Global Sage Era

Chapter 155 You don't need a hole card to play (seeking subscription!)

In the battlefield, Yin had nothing to do with the leader of the opposing Shark. The opponent just didn't get close, and once he tried to attack the ordinary Shark, it would rush forward with no fear of death.

If there is enough time, such behavior will always be found, but the key now is that there are only seven days of fighting. If you want to last seven days in your own hands, it is still possible for the other party.

"What should I do?"

Yin thought in his heart that he has his own independent consciousness, and does not need the instructions of his ancestors all the time. Even if the current situation has caused himself to be trapped, he has not panicked at all.

Huntuo Practitioners and thousands of sharks are still rubbing against each other, and the casualties between each other are still so slow.

The whole battle was drowsy. It is estimated that when the battle is over, other students will keep yawning when they come to see it.

Xu Sheng felt Yin's thoughts, with a gratified smile on his face.

He glanced at the opposite Shen Shi. The latter was now concentrating on guiding his people, and from time to time there would be a strange fluctuation in his body. He knew that it was this kind of fluctuation that affected Yin, which made the leader of the shark follow again and again. Yin escaped with his hands.

"Although Shen Shi's strength is good, he is at best between Gong Ziwen and Chen Yuruo after breakthrough..."

If it hadn't been for the opponent to know the own method early, the current battle is probably over.

He can guess that the other party’s strategy is to use this method of consumption, so that he can’t do anything about him. Once he can’t hold his breath and let Yin use the Heaven-shaking Seal, it is estimated that he will come up with the countermeasures he has already made. Yin is guarded.

Like Yin, who was killed in battle equivalent to the battle power of the Gold Core realm, the points dropped very seriously in the star map. He probably had this idea, and from the beginning, he rushed to let Yin use the sky-shaking seal.

"The goal is clear... Sure enough, no one can solve it easily."

Xu Sheng shook his head. If he hadn't prepared enough for this time, it would be really a headache.

Others made corresponding arrangements for the strength he showed, and he naturally made a plan to deal with everyone from the battle record.

Moreover, the plan he made was simple and straightforward. It was to use the equivalent of everything in exchange for an item that worked in a certain place. Once it met, he would directly resort to it.

In addition, the things he exchanged are not only suitable for specific opponents, but also have a lot of power when facing other people.


"It seems that Xu Sheng is in trouble. Although Shen Shi's strategy is not clever, it is effective." The elderly Gao Sheng shook his head and said.

"Shen Shi's strength is also very strong after all. Even if the current record is temporarily behind, there is still the possibility of catching up later." Ting Qiao female Gao Sheng is more optimistic about Shen Shi, although she is not ranked first in her heart, But it can also be counted in the top three.

"Xu Sheng should have a hole card, right?" The young Gao Sheng said in a relaxed tone. It doesn't matter who wins, he doesn't care.

Song Ming looked down calmly, and he couldn't hide everything on the battlefield. He was also curious in his heart. Does Xu Sheng have any hidden strength now?

It's been a long time since he couldn't see a person. The last time he faced that person was nearly ten years ago.

Middle-aged Gao Sheng just prepared to speak, but felt that there seemed to be changes underneath, and couldn't help but look down.

Several other people noticed at about the same time, and then weird expressions appeared on their faces.

This Xu Sheng... actually has a hole card!


"you you you..."

Shen Shi's eyes widened, they were as big as a copper bell, and they looked quite funny.

Xu Sheng looked at him innocently, extremely harmless to humans and animals.

"What did you do? Why did your Practitioner suddenly break through the formation of my people?"

Below, the Huntuo Practitioners who had previously held a stalemate are now like a flock, tearing apart the line of the sharks, and strangling the sharks bloodily.

The sharks were originally able to form a whole with the power of Shen Shi's origin, and confronted the Huntuo Practitioner, but once the whole was torn apart, their own strength entered the Huntuo Practitioner, they only had to be slaughtered.

After all, Shen Shi could feel the state of his people, and soon he knew what had happened. I don’t know when, his people actually became groggy, sometimes facing the swords and swords of Huntuo Practitioner. So defensive!

And the reason for all this is that strange fragrance floating on the battlefield!

I don't know when, there was an inaudible scent wafting across the battlefield. This scent was melted in the wind at first, even he didn't feel it.

And when the fragrance falls from the wind to the water condensed by itself, its effect will be greatly changed, and it will produce a kind of fascinating effect, as long as it is within a certain range, it will be affected by it!

Own Sharks don’t even know their consciousness, let alone what defenses, it is a matter of course that the defenses are torn apart!

"Sure enough, you still have a hole card..." Shen Shi's face was ugly.

Xu Sheng shook his head and said, "It's not counted."

"Impossible! You are obviously a very powerful drug, you have been hiding until this time to deal with me." Shen Shi shouted.

Xu Sheng didn't explain any more, but he couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, and said something awkward. You don't need a hole card to play.

The changes in the battlefield were indeed not deliberately made by him. This special scent was entirely derived from Yuhuan, and it was something called Ecstasy.

The effect of this Ecstasy is the same as its name. After inhaling it, the mind will be confused, but it is not exchanged by Xu Cheng from the equivalent of everything, but Yuhua's own research.

Yuhuan has the inheritance of third rank pill refining. She is an accomplished pill refining teacher. In addition to pill refining, she will also try out gadgets to relax. Although most of these gadgets have no effect, they are not effective. Occasionally something like Ecstasy can appear.

The reason why this ecstasy incense has not been used the first three times is entirely because there is no chance.

Mo Fei's Stone Man and Gong Ziwen's Zombie are not flesh and blood. After smelling it, don't say they are unconscious, they can't even sneeze.

Chen Yuruo's witch clan is flesh and blood, but the power of the gods is extremely special. As long as the gods are requested, each witch clan's body will be wrapped in the power of the gods, and the incense of Ecstasy has no effect at all.

Only Shen Shi's Sharks had no defenses other than water, and such an object was just right for Ecstasy to play a role.

And Ecstasy is not a hole card for Xu Sheng, it is just a method developed by his own people, which is roughly equivalent to Yin's Cultivation Technique and another layer of Ascension-there is nothing to say at all.

Of course Shen Shi didn't believe it, and kept saying that this was the hole card.

Xu Sheng completely ignored him at this time. The latter's performance made him a little disappointed. It seems that these enchanting geniuses reacted no differently from ordinary people after encountering setbacks.

The defeat on the frontal battlefield made the sharks no longer able to stop the Huntuo Practitioner. The Huntuo Practitioner formed a neat array, pushed all the way, and soon reached the base camp of the sharks.

Shen Shi naturally ordered the Yuren to resist desperately, and at the same time sent a death squad to Xu Sheng's base camp, hoping to steal the home.

But this base camp was intercepted by Yin and Kuangyuan as soon as it was halfway, and it was wiped out without any storms.

Shen Shi quite meant not to give up at the last second. Although his defeat was set, he still did not give up in the face of Huntuo Practitioner's attack. From this point of view, Xu Sheng admired him a little bit. .

"I lost..."

When the energy crystal was exploded, although Shen Shi had already expected it, there was still a blank in his brain.

Obviously, various assumptions have been made before the battle, and some possibilities for victory have been found, but why is the final development completely unconcerned with yourself?

If Xu Sheng knew his thoughts at this time, he would definitely say that no matter how good the hypothesis is, it is only an hypothesis. In the face of absolute power, all strategies are useless.

The more important thing is that Xu Sheng is not a reckless man, he will use other methods to change the situation when the situation is wrong, but Shen Shi's follow-up methods are seriously insufficient, and he is not forced to do so.

The battle with Shen Shi was an anticlimax. At first, Xu Sheng also felt a little tricky, but he didn’t expect that just an Ecstasy incense would let him talk. In fact, before Ecstasy had no effect, he was also worried about Shen. Time will not find out, but the final result proves that he thought a lot.

After defeating Shen Shi, Xu Sheng had already won four consecutive victories in the battle of the enchanting students.

However, the ranking of the Central Star Stele remained unchanged. Lu Shan was still the first, Xiao Feng was second, Wu Su was third, and he was fourth.

According to this trend, unless one of them loses, otherwise the ranking will continue.

There is no reproducible value in the battle with Shen Shi, and the variables in this game are also the smallest, so after Xu Sheng sees his opponent in the next round, he will look at other people's battle records.

His energy is now focused on studying Lu Shan, Xiao Feng, and Wu Su. Now that he is getting closer and closer to getting the position of squad leader, he naturally does not want to fall short.

In the next twenty rounds, Xu Sheng won very simply and neatly. After revealing some of his cards, he did not deliberately show any mercy against all the opponents of the second echelon.

The opponents of the second tier can still make him pay a little attention at the beginning, but after encountering more, he is very calm when facing these people.

Several of these opponents impressed him. For example, Zhang Ziyou, whose subject is a ghost Practitioner, is very powerful, not far from their first echelon.

In addition, Lan Ying, Ruifeng and others are talented students whose strength is very close to that of the first echelon.

These people were also in the front position in the initial ranking, but they were defeated in the battle with the enchanting students later.

In the 343rd round, Xu Sheng's fifth enchanting opponent finally came.

Lu Pa!

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