Global Sage Era

Chapter 331 Sure to win!

Different from the human race, the horrible heart race is generally not high in wisdom.

Someone has done experiments, the larger the size of the creature, the slower the spread of its thinking.

For example, in certain technological universes, there have been some planet-sized creatures in the hierarchy, let's call them planetary creatures for the time being.

The structure of these creatures is very special. They use crustal movement and lava eruption to transmit thinking. Crustal movement or lava eruption is relative to the thinking transmission of ordinary life. In this way, their reaction time will become extremely It's a long time, maybe if you say a word to it, it will take decades or hundreds of years to react.

The situation of the confused mind race is similar. In the eyes of the human race, these confused mind races are not large, but they are just appearances.

It is necessary to know that no matter how powerful or not these puzzlers are, there is a world of light particles in their bodies. The area of ​​a world is so huge, in front of a world, the volume of planetary creatures can be ignored.

Under normal circumstances, or a normal universe, existences such as the Huoxin Clan cannot appear at all, and there is no possibility of giving them life and wisdom.

But the universe is too big, almost infinite.

Nearly infinite nature also has near-infinite possibilities, so all kinds of intelligent life appeared.

The human race is undoubtedly an alien among these creatures, because if the human being is really in terms of its own size, it is just a creature less than two meters away, and it is incomparable with those powerful creatures in ordinary life, let alone being A powerful race like the Huoxin Race.

Now Xu Sheng is encountering this confused mind clan whose strength is very low, so its thinking speed has not yet been sublimated higher. In the process of fighting with it, he could feel a strange feeling. He recalled it for a long time. Found a more suitable adjective-man-machine.

All reactions are very slow and dull. Sometimes you feel that you have exposed a very obvious flaw. He will use your mistake to attack and expand the result, but after waiting for a long time, no one responds.

Sometimes you think that the own war book is too obvious, it is simply to lure the enemy into deep, as long as you have a little IQ, you can’t be fooled, but it’s just a tough one. Not only does it come by yourself, but it also makes the intelligent life under your own hands the same. Come here, to use one word to describe it is to die.

Therefore, the pressure on Xu Sheng in this battle is very small. It is not at all focused like the previous one. Even because of the opponent's insufficient fighting will, he is more likely to delay time on the front battlefield. Just wait and see. If the Tuo Ren clan gains an advantage, then he can'lie down and win'.

In many cases, lying down is also a very good experience. If you can lying down, why choose to fight?

In the hearts of some salted fish, lying down is the highest realm to win. Realm can succeed without hard work, so why work hard?

This kind of thought only flashed in Xu Sheng's heart. After all, he was still a determined and hard-working person, and he still wanted to obtain the fruits of success through his own struggle.

In such a relaxed atmosphere, his results steadily expanded.

Surprisingly, although the strength and wisdom of this confounding clan is very poor, but the incense it provides is a little bit more, even more than the previous ones, when the other side's intelligent life in the world of light particles is not all At the time of Death, his incense value had exceeded 100 billion!

Officially reached the goal of 13!

Xu Sheng felt that Qingwei Dao Body was already beckoning to himself, which meant that the number of own cultivators could double in a short time.

Compared with the increasingly powerful Practitioners, the current situation of the cultivator is indeed a bit embarrassing, but the number of tens of thousands is not only far less than the low-end combat power, even the high-end combat power that has always been proud of has been increased. Throw farther.

After all, the quantity has surpassed the quality, or the change in the amount has reached a qualitative change.

In the magic system, mages are generally called Faye, and they have the highest status. In the Eastern system, the situation of cultivator is similar, but the status is even worse.

But if one day, the number and strength of warriors far surpass that of mages, what will the world be like?

Very caught, the mages will be in trouble, and the superiority of their own professions will become the starting point of intensification of contradictions at this time.

The situation on the cultivator is the same. Even because of the emergence of evil cultivators, the Practitioner has already made very bad voices. If it weren’t for these shouts were all pressed by Kuang Yuan, now the Practitioner and cultivator in Minor World shouldn’t be maintained. In this way, we can communicate with each other. It is estimated that meeting is a fight, and we have to separate the life and death.


"You can see clearly, the mystery of Martial King Realm is actually all in this crown. When you advance, you need to pour all your insights into this crown and treat it as a continuation of your limbs. As long as you have it The possibility of breakthrough."

On the battlefield, Kuang Yuan generally beheaded opponents at the Transcendent God level, while still guiding Xuan Yi and Xuan Zheng.

Every time after entering a new Realm, Kuang Yuan will unreservedly impart his own experience, and soon Xuan Yi will follow up and become the second person in the new Realm after him.

But this time, Xuan Yi's comprehension was obviously not high.

Not only is there a question of aptitude, but Xuan Yi itself relied on Martial Soul to advance to Wu Ying. Now that Martial King Realm appears, Kuang Yuan’s experience is useful to him, but it is more of a reference value. He wants In the end, you still need to open up the road yourself.

Many people in the Huntuo Practitioner are also looking forward to it. They are all latecomers to the Martial Soul system. They follow in the footsteps of Xuan Yi and gradually reach the current Realm. If it weren't for Xuan Yi to develop the Martial Soul system, it would be great. Maybe they didn't step through the level of Lian Wuying, and they are still stuck in the Realm of Martial Master Dzogchen.

"It turned out to be like this, I know!"

Xuan Zheng has been paying attention to the changes in Kuang Yuan's aura from beginning to end. His aptitude is already engaged, and his luck is also outrageous, although he has gradually got an idea after seeing it a few times.

Su Rian's idea is still unclear, it's just a sign, but this trend is enough to make him happy.

During this period of time, he saw how powerful the Martial King realm is. It can be said that the whole world is stepped underfoot. No matter how powerful the opponent appears, he is not an opponent. He also wants to reach this level by himself.

He is still confident in himself, and he is certain that he will also become a Martial King realm powerhouse in the near future.

The will of Huntuo Practitioner is very strong. Kuang Yuan's breakthrough played a big role during this period. The most external manifestation is that a large number of Practitioners have advanced successfully.

This is happening with the same resources. The resources Xu Sheng invested have not changed. The things are still those things, but the mentality is different, and the final results obtained are also different.

In just four years and one month, Xu Sheng solved a powerful opponent who had a 15% comprehension of this law.

This opponent's ‘weak chicken’ even gave Xu Sheng a sense of unreality, and he almost chose an opponent with a stronger comprehension of the 16% rule.

But in the end, his reasoning defeated this idea, and he still steadily chose an opponent with an understanding of the 15% rule.

After Minor World forcibly connected, Xu Sheng felt heavy pressure. This opponent was normal, so Xu Sheng played more tired than the last game.

From this he also understood that own strength hasn't changed much, it's just that in the last game, own luck was ‘good’, and happened to encounter a weak chicken.

Such confusions are not an exception. Many of the confusions who have not enough wind and rain are at a loss when facing the tough offensive of the human race.

Even after being crushed for a lap, some of the confused minds, who have always been very aggressive, began to fear in their hearts, and were unable to make effective decisions in a short period of time.

With more scenes like this, the five true saint level puzzlers naturally couldn't sit still.

"If this continues, the genocide is certain!"

"It is no longer possible to let people expand their battle results, even if it loses most of the strength in the clan, the current situation must be changed."

"When it's critical, I will do everything."


The five confused mind races adopted a race-specific communication method to discuss countermeasures. Under their method, even the three sages who are close at hand have no ability.

"They are definitely looking for a way out." Ji Huairu's eyes showed a trace of disdain. Never look up to the fighting will of these alien races. If you change to a human race under the same circumstances, they will definitely fight to death.

But these alien races will not. When safety can be guaranteed, their willingness to fight is still very strong, but once the situation changes and their own life will be endangered, their will will be shaken.

"It's about the time I expected." Ancient Yi said lightly.

"Oh, no matter what back they find, I will cut it off! The clan name of the Huoxin clan will be removed from the world this time!" Peng Yuanshang's attitude is extremely firm, and the Huoxin clan has caused them to go to Beijing University. Too much trouble.

Not only him, but the previous principals have also planned to remove them. Now the time is ripe, it is really time to complete this matter by himself.

"They can't escape."

In ancient times, Yi's tone was indifferent, calmly as if narrating something that had happened.

On the current battlefield of True Saints, the three True Saints of Human Race have already gained the absolute upper hand.

In the previous battle, the five puzzlers on the opposite side constantly wanted to establish an advantage for the own people, but they were all repelled by them.

Now they are standing here, there can be no advance in the attack on the opposite side.

The entire battlefield is divided into two parts, and the true sage's level will definitely not affect the true sage below!

Just as expected when they came, the human race will win!

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