Global Sage Era

Chapter 300: Abnormal Transformation Spirit Source World

This is a metamorphosis of the spiritual source world!

Just as there are differences between individuals, there are also differences between the same kind of world!

There is a difference in potential between the world and the world. Some worlds may never reach the semi-holy level, but some worlds can reach the semi-holy level by natural growth.

On top of this, it is the ‘mutation’ of the world.

This is like human genetic mutation, but it is billions of times more difficult than humans!

The homeostasis of a world cannot be compared by humans, and even the smallest changes are extremely difficult.

And the biggest difference in this spiritual world that is suddenly happening right now is naturally the soul!

With its current soul fluctuations, it has almost reached the level of a human being seven or eight years old.

Then Xu Sheng also noticed that although the level of this spiritual source world is high, its area is not large, and it is obviously still in the growth stage.

Without waiting for Xu Cheng to make too many moves, the spirit source world around him suddenly protected the spirit source world behind him like a father and mother protecting a little boy.

In terms of spatial location, Xu Sheng could pass through the spiritual source worlds next to him and come directly to this abnormal spiritual source world.

But if you really do this, you will surely endure a storm-like blow.

Although he has never experienced such a scene, he can imagine what a terrifying scene, so he doesn't want to encounter such a thing at all now.

But at this moment, this mutated spiritual source world wanted to speak again, threatening Xu Sheng, but it was covered by an extremely huge fluctuation of consciousness.

Xu Sheng's heart was stunned, this was the movement of the quasi-sage level spiritual source world.

"With the performance of the spiritual source world, this metamorphic spiritual source world may be the result of their joint action..."

Xu Sheng thought about it with a calm expression.

However, the consciousness of these spiritual source worlds is still too weak.

But he can also understand why these spiritual source worlds would do this.

Because they have no future in the endless ruins, just like the monsters in the lock demon tower, their destiny is reduced to ashes in this endless ruins.

The only purpose is to provide nutrients for the growth of Qianjing University students and become an insignificant stepping stone to their success.

Perhaps these spiritual source worlds have never harmed human beings. From the beginning of their birth, they have never gone out in this endless homeland, nor have they seen the wider world of the outside world.

But these are meaningless, because they have stood on the opposite side of human beings since they became a part of the spiritual source world.

It is also impossible for humans to release these spiritual source worlds, because that will increase the power of the spiritual source world outside, which will eventually cause casualties to the human race on the front line.

Are human casualties as few as officially announced?

Are there really very few humans who die in war every year?

If it was before, Xu Sheng would say yes, he believed it.

But now that he knows more of the truth about this world, he knows that everything is not that simple, and he has doubts about this matter.

The number of humans lost every year may be dozens or even hundreds of times the official number.

All of this is to provide a stable environment for the children who have not grown up. The Sages are doing their best to create a paradise for the children.

Xu Sheng is now curious about this abnormal spiritual source world, and even wants to "grab" him, and slowly study the changes in it. Although it may only greatly improve the strength of the owner, it is not for all ideas. The confirmation has a great effect.

But now it is a situation that affects the whole body.

If he dared to show that he wanted to do something about that abnormal spiritual source world, all the spiritual source worlds would not stand idly by, they would riot in the first place.

"Perhaps it is precisely because of its existence that my behavior was always tolerated."

A doubt that has always existed in Xu Sheng's mind has also been answered.

If there is anything that can make these spiritual worlds turn a blind eye to what he is doing, it must be ‘hope’, needless to say.

They have a high probability of pinning their hope of breaking away from the current dead state on the body of this abnormal spiritual source world.

In the end, let’s not say whether they can succeed, the most important thing is that they have a goal and continue to work hard for it.

Of course, in Xu Sheng's eyes, this approach is just ridiculous, but he does not despise it, but when they finally need to meet the failure, he will ruthlessly hand the failure to them.

Xu Sheng felt that he was still dissatisfied with the abnormal spiritual source world. At this moment, although it was a huge world image, it actually formed the appearance of a human child in Xu Sheng's mind.

It's like a screaming child yelling at himself, it's interesting to think about it.

Fortunately, it was him who was here now. If he were replaced by Huang Xuanlang, he would be captured the moment the Abnormal Transformation Spirit Source World made a sound.

The entire spiritual source world could not reveal any storms in front of a human genius at the level of Huang Xuanlang.

"Enjoy the current time."

Xu Sheng looked at the spirit source world last, and then continued the previous process of obtaining the spirit source heaven crystals.

The spiritual source heaven crystals in his hands are still increasing.

He felt that the abnormal spiritual source world could not help but rush over several times, and even shot him, but in the end he was blocked.

"Record the situation first. If I can't solve it by then, I will report it to the school."

The spiritual source world is still of great use to Xu Sheng, if it is not the case, he will let the school deal with this spiritual source world.

Even if the remaining more than 100 Spirit Source Worlds were acquired, they could no longer be acquired, but Xu Sheng's idea was still to continue to come here after the mission was completed.

At that time, he must foretell the spirit source world group, and then continue to obtain the spirit source celestial crystals according to the Ascension range of his own strength, as long as there is no more cost-effective figure, he will continue to do it.

To him, this task is like scoring points. There is no simpler task than this task.

The fourth one hundred spiritual source heaven crystals were quickly obtained.

At this time, three hundred and thirty years have passed since Xu Sheng left the school, which is eleven days in Earth time.

This time is very close to the task of the Huoxin tribe. Although Xu Sheng has not received the message notification from the ancient sage, he knows in his heart that he knows that he will go back in one day at most.

Looking at his time this way is just right.

In fact, it wasn't that the time was just right, but that he had always regarded this time as the goal, and finally controlled the time after he hurriedly hurriedly hurryed.

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