Global Sage Era

Chapter 465

Without a moment's delay, Xu Sheng stayed away directly after killing the opponent.

The fluctuations that belonged to the alien race in the back were slowly dissipating, but Xu Sheng moved faster than it.

Xu Sheng went all the way in this way, ‘rushing on a rampage’ within the sphere of influence of the Soulshang clan.

From the information obtained before, he is now in a ‘fuzzy zone’.

It is a blessing in misfortune.

If it is to crash into the realm of the Extreme Sacred Soul or simply the only Central Universe of the Most Sage Soul, then even with the strength of Sage, it will be difficult to escape.

The universe is the largest unit, including all kinds of cognition.

Under the universe, the second-level unit is the universe, and the human race now has five universes, which greatly expands the territory of the human race.

In these five universes, the human race is the absolute ruler, and no foreign race dares to make a difference in these five universes.

Undoubtedly, the central universe of each pinnacle race is the root of the own. If the central universe is breached, then the cornerstone of the birth of its own race will be gone. Unless it can occupy a place at the same level, otherwise the race will not be. future.

Just like if the earth is invaded, then the human race will never be able to continuously give birth to Sage.

Therefore, almost every being of the most sacred level will never leave the Central Universe, as long as they stay here, it is like a needle in the sea.

And the realm below the universe is like a satellite city-like guard, they are not only the first-level sphere of influence, but also the buffer of the central area.

These are the most basic information. Xu Sheng had already obtained this information when he killed the previous beings attached to the soulshang.

Although all he got was half claws, but it was enough to give him a sense of the current situation.

He was very clear now that the area he was in was the radiation range of a true sage soul, and there were dozens of noble sage and high sage souls around him.

Although this strength is far inferior to that of Ganjing University, it is still not within Xu Sheng's range.

"Be sure to eliminate all traces."

Xu Sheng said to himself, he knew that he was like a bug in the owner's house. If he kept hiding, he might not be found, but once he did something grandiose to destroy the integrity of the house, he would be spotted immediately. .


"Human races got in here?"

In a dark area, a huge consciousness rises up, a vague arc is outlined, this is a life that can't be described in words.

The so-called light-year can't even compare to one hundred millionth of the hair on its body.

From a higher perspective, this is an amoeba-like creature-an almost endless amoeba.

It is the true saint level soul sorrow that radiates an area.

The souls of the Soulshang clan are not inconsistent in shape. The so-called same race is just the same in essence.

In the entire universe, it is an odd number that the human race has the same appearance after reaching the high Realm.

Even those ethnic groups that do not enter the stream have a huge difference in appearance.

At this time, not far from this true holy soul, a high-level holy soul that looked like a water bear insect was radiating its own consciousness, telling what happened during this period of time.

Even the most holy can't be omniscient and omnipotent, so this true holy soul is not clear about what is happening within its radiation range.

After learning that XXX (in the language of the soulshang, this is a name with hundreds of millions of words) died, the whole world was rumbling and shaking.

"You mean it was killed by a human race who didn't know where it came from?"

The human race ran to their own home and killed the same race, but couldn't find the trace of that person. This is absolutely unbearable!

Soon after, all beings above the semi-holy level in the area received a notification: find the human who broke into the area!

How many lives are in this area above the half holy?

There are at least 100,000 or more.

However, the area of ​​this area is too large, even if the number of more than 100,000 moves, it is not so easy to find Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng quickly felt the changes in the environment.

He is keenly aware that something unfavorable to him is happening.

This made him even lose the idea of ​​developing his own people, and he would directly avoid the world he encountered, no matter what level it was.

He carefully restrained his own aura along the way, not allowing any existence to discover that he was a human being.

Camouflage is also a necessary skill for the human race, and as he travels in this area, he is no different from those native worlds.

At the most dangerous time, there was even a half-holy soul in front of Xu Sheng, and the distance between each other could even be crossed in a few months.

Such a close distance almost stopped his heartbeat at the time, but fortunately, the other's consciousness was only swept away, thinking that he was just an ordinary world without careful investigation.

After this incident, Xu Sheng became more careful.

This is something that will never happen in the territories of the human race.

When within the sphere of influence of the human race, knowing that there are Sages standing behind him no matter what, so there is not much sense of crisis in his heart.

After knowing that Extreme Sage could resurrect the dead, the sense of crisis disappeared, because Xu Sheng knew that with the ‘talent’ he showed now, even if he died accidentally, he would be resurrected.

However, within the sphere of influence of the souls, the high-rank souls have too many ways to make themselves unable to resurrect. As long as they are caught and killed, then they are completely dead, without any resurrection. possible.

He has never had such a strong sense of crisis.

Although the time spent here is only two hundred years, it feels as long as twenty thousand years.

It was as if a sheep grazing suddenly came to a valley full of wolves.

Xu Sheng felt that he might die all the time.

This forced him to keep hiding his human identity.


"It's cracked!"

In the endless return to the market, Huang Xuanlang breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the breath in his hand.

But what he didn't know was that the time flow rate in the area where the Soulshang clan was located was not the same as the time flow rate in the endless ruins.

When more than two hundred years have passed by Xu Sheng, only more than 50 years have passed here.

According to the conversion of time on the earth, it is probably that five hundred years is equivalent to one day here.

Such a fast flow rate of time has actually exceeded the tolerance of the 40% law comprehension level. Although it can be supported in a short time, once the time becomes longer, its own fundamentals will be impacted.

The power of the human race lies in the law, and the law is closely related to the earth's environment!

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