No one wants to happen! (1/1)
After all, after the spirit fire dragonfly was attacked by it once, its injuries are still not healed at this time, and Ji Yange does not have the defense ability of the spirit fire dragonfly at all.
Therefore, being attacked by the flying wing blue bird, I am afraid that he will die immediately in the forbidden area of ​​the Ji family.
But at the most dangerous time, Ji Boshan stood up directly.
Wen Ning is still far away from Ji Yange, although Wen Ning really wants to go to rescue Ji Yange, but there is no time at all.
As Ji Yange’s grandfather, Ji Boshan, he was by Ji Yange’s side.
The moment the flying blue bird attacked, Ji Boshan directly blocked Ji 28 Yange.
To everyone’s surprise, Ji Boshan, the patriarch of the Ji family, was actually attacked by this royal beast flying winged blue bird.
Ji Boshan was already very old, even if they were strong beast masters, they would not be able to survive after being attacked by this flying winged blue bird.
Ji Boshan was dead in an instant!
After Ji Yange saw this scene, Ji Yange was dumbfounded for a moment.
If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, how could Ji Yange believe that she loved her grandfather very much before, and would even protect her grandfather in danger…
Today, in the forbidden area of ​​the Ji family, he died under the attack of the imperial beast.
Even Wen Ning and the beast masters of the Ji family were shocked.
“Old Ji!”
They all started to shout, Ji Boshan was still worried about his granddaughter Ji Yange before he died, but with Wen Ning by Ji Yange’s side, even if Ji Boshan was killed by the flying winged blue bird, he would still know about Ji Yange It should be fine.
A lot of tears flowed from Ji Yange’s eyes in an instant. If he had known this would happen, Ji Yange would rather die for his grandfather Ji Boshan.
But it is useless to say these now.
The Flying Winged Blue Bird was still in the air, and even planned to wait for an opportunity to continue dealing with Ji Yange.
However, the Spirit Fire Dragonfly is by Ji Yange’s side, it will resist all attacks for Ji Yange, and it will never cause Ji Yange to suffer any injuries.
“Miss Ji, come back quickly!”
“It’s dangerous there…”
“No, I want to stay by Grandpa’s side.”
Wen Ning was worried that Ji Yange would be attacked again, so he hoped that Ji Yange would come by his side.
But Ji Yange didn’t do that at all, her grandfather Ji Boshan was already dead, if she went to Wen Ning’s side, she could survive…
In the end, Ji Yange didn’t do this either, and the beast masters of the Ji family never thought that such a thing would happen before.
They also sighed at the original 290, although they didn’t like the patriarch Ji Boshan very much.
But when they encountered many things before, even when they were dealt with by the flying winged blue bird just now, Ji Boshan was very worried about the beast masters of these families.
But now Ji Boshan is dead and can’t die anymore, even Wen Ning can’t save Ji Boshan at all.
He can only change Ji Yange’s mourning, after all, no one wants this kind of thing to happen.
The flying-winged bluebird in mid-air continued to attack, this time all of its attacks were blocked by the spirit fire dragonfly, and even the spirit fire dragonfly started to use flames to deal with it in mid-air.
A big battle started again. .

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