Huge airflow! (1/1)
It also immediately began to spin rapidly in mid-air, and then saw the vulture also formed a huge airflow.
In an instant, in the entire arena, even Wen Ning felt the threat of the opponent’s powerful air current, and Wen Ning was also a little worried.
After all, such a powerful airflow, I don’t know if it can stop it for my panda.
At this moment, I saw that the dead vulture drove the high-speed rotating hurricane, and it also rushed directly towards the panda.
And Wen Ning’s palms were soaked with sweat. At this time, Wen Ning felt a little strange. To be precise, it was under such circumstances.
I don’t know what will happen to this panda. After all, Wen Ning doesn’t know how much blow his panda can withstand.
And at this moment, I saw that the panda also roared directly, and then directly grabbed the vulture flying towards him.
And then directly and with one hand, the vulture was divided into two on the spot.
In an instant, everyone present, including Wen Ning, fell into silence. For a time, the entire venue was so quiet that you could hear needles.
At this time, Chelsea also looked at the vulture that had been killed on the spot with disbelief, and was speechless for a long time.
And Wen Ning said with some surprise: “Panda, you’re a bit ruthless”. ”
At the same time, the host on the host stage reacted immediately, and I saw that the host also said excitedly: “Have you seen it?”
“This is the strength of the B-level Beast Familiar Panda. I said just now that this Panda is probably already the strength of this A-level Beast Familiar.”
“Now everyone believe it, this is nowChelsea’s imperial beast was killed directly on the spot, and according to the regulations, Chelsea failed directly. ”
“The winner of this match is Wen Ning,” the host said.
At this time, the originally quiet audience in the venue shouted in unison after hearing the host’s words: “Wen Ning, Wen Ning.”
He’s so good that Wen Ning is a little confused now, he’s just joking with himself, not to mention other things.
At least the current problem is here, and this matter itself is also because of this situation, so it is what makes the audience at the scene so excited.
The referee also announced Wen Ning’s victory, and then Wen Ning walked up to Chelsea and said, “…this, I don’t know what to say about this.”
“This.” Wen Ning really couldn’t say anything right now, because after all, he killed the opponent’s beast.
In fact, according to the rules of the game, if the beast on one side of the battle is killed by the other side, this responsibility is borne by oneself, and the other side does not bear this responsibility.
After all, you can’t ask others to fight with you, but you also need to take the responsibility for the death of your beast.
It must be said that (Qian Nuo is good) to go, so the current problem is here, this imperial beast is directly killed.
So there is no other way, and at this time Wen Ning is a little embarrassed. After all, this beast warrior and himself still have some responsibilities.
Although I don’t have to be responsible, but after all, it’s embarrassing for anyone to change.
It’s just that Chels seems to be somewhat generous: “This is nothing, since this is a battle, then there is death.”.

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