Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 24: Surprised Lin Zhennan

He is so old, but he still doesn't know how to handle things properly. Fortunately, he didn't make any mistakes. Otherwise,

No matter what, I have to give him a good scolding this time, Lin Zhennan said secretly.

"Head escort, escort head's wife, you should go out and take a look yourself." The escort head said with a strange look.


"Ping'er, Ping'er is not injured?" Mrs. Lin was startled and ran out quickly.

"This" Lin Zhennan's heart tightened and he hurriedly followed him out.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Outside the escort agency, there were two flagpoles lying on the ground, which were the big flagpoles in front of the escort agency.

This flagpole was cut down by the Qingcheng Sect in the afternoon, but it was difficult to deal with it for a while, and Lin Zhennan was in a bad mood, so he temporarily put it at the door.

"You guys, hurry up!"

The remaining disciples of Qingcheng Sect, urged by Hou Renying, carried two huge bamboos and Yu Canghai's body to the entrance of the escort agency.

They had just found a bamboo forest and cut it on the spot.

"Just put it here." Tianyu casually pointed to the place where the flagpole of Fuwei Escort Agency was originally erected.

It doesn't affect people coming in and out, which is pretty good.

"Yes!" Hou Renying's heart tightened and he hurriedly gave orders.

He didn't dare to resist Tianyu's intention at all. Some people had expressed dissatisfaction before, but Tianyu just used a sword without any explanation.

No matter how high or low the opponent's martial arts skills were, or whether he was prepared or not, he would be killed with a sword.

Hou Renying's title as the eldest disciple of Qingcheng Sect was earned after several life-and-death experiences, but he had never seen such a ruthless person.

As a result, he was terrified in front of Tianyu and dared not say a word more.

"Ping'er, are you okay?" Footsteps came, and Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin hurried out.

They pulled Tianyu to take a closer look, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one was missing an arm or a leg.

"It's okay."

"Don't run around next time. It's so dangerous!"

"It's not dangerous now." Tianyu smiled.


Lin Zhennan and Mrs. Lin were puzzled. They wanted to say something to him, but they felt that the occasion was not right.

"Hou Renying, come here."

"Yes, I'm here to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lin."

Hou Renying's eyes flashed, and he quickly knelt down in front of Lin Zhennan and kowtowed.

As the eldest disciple of Qingcheng Sect, Hou Renying's status in the martial arts world is actually slightly higher than Lin Zhennan.

But now is obviously not the time to talk about status in the martial arts world.

"You are Hou Renying? The leader of the 'heroes and heroes, the four beauties of Qingcheng'?" Lin Zhennan was shocked and quickly helped Hou Renying up.

"It's Xiaoke, I don't deserve it." Hou Renying's heart trembled and he quickly refused.

"Where is your master now? Let's sit down and talk. We can talk it out." Lin Zhennan said hurriedly.

"He's up there."

Hou Renying smiled bitterly and pointed to the stake that had just been erected.

The two followed Hou Renying's finger and glanced at the four or five-meter-high bamboo pillar, and then suddenly froze.

A short man was hanging on the top of the pillar. He was wearing a Taoist robe and his body was stiff. It was obvious that he had been dead for a long time.

"This, this, this!" An extremely absurd feeling surged up, and the two subconsciously looked at Tianyu.

"I did it." Tianyu nodded, looking calm.

According to Tianyu's meaning, as the price for the Qingcheng Sect's random killing of the Fuwei Escort Agency's escort chief, Yu Canghai's body would be hung at the door of the escort agency for seven days.

The grievances between the Fuwei Escort Agency and the Qingcheng Sect were written off.

Lin Zhennan thought about it and agreed with this idea. For ordinary businessmen, it is certainly not okay to hang a dead person at the door.

But the escort agency is a bloody business, brave and bloody.

Now that others have bullied us and killed dozens of escort leaders, we should take revenge for our grievances and revenge for our hatreds, which is in line with the rules of the martial arts world.

Yu Canghai is a master of his generation, and his martial arts can also be ranked in the top 20 in the entire righteous way. The Fuwei Escort Agency is so strong that it can not only establish its prestige, but also deter outsiders.

Afterwards, Hou Renying and others came to the Fuwei Escort Agency and discussed with Lin Zhennan for half an hour.

The result of the discussion was that Lin Zhennan agreed to fully support Hou Renying to seize the leader of Qingcheng, and Hou Renying agreed that only Fuwei Escort Agency would be allowed to transport darts in Sichuan and Shu.

If Hou Renying wanted to take over, he had to get rid of Yu Canghai's faction first, which was in line with the Fuwei Escort Agency.

Tianyu listened to a few words about the details of the cooperation and felt that it was boring, so he left on his own.

Everyone had no objection, after all, Tianyu was their biggest backer now.

After the battle of Qingcheng, his status changed greatly. The whole escort agency respected him like a god, and the remaining disciples of Qingcheng Sect feared him like a tiger.

"Ping'er, why is your martial arts so high?" After the people of Qingcheng Sect left, Lin Zhennan found Tianyu and hurriedly pulled him into the study, his face full of solemnity.

"I went to the old house of the Lin family and learned the real sword method of exorcising evil spirits." Tianyu took out the red cassock from his arms and handed it to Lin Zhennan as if nothing had happened.

He didn't know what to do with this cassock. Even if he found a way to take it out, he couldn't learn it!

Indeed, compared with many high-end martial arts that require extremely high physical fitness, qualifications, and comprehension, this thing has no threshold for practice, even ordinary people can practice it.

But the price is also obvious. It is a little less in form, which may directly lead to psychological problems in practitioners.

After all, those who can cut chickens to practice swordsmanship are either ruthless or perverted, and Tianyu believes that he is neither of these two.

So just give it to Lin Zhennan. It was originally the Lin family's thing, so it's okay to return it.

If he faces a life-and-death catastrophe in the future, with this in his hand, Lin Zhennan may still have a chance to fight back.

"This... You! Could it be?" Lin Zhennan took the cassock and rolled his eyes hurriedly, and his expression suddenly changed.

The look he gave Tianyu became extremely strange, and it was obvious that he knew some inside information about Lin Yuantu.

He also knew that although this martial art was extremely powerful, the price was incredibly high and it was simply unbearable!

"In addition to swordsmanship, this martial art on the cassock also includes internal strength and lightness. The cost of practicing is relatively high, so I didn't practice it step by step."

"But some parts of this swordsmanship are very interesting. I read it and had some sudden realizations about the family swordsmanship. Killing Yu Canghai with this is effortless." Tianyu said calmly.

After saying that, he casually drew out the Longquan sword and made a sword flower, casually performing several evil-repelling sword techniques.

In a flash of sword light, more than ten swords were thrust out, and the room was filled with sword shadows and the sword energy was cold.

"This Ping'er, you are a sword genius that only appears once in a century!" Lin Zhennan was stunned and took a breath of cold air, contributing his own strength to global warming.

With his mediocre martial arts, he could see that Tianyu's sword technique was indeed extremely powerful, at least he could not block Tianyu's casual sword.

If this sword technique could kill Yu Canghai, it would not be difficult to understand.

But can this sword technique be practiced like this?

Lin Zhennan vaguely remembered that when he was young, he had seen Lin Yuantu practicing sword. Lin Yuantu danced with a long sword, and his figure was like a ghost, which made people dazzled.

But in terms of the attainments of sword technique alone, he might not be as good as his son.

Lin Yuantu has been practicing this sword technique for decades, and his son has only watched it for less than an hour, and his sword technique has improved so much?

The founder of this martial arts, even Yuantu Gong, can be described in one sentence: "I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everyone here is rubbish!"

"Since the matter with Qingcheng Sect has been resolved. Starting tomorrow, I want to travel around the world and understand martial arts." Seeing Lin Zhennan's shocked face, Tianyu coughed and took the initiative to say.

Although the matter of killing Yu Canghai is not small, it may not be enough to gather enough reputation.

After all, he is too young, and the people in the world are mostly skeptical when they hear that one person picked Qingcheng Sect.

After the matter ferments, after a while, his reputation may be deducted a lot.

If he wants to complete the main task, he will probably have to go out to do something.

Moreover, with his personality, the goal is obviously not just to complete the main task, but at least he must try to get an SSS-level evaluation!

Then you have to participate in the challenge mission, and the main line reputation cannot be satisfied with just being a first-class master.

"Well, originally you didn't have martial arts skills, so I certainly didn't want you to wander around the world."

"But now Yu Canghai is a master of his generation, and his martial arts skills are not as good as yours. The world is so big, you can go wherever you want." Lin Zhennan thought for a moment, nodded and laughed.

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