Leave the matter to me! (1/1)
What He Fanling said…
Wen Ning would not let the Pole Star Purple Flying Insect go there at all, but the treasure Heart of Ice and Fire is relatively strong, and the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect should have improved a lot.
Even if it is not the opponent of the Ziyou Ice Wolf in the Snow Region.
It won’t be killed by the Snowy Purple Ice Wolf either.
This time, the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect was asked to fight first. The Polar Star Ziyou Ice Wolf took a look at the body of the Ziyou Ice Wolf in the snowy area, and found that it was not very “510” in the snowy area.
Be wary of the Ziyou ice wolf in the snowy area.
It’s also a little more relaxed.
But when he actually fought with the Ziyou Ice Wolf in the Snow Region, he realized that this was not the case at all. The Ziyou Ice Wolf in the Snow Region was stronger than Wen Ning, Ji Yange and the others…
Much stronger than imagined!
Especially the Ice Wolf of the Ziyou Ice Wolf in the Snow Region roared loudly at the Polar Star Ziyou Flying Insect.
In an instant, the body of the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect shook continuously.
The Pole Star Purple Flying Insect was flying in mid-air, but at this time it was difficult for the Pole Star Purple Flying Insect to stabilize, and it almost fell from the mid-air.
The Ziyou Ice Wolf in the snowy area will give it a blow when it comes up.
It has to be said that the Snowland Ziyou Ice Wolf may have much more combat experience than the Pole Star Purple Flying Insect, but it is still a treasure of the Pole Star Purple Flying Insect.
played a certain role.
Polar Star Purple Flying Insect remembered that its master, Wen Ning and others were all watching him fight at the moment, and it had to prove itself today.
The Polar Star Purple Flying Insect then launched another attack.
The attacks of the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect this time…
It won’t be easily dodged by the Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf!
Seeing that the Heart of Ice and Fire was releasing a lot of power, the Ziyou Ice Wolf in the Snow Region was immediately repelled, and the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect successfully proved itself.
The corner of the mouth of the Snowy Purple Ice Wolf…
Even a trace of blood began to appear.
The Polar Star Purple Flying Insect thought that the Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf was injured now.
Next, the Ziyou Ice Wolf in the Snow Region could be easily killed, but the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect thought too simply.
The Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf was just showing weakness.
It won’t kill it at all!
When the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect rushed over to deal with it, the Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf immediately usedOut of the Ziyou Realm, the Ziyou Realm can kill the Pole Star Purple Flying Insect.
Instantly brought into its predicament.
Wen Ning, Ji Yange and the others saw the front, and immediately a purple realm appeared. Even if they sent the spirit fire dragonfly to fight, they still couldn’t enter the purple realm of the snowy purple ice wolf… .. …
That is to say, it can only depend on the strength of the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect, whether it can break through the Purple Netherland of the Snowy Ziyou Ice Wolf, which makes He Fanling extremely anxious.
After all, He Fanling only has one imperial beast.
In case the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect died in the Purple Nether Realm, then He Fanling would have no beasts to guard, plus the relationship between the Polar Star Zifei Chong and He Fanling.
It is also relatively heavy at the moment.
So He Fanling wanted to rush over directly.
But don’t look at the fact that there is no danger at all outside the realm of Ziyou, but if He Fanling goes there rashly like this, maybe there will be danger?
He Fanling just stepped forward…
He was directly stopped by Wen Ning at 5.5!
Even Ji Yange is constantly persuading He Fanling not to be so impulsive and rush. Now He Fanling is simply unable to stop the attack of the Snowy Purple Ice Wolf.
“He Fanling, leave this matter to me.”
“I’m here to save Polar Star Purple Flying Insect.”
“However, I think the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect shouldn’t die so soon.”

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