Ice turtles are also clear! (1/1)
The guards of the Ji family were dumbfounded for a moment.
You must know that the attacks of the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast had already killed the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect just now, if it really attacked the guards of the Ji family family.
Wouldn’t it also make these guards…
Many casualties!
“Miss Ji!”
At this moment, Ji Yange was still staying with the guards of the Ji family, so Wen Ning immediately yelled at Ji Yange…
Ji Yange is very smart.
Did not continue to stand still.
Before the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast attacked.
They have already quickly escaped from the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast, but the remaining guards of the Ji family are not as lucky as Ji Yange523.
The Snow Mountain Glass Beast uses its snow mountain to collapse.
Start attacking the guards of the Ji family…
behind the guards.
The snow mountain collapsed in an instant.
Countless stones!
is constantly falling.
The guards of the Ji family were shocked, and they all started to flee one after another, but in front of them was the snow mountain glazed beast, even if they fled now.
It is impossible to survive.
some guards wereThe rocks were smashed to death, and some of the guards were attacked by the snow mountain glazed beast. At this time, they were killed under the snow mountain.
“The beast-controlling ability of the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast!”
“So strong…”
I saw Ji Yange standing next to Wen Ning and He Fanling, watching the snow mountain glazed beast attack and said, Wen Ning, the guards of the Ji family family, knew.
That’s not much anymore.
With the attack of the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast.
The rest of the guards of the Ji Family added up to less than five people. Most of the guards were already dead, and Wen Ning had already seen their bodies…
Those guards.
Wen Ning would not let them continue to die.
So Wen Ning and the three-headed jade dragon took the initiative to go forward, and quickly came to the guards of the Ji family. Wen Ning reminded them loudly that they should escape under the cover of the three-headed jade dragon.
“Xie Wenning!”
They were grateful for Wen Ning now. At this critical juncture, their patriarch Ji Yange didn’t even lead the Beastmaster Fire Dragonfly over.
But what about Wen Ning?
Wen Ning did not hesitate with the Qingyu Three-headed Flood Dragon, and had already started to rescue the guards of the Ji family because of the existence of the Qingyu Three-headed Flood Dragon.
Even if the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast wanted to kill all the guards under the snow mountain, the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast couldn’t do it…
Everything that will happen to that Ten Thousand Years Ice Turtle has actually been seen in my own eyes. The Ten Thousand Years Ice Turtle is not in a hurry to attack, after all, the Ten Thousand Years Ice Turtle is also aware of it.
The strength of the three-headed sapphire flood dragon.
It is much stronger than it!
What if he went to deal with the three green jade dragons and was killed by the three green jade dragons?
The spirit fire dragonfly began to use its own flames to attack the Wannian Xuanbing Turtle again, the flames around the Wannian Xuanbing Turtle.
Constantly burning again.
It is estimated that the spirit fire dragonfly also wanted to avenge the polar star purple flying insect, and the flames seemed to increase a lot in an instant compared to before on the top of the snow mountain.
“Flames descend!”
Ji Yange began to give orders to the spirit fire dragonfly, and when the spirit fire dragonfly actually used the flames to descend, the screams of the Wannian Xuanbing Turtle could be heard endlessly.
I’m afraid that the ten-thousand-year-old mysterious ice turtle thought to himself.
If given the chance.
The Snow Mountain Glazed Beast must kill the Spirit Fire Dragonfly first, otherwise it would not be in such pain now, the Snow Mountain Glass Beast saw the Spirit Fire Dragonfly attacking. .

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