Envy of the audience! (1/1)
“That’s right, I also wanted to get such a beast at the beginning, but I didn’t have a chance to get it. Now I see someone can get it.”
“I’m so envious.” The audience under the ring also said directly.
At this time, Wen Ning said directly to Li Wei, “My imperial beast has already come out. Since this is a competition, I will definitely do my best.”
“Anyway, if your imperial beast is injured, it has nothing to do with me.” ~ Wen Ning said.
“Yeah.” Li Wei nodded.
Under the referee’s order, the two beast-monster competition also began.
I saw that Li Wei’s caterpillar was also facing Wen Ning’s panda, sending out a blue shock-wave-like thing.
In the end, the panda didn’t care at all, and just looked at the caterpillar in front of him with his arms in his arms, as if he had no intention of making a move.
And the shock wave that hit the panda quickly disappeared, while Wen Ning’s panda didn’t respond at all.It was at this time that Wen Ning’s panda let out bursts of mocking sounds, and Wen Ning was also a little surprised at this time.
It seems that his own beast master really looks down on the other party’s beast master.
And at this time, the caterpillar also had all its strength, and then rushed towards the panda, and soon saw that the caterpillar was about to slap the panda heavily.
But at this time, the panda reached out and grabbed the caterpillar by its tail.
Then with a roar, the panda made a gesture of tearing the caterpillar in half. Wen Ning hurriedly shouted after seeing it: “Don’t kill it.”
“This is a competition, it’s just a competition.” Wen Ning was worried that if the panda really killed Li Wei’s imperial beast, then this matter would be really difficult.
When the panda heard Wen Ning’s words, it just thought about it, then grabbed the caterpillar with one hand, and then began to hit the ground heavily with “bang bang bang”.
It hit the left for a while, and the right again for a while, which felt really powerful, but for Wen Ning, the panda’s attack method was still a bit powerful.
As a B-level beast, the panda itself is a power-type player, although it cannot be said to be the most powerful power-type player.
But at least now Wen Ning is clear, there is nothing else to say about this matter, it can only be said under such circumstances.
0·····Ask for flowers······
Wen Ning also saw what his panda looks like, this is what Wen Ning really wants to do, since everyone knows it now.
So what else is there to say, after all, it’s hard to talk about other things, at least this thing can still be done.
….. … … … …
And at this moment, after the panda smashed the caterpillar a few times, it threw it aside and roared at the audience.
For a while, the audience under the arena also let out exclamations of admiration.
And after the referee made the decision, he said directly: “Well, the winner this time is Wen Ning’s panda.”
With cheers from the audience, Wen Ning also summoned his panda back at this time.
Then Wen Ning walked up to the disappointed Li Wei and said, “Don’t be discouraged, although we lost this time, there will be another time.”
“It’s normal to win or lose. No one can win forever, and no one can lose forever.” Wen Ning said. Big.

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