Not in the Cave! (1/1)
The heart is also very angry!
But the spirit fire dragonfly was always in mid-air, if the red-eyed soul-eating mouse got out of the cave, then the red-eyed soul-eating mouse would definitely be discovered by it.
The speed of the spirit fire dragonfly, the red-eyed soul-eating mouse, also knew that it was too easy for the spirit fire dragonfly to attack the red-eyed soul-eating mouse.
“Spiritfire Dragonfly, keep searching!”
“The red-eyed Soul Eater must still be around us, or else your master and everyone…”
“It will not be manipulated!”
Wen Ning thought that the red-eyed soul-eating mouse should not have left, as can be seen from Ji Yange and He Fanling, and the spirit fire dragonfly is planning to dig three feet into the ground!
Next, Wen Ning would stop talking nonsense, and let Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger appear directly.
The huge body of Jiuli Niekong demon tiger landed on the ground, so that the red-eyed soul-eating mouse hiding in the dark can be seen at a glance now~
Wen Ning didn’t know anything about Wen Ning’s imperial beast, the red-eyed soul-eating mouse. If the red-eyed soul-eating mouse had known about Wen Ning’s imperial beast before, it would be so powerful today in the depths of the forest of ghosts.
How could it still dare to provoke Wen Ning, how could it dare to control Ji Yange and the others?
Not to mention this imperial beast, the red-eyed soul-eating mouse, it seems to have regretted it now.
And now Wen Ning ordered Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger to directly dig the cave where the red-eyed Soul Eater escaped just now…
Wen Ning couldn’t believe that the red-eyed soul-eating rat had been hiding in the cave and never appeared again.
Jiuli Niekong demon tiger nodded and immediately started to move forward. The sharp claws of Jiuli Niekong demon tiger kept attacking, and the cave of the red-eyed soul-devouring mouse was almost vulnerable.
Many places were dug up quickly, but Jiulinie Kong Yaohu searched for a while.
The red-eyed soul-eating mouse was not found at all, which surprised Wen Ning and Jiuli Niekong Yaohu. Where did the red-eyed soul-eating mouse go?
Not in the cave?
Wen Ning saw it go into the cave with his own eyes, and he didn’t rush out of the cave.
Where did it go?
“Jiuli Niekong demon tiger, you and the spirit fire dragonfly look for it together!”
“I’m watching!”
Wen Ning thought that he was negligent just now, it must be that the red-eyed Soul Eater was too fast, and he didn’t react when he escaped.
I saw that Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger and Spirit Fire Dragonfly teamed up to turn over the surrounding ground. If the red-eyed Soul Eater continued to hide under the ground.
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????
It will definitely be attacked by the Jiuliniekong demon tiger, and the red-eyed soul-devouring mouse in the dark, it found that it continued to hide in that place.
It will definitely be discovered by Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger in time, even if Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger can’t find it, the beast-controlling fire dragonfly will also find it.
The red-eyed soul-eating mouse had no choice but to rush out. At this time, the red-eyed soul-eating mouse appeared again…
… … … … …
Wen Ning saw it instantly!
“Red-eyed Soul Eater, are you finally willing to come out?”
“Hurry up and stop manipulating Miss Ji and the others, or I will let Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger kill you directly!”
“Believe it or not?”
Wen Ning threatened the red-eyed soul-eating mouse in front of him, but the red-eyed soul-eating mouse knew that the Jiuli Niekong demon tiger was very strong, and it also knew that it was not the opponent of the Jiuli Niekong demon tiger.
but notBeing threatened by Wen Ning now, Ji Yange and the others will really be released.
Because the Red-eyed Soul Eater knew that if they were not controlled, what if both the Jiuli Niekong demon tiger and the spirit fire dragonfly attacked?
In particular, the Red-eyed Soul Eater intends to try to control Wen Ning’s Jiuli Niekong Demon Tiger. Death.

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