eyed Firefoxes, they still have no intention of letting go of Wen Ning, and they are still rushing towards Wen Ning’s current place. After the spirit fire dragonfly launched its own attack, it immediately killed a The blue-eyed Firefox was pushed aside.
The blue-eyed Firefox suffered some injuries, but the other blue-eyed Firefox grinned.
There was already a murderous look in their eyes. If it weren’t for the existence of the three sapphire dragonflies before, the spirit fire dragonflies might have been killed.
The other four blue-eyed fire foxes rushed forward at the spirit fire dragonfly. They planned to kill the spirit fire dragonfly, but the strength of the spirit fire dragonfly might not be as strong as them combined…
But the speed of the spirit fire dragonfly was unimaginable for these blue-eyed fire foxes.
The moment the extremely fast flight was used, the spirit fire dragonfly had already arrived in mid-air.
The spirit fire dragonfly dodged all the attacks directly, and now Wen Ning had already jumped onto the spirit fire dragonfly.
Wen Ning firmly grasped the body of the spirit fire dragonfly, otherwise it might fall off.
Wen Ning felt dizzy, because the speed of the spirit fire dragonfly was so fast, when the spirit fire dragonfly stopped, Wen Ning almost spit it out…
“Spiritfire Dragonfly, let me go!”
“I can not make it……”
Wen Ning said something complaining, and the spirit fire dragonfly also came to the ground immediately, making Wen Ning jump down slowly.
Ji Yange, Ji Boshan and some beast masters also walked towards Wen Ning.
They were worried about Wen Ning’s safety, but although Wen Ning was hunted down by those blue-eyed Firefox, he was not injured at all just now, which made Ji Yange feel a little relieved.
However, the blue-eyed Firefox who was injured just now continued to charge towards Wen Ning.
The spirit fire dragonfly resorted to descending flames, directly resisting 5.5 in front of everyone.
The blue-eyed Firefox immediately flinched when it saw such a strong flame.
It knew that if it continued to deal with Wen Ning, it could only be burned to death by the flames of the spirit fire dragonfly, so it had no choice to continue now, but the spirit fire dragonfly refused to let go.
It will continue to spread the flame until it traps the injured blue-eyed Firefox. .

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