Global Sage Era

Chapter 501 I will deal with the strongest world

When Xu Sheng's strength reached 80% of the law's comprehension level, the strength of the subject level had already surpassed Kang Su.

Kang Su's current law comprehension is only 84%, and her own Ascension is much smaller than Xu Sheng's. The original gap of ten points between the two has now become four.

She watched Xu Sheng catch up. At first she was very unbalanced, but she gradually got used to it. After all, it was inevitable to be surpassed by someone like Xu Sheng.

However, as before, there are still some problems with the top-level combat power. Although Kuang Yuan, who has advanced to the Martial Ancestor late stage two thousand, has reached the current Realm's fullness, it may take more time if he wants to cross the big Realm again and become Martial Venerate. To achieve this, the most important thing is that he needs an opportunity.

It is normal for him to stagnate in the current Realm for thousands of years.

The lifespan of the meditation period is 20,000 years, which is 10,000 years compared to the Ascension period.

In the world of low-energy immortal cultivation, the general Mahayana period only has a life span of about ten thousand years, but the orthodox system of the human race, the sixth Realm hole, has been reached, and the gap between each other in terms of combat power is also huge.

Like the previous sun-like creature, it is only a late stage of meditation, but it does things that the so-called fairies in the low-energy world can't do.

In some legends, only Golden Crow can be transformed into a big day, and Golden Crow is the legendary bird, not much different from the five sacred beasts such as Azure Dragon White Tiger.

The two thousand and three hundred years.

Xu Sheng and Kang Su almost simultaneously discovered a creature of the opposite sex in front of him. Its level of strength is even stronger than Kang Su, which has reached 85%!

"It would be better if it was less." Kang Su's face is unwilling. Although she is very greedy for that core, if she can get it, she will definitely have a lot of Ascension, but the strength is the chasm, and she has no leapfrog. Ability, not to mention the 85% rule of comprehension, even if it is 84.1%, she is now extremely struggling.

Xu Sheng understands her words very well, because even though he has been fighting leapfrog now, but the Huntuo people can reach 5 percentage points, but they can’t achieve 6 percentage points at all. That is the last straw that crushes the camel, like An athlete can only hold 210 kilograms in a clean and jerk. If this weight is increased to 211, the final result will not only be a failure, but it may also hurt the body.

But... Xu Sheng is not ready to give up, and there is no need to give up.

Because the opponent with 85% rule comprehension is just within his current range!

Even he alone has the power to fight, not to mention that there is a Kang Su next to him.

So he said directly, "That's it."

Kang Su was surprised: "It is not something we can deal with. I know you are not reconciled, but there is no way. The difference in strength is the difference in strength."

She had never fought leapfrog before, and she had never thought about the dangers in it.

Since working with Xu Sheng, she naturally knows that Xu Sheng has the ability to fight leapfrog, but she never thought that Xu Sheng can deal with the opposite sex creature in front of her, but the strength of the opponent is stronger than her!

"It can be dealt with. I will deal with the strongest worlds."

Xu Sheng's expression is firm. Even if he defeats the opposite sex creature, the core will be given to Kang Su. He did not hesitate. Kang Su has never cared about the ownership of the core in cooperation. In addition, the resources in the world are also What the Huntuo people urgently need is precisely because of the resources of a powerful world in the past two thousand years, the Huntuo people can grow at a faster rate than him.

In the past time, although he showed some of the abilities of the Huntuo human race, he did not show all of them, so what Kang Su understands is only a part of his strength. In her heart, own strength has always been Ascension fast, but it is still far from her. For a period of time.

Kang Su was still ready to persuade him again, but she saw Xu Sheng's eyes. After more than two thousand years, she knew about Xu Sheng's character. She knew that he would not do things that were uncertain. The gaze all means a lot of confidence.

Her first reaction is definitely wrong, but she has a lot of thinking? Among those mixed thoughts soon appeared a possibility that she could not believe...

Taking a deep breath, she finally asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Xu Sheng replied calmly.

There was a stormy sea in my heart, and at the same time there was an unspeakable sourness and I didn't want to guess that it was really weird, but in the end all this turned into a light sigh, "Well, that's it."

The two quickly moved forward.

When you walk in, you can see that this is an alien creature with 15 light points. Its appearance is simulated as a three-headed six-armed god and demon. The top two arms each have two brighter light points than the others. , There is no doubt that this is the strongest world of this alien creature, and there must be creatures of the combined level in it.

In the past time, because the powerful world was solved by Kang Su, except for the occasional two or three accidental encounters with the combined level of beings, Xu Sheng has always solved the Mingzhao life.

Kang Su had never doubted, because the avatar can also act, fighting for rewards, it is still possible to kill the beings of the combined level, besides the blessing of the origin point is also powerful.

She had never thought that Xu Sheng himself had never made any shots, and that all the creatures at the combined level that she encountered were shot by the Huntuo human race...

Now, Xu Sheng will face the most powerful world of this alien life, and the most powerful intelligent creature in it is likely to surpass Kang Su's strongest subjects.

[Record]: Minor World is forcibly connecting

As the two worlds approach, Huntuo Minor World has four world channels at the same time, leading to the four most powerful worlds.

In front of the four world channels, there are four figures standing tall.

Kuang Yuan! Yin! Wang Fan! Proclaim!

The breath of the four of them is already the best of Realm!

That is the breath that belongs to the peak of Martial Ancestor and the peak of Mingzhao!

In addition to them, there are several auras in the Huntuo tribe that faintly echo with them, and that is still the life that belongs to the peak of Martial Ancestor and the peak of Mingzhao!

Not only that, but the slightly weaker late stage and Martial Ancestor peak also have dozens of them!

Right now, the overall strength of the Huntuo human race is so powerful that it is shocking, that is beyond the powerful strength of Kang Su's people.

Looking around, the endless army.

In the sky, the number of cultivators cannot be counted, divided into four torrents, each standing behind a world channel.

Behind them, there are more than one trillion Huntuo human races as their backing. There are countless young people who are growing up, and their strength is improving every moment. Some of them are looking at the strong who will fight ahead. Full of yearning!

The murderous aura that was revealed was faintly sensed by Kang Su next to her. She took a deep breath again, and this time looked at Xu Sheng's Minor World unabashedly.

But after all, she paid attention to being able to see a small part of the power. Although she was shocked by the strength she had already seen, after all, she hadn't been too shocked.

The world channel opened completely, and the moment the hole opened, the four people including Yin immediately felt the aura of the same level!

In the four worlds, there is a powerful merging creature in each world!

Among the few people, only Yin and Kuangyuan have fought against the combined life. Wang Fan and Xuan Zheng have no similar experience, but they have exchanged views with each other, which is equivalent to fighting against the combined life.

Whoosh! Bah! Wow! Bang!

With four sounds, all four of them disappeared from the same place, and after an instant, there was a earth-shaking battle.

At the same time, Xu Sheng also revealed the law of own. In the battle with the powerful consciousness of the opposite creature, both wanted to suppress the other.

Xu Sheng's strength was inferior after all, and was gradually suppressed, but at this moment, another powerful consciousness joined in. It belonged to Kang Su's consciousness. Her entry directly changed the battle situation and in turn suppressed the alien creatures.

It suddenly became irritable, and was suppressed by the two beings whose strength was not as good as own, which gave it a kind of anger.

But no matter how hard it struggles, Xu Sheng and Kang Su ignored them, their cooperation has long been incomparable, and they already have the experience to deal with such a powerful life.

Kang Su's Minor World also connected the other side's world at the same time. She opened three world channels at the same time, including the three heads of alien creatures.

Kang Su's bones are still eager to win, she is always struggling in her heart, not accepting anything.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and for Xu Sheng and the others, the battle on the body has just begun not long ago.

But the change has already occurred, and as a bright brilliance burst out, one of the light spots on one of the arms of the opposite sex creature suddenly dimmed, and the world was shattered.

The opposite sex growled.

Kang Su didn't understand what was going on at first, but when she saw the situation clearly, her eyes widened, "You have destroyed a world?"

This voice sounded directly in Xu Sheng's mind, Xu Sheng smiled slightly, it was all things that had happened, and there was no need to explain.

Kang Su was silent for a while, but then the offensive in his hand was a bit fierce.

Just a few months of the world, there is another bright light, this time, the upper left arm of the alien creature disappeared directly, and two of the worlds had been shattered!

Xu Sheng saw it more clearly that it belonged to the victory of Kuang Yuan and Yin on the battlefield. Facing the opponents at the early stage of the fit, the two gained an advantage shortly after the match. The wave-like offensive suppressed the opponent's breath. , The battles on both sides have spread to the world, causing great damage.

However, there are a lot of Mingzhao and Martial Ancestor on the Huntuo human race. They have already launched a defensive position at the beginning, protecting the Huntuo Practitioner and cultivator. The aftermath of the battle will not affect them. On the other hand, the opposite is very miserable. , A large number of creatures died because of being affected.

It can be said that a large part of them die like this!

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