The Snow Mountain Completely Collapses
Ji Yange began to remind Wen Ning that even He Fanling looked over, just as Ji Yange said now, the Wannian Xuanbing Turtle was indeed motionless.
It must be dead!
He Fanling laughed.
Although the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect was not killed by the Mysterious Ice Turtle, seeing it now is definitely a start, and then the Spirit Fire Dragonfly appeared in front of the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast.
Fly up!
The spirit fire dragonfly will not lose its ability to continue fighting against the snow mountain glazed beast just because of a little injury on its body, but the spirit fire dragonfly looks more ferocious.
The spirit fire dragonfly is very clear about that.
You must use all your beast power.
Otherwise, it would be impossible to avenge the Polar Star Purple Flying Insect at all, and it would not be enough for the Wannian Xuanbing Turtle to die, so the Spirit Fire Dragonfly was in front of everyone.
Attack again!
The key point is that under the attack of the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast just now, many guards of the Ji family family also died, and the spirit fire dragonfly is Ji Yange’s royal beast.
The guards must be avenged…
I saw that this time the spirit fire dragonfly’s attack was much fiercer than before, and the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast had to be careful, if it wasn’t for the fact that the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast was strong enough.
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It is estimated that this snow mountain glazed beast.
It has been killed by the spirit fire dragonfly.
Seeing that the spirit fire dragonfly was attacking very fast, Wen Ning quickly let the Qingyu three-headed dragonfly pass by, and joined forces with the spirit fire dragonfly to continue the attack.
What if the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast dies?
“Miss Ji, I’m afraid that snow mountain glazed beast.”
“It’s not working anymore!”
….. .. …
After hearing what Wen Ning said now, Ji Yange actually didn’t quite believe Wen Ning’s words, but Wen Ning’s injury to the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast.
It is very clear at this time.
The spirit fire dragonfly used its own flames to deal with the current Snow Mountain Glazed Beast, and a lot of flames quickly appeared around the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast.
“Spiritual fire dragonfly, burn it to death with flames.”
I saw the few remaining guards of the Ji family, standing next to Wen NingHe Fanling’s side, at this moment, began to keep talking to the spirit fire dragonfly…
Do they.
Also want to see the Snow Mountain Glazed Beast die?
Wen Ning was extremely excited when he saw the mood of the guards. The bodies of the Ji family guards were still not far away, after Wen Ning wanted to end the battle. Death.

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