Global Sage Era

Chapter 581 The Huntuo tribe after thirty thousand years!

See me?

Xu Sheng was shocked, and he was about to attack subconsciously, but he calmed down when he was about to take action.

He was sure that the other party could not find himself, even if it had a special means to deal with the human race, it would be impossible for the other party to find the specific location of own when it was so far away, and it was most likely just to say own.

"Sure enough..."

Xu Sheng stood still, and found that after a period of time, the semi-sacred world had not only not approached but moved away.

"The semi-sacred world is really different from the general world, it's the first time I have encountered this."

Xu Sheng is actually not afraid of this semi-holy world. Simply if he really goes out, the semi-holy world on the opposite side will definitely warn for the first time, and then all the semi-holy worlds will be siege, even if it is He could only escape temporarily, which was not in line with the strategy he had set.

Of course Xu Sheng did not relax his vigilance because of this. After all, there is still the possibility of the opponent deliberately confused. Most of his energy is still concentrated on the changes in the surrounding situation. After more than ten years, he finally determined that there is no danger. Continue to slowly expand the basic disk in accordance with the specified strategy.

The world of the few million at the very beginning was a very large number, but in turn, turning it into an own territory, the speed is getting faster and faster. After only more than three hundred years, the world occupied by Xu Sheng has already More than fifty thousand!

Fifty thousand worlds, each of which only sends a few Practitioners or cultivators as messengers to teach the local indigenous tribes. The specific development depends on themselves.

But at this scale, it is no longer possible to hide it.

The closest semi-holy world has discovered the anomalies of these worlds, and came to investigate it for the first time.

And Xu Sheng's approach is also very simple: blocking the opening of the world channel, unless the power is one level higher than him and reaching the quasi-sacred realm, otherwise it is almost impossible to cross him and open the world channel.

Even if these semi-holy worlds are united together, it is impossible to achieve this without tens of thousands of years.

The only way to enter these worlds is to get close enough and take a jump-like method to directly send the mundane races in the world.

Regarding this star field as a starry sky map, it is obvious that the position of the southeast corner has all turned red, which means that it has become Xu Sheng's sphere of influence.

The range of red is still increasing at a very fast rate. It can be seen that the worlds are being assimilated. It will only be temporarily delayed when encountering some particularly powerful worlds, but soon these worlds will also be entered. Huntuo Practitioner and Huntuo cultivator will be solved.

Once half of this starry sky map turns red, it basically shows that the general situation is set. What Xu Sheng has to do is to make these semi-sacred worlds unable to discover him, thinking that this is just a spontaneous action and a human backlash.


In a hidden location, in Huntuo Minor World, countless Huntuo Practitioners and cultivators have long been waiting for them. It is difficult to describe this spectacular scene in words.

Wu Xuan and Transcends Tribulation cultivator alone have thirteen!

Everyone is surrounded by a world-destroying aura, as if standing there, they can suppress an entire world.

Countless floating cities are hovering in the sky, and each has at least hundreds of thousands of Practitioners in sharp armor, and the lowest combat power is Martial Spirit!

The number of Martial Kings with the ability to fly into the air is also in the millions.

In the back and around, there are countless cultivators that control all kinds of Magical Items. Their Cultivation Base is as vast as the sea, and even the giants of the cave and the phantom are extremely common!

This is the strength of the Huntuo human race at this time!

With the blessing of the Fourth Stage of the Ninth Stage battle body and the purple marrow body, it has reached a level that is simply unimaginable in an ordinary semi-sacred world!

If you don't talk about the Transcends Tribulation and Mahayana levels of the highest Realm, Xu Sheng's current people have the tolerance of Huang Xuanlang's world. In the vast and endless world, powerful Sects emerge in endlessly, and the deep inheritance is endless, and the dynasty is even more dotted!

In the great brilliance, capable people and strangers emerge in endlessly, the once strong will always be surpassed by the latecomers, and we are in a magnificent era!

In the historical records, every time Xu Sheng adds talents to the Huntuo race, he will always enter a period of brilliance. In everyone’s impression, people in this era are extremely happy. In such a period, everything is possible!

Kuang Yuan, dressed in an imperial robe, sits in a gleaming car wheel, with nine real dragons leading Martial Venerate in front of him!

And the Xuan Zheng and Xuan Yi who stood beside him were also imperial beasts, and they were very diverse.

To their left, there was Huang sitting on the nine-headed dragon. In the void behind him, there seemed to be thousands of beasts roaring, and the phantoms flickered.

On the right is Su Rong, looking helpless, leaning on a sword, staring at the sun in the sky in a daze.

In the entire battlefield, he is undoubtedly the most out of place, but no one dares to look down upon him. Among all the Practitioners now, except for Kuang Yuan, who can be said to be a stable winner, no one dares to say that he can definitely beat Su Rong.

But even Kuang Yuan didn't know all of Su Rong's methods, he didn't know where his limits were, he rarely shot, and seemed tired of fighting.

The strength of the Practitioner is strong, and the cultivator is naturally not bad.

Yin Duan sits on Nine Heavens, looking down on the world like a celestial celestial being. On the two auspicious clouds next to him are Yuxu and Qianmin. Wang Fan is holding a sword and leading his disciples to stand in the forefront.

I am a sword repairer, indomitable!

Everyone is silently waiting for that moment to come.

The entire battlefield seemed extremely silent.

At a certain moment, a bright light appeared in front of everyone.

Endless brilliance emerged in front of my eyes, and even the most powerful Practitioner and cultivator had to squint their eyes slightly.

Then the light dissipated, revealing the endless stretch of earth and alien races in completely different shapes behind.

Countless voices sounded.

The excited cry of the Practitioner, the grumpy cry of the beasts, the sound of Magical Item...

The overwhelming Practitioner and cultivator cross the barrier between the two worlds at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye, and enter the opposite world, as usual.

Xu Sheng watched from above the endless.

In a mere ordinary semi-holy world, under normal circumstances, he does not need to mobilize the power of the entire Huntuo human race, but at this time, in order to delay the news, he decided to make a quick battle.

It is difficult to have semi-sacred beings, and it is possible to cultivate the ordinary lives in the ‘body’. After all, they are not humans, and there is no complete system.

With the improvement of generations of human race sages, the current training system is also extremely powerful, and it is not comparable to other races.

The result of the war has long been doomed.

If it weren't for too many enemies, Xu Sheng wouldn't even pay too much attention!

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