Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 43: Killing Zombies

Tianyu watched the group of people leave. He also wanted to go out to find some food. He hadn't eaten yet after running around all day! The search lasted two hours, because the corpse atmosphere here was so strong that all the living creatures had escaped.

Finally, a wild yellow sheep, a wild deer, and several hares and pheasants were found more than ten kilometers away. They were all shot with pebbles and stored in the storage space.

“You’ll have a good time tonight!”

When he came to the stream, Tianyu slaughtered and washed all the prey, sprinkled the mosquito repellent and animal repellent powder given by Uncle Jiu around the area, and took out the grill firewood, lighting equipment, kitchen utensils, tables and chairs from the storage space.

The prey is marinated with secret spices, the wild yellow sheep and wild deer are set on fire and grilled, the hare is made into soup and stewed in the pot, and the pheasant is made into beggar's chicken and buried in the fire.

Tianyu then concentrated on cooking, turning the wild yellow sheep and deer, brushing them with honey and sprinkling cumin chili powder, seasoning the hare with some shiitake mushrooms and velvet antlers he found, and turning the beggar's chicken to warm the fire.

High-end ingredients often require only the simplest cooking methods. After two hours of busy work, Chef Tianyu finally had dinner.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Tianyu pulled off the roasted golden and fragrant lamb leg, and started chewing it without fear of burning it. With his current physical condition, he could roll it in hot water, let alone a little heat.

The roasted whole lamb is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with no smell at all, and tastes spicy and fragrant; the roasted venison is golden in color, cut into thin slices, and served with a special dipping sauce, which is sweet and sweet in the mouth, fully highlighting the elegance of the venison; The stewed rabbit meat soup is sweet and delicious, and the meat is soft and rotten; the last is the beggar's chicken, the chicken is fragrant and slightly elastic, tender and juicy.

With a mouthful of barbecue and a mouthful of cold beer, Tianyu enjoyed eating meat and drinking wine like this. He didn't feel like he was here to fight zombies at all, but like he was here for camping.

In fact, he also wanted to make do with it, but his super-taster didn't allow it, and he couldn't swallow the dry food at all. Anyway, there is still enough time, and of course he will not treat himself badly.

After a meal, all the food went into Tianyu's stomach. He patted his stomach and felt full. It seemed that as his strength continued to increase, his body also needed enough energy to support it.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Who makes him still relatively weak now? This is what cultivation is like.

In the early stage, you need to eat and drink a lot to replenish enough energy to support your cultivation. After your cultivation level is improved, you can achieve fasting, and naturally you don't need to eat and drink a lot.

Tianyu is now in the early stages of cultivation and needs to take adequate food supplements.

Tianyu took out the cleaning talisman he bought from Uncle Jiu. Once he used it, he looked completely new. The dirt and oil stains were all gone. When he used the kitchen utensils and tableware, they were so clean that they could be used as mirrors. It is indeed one of the must-have props for traveling.

Putting things away in his pocket, Tianyu looked at the sky. The moon was already at its peak, and it was time to kill the zombies.

After being disguised, he came to Tengteng Town again and found that the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, and streaks of moonlight were pulled down by the zombies in the town.


The two green zombies seemed to be a little slow when they saw Tianyu jumping down from the city wall.

It took a few seconds to react, then he opened his mouth and lunged towards Tianyu with his sharp fangs exposed.

Tianyu did not retreat but advanced, he pointed out his hands, and two golden lights burst out and instantly penetrated the zombie's head, killing him instantly.

Tianyu no longer covered up his strong energy and blood, jumped on the roof and ran towards the center of the town.


The strong vitality and blood aura of the living people immediately made the zombies in Tengteng Town boil, roaring and jumping along Tianyu's aura.

Tianyu jumped several times and reached the roof of the tallest building in the center of the town, quietly waiting for the arrival of the zombies.

Gradually, the roaring zombies came to the bottom of the roof where Tianyu was. The more powerful ones, Mao Zhan, Iron Armored Zombie, and Bronze Armored Zombie, jumped up and roared to attack him. Their sharp black nails were driven directly into Tianyu's body.

Tianyu didn't show any panic at this time. He only saw a flash of golden light from his hands, which immediately penetrated and attacked the head of his zombie, and then kicked the zombie down. He had to wait for the zombie king to appear.

On the other hand, the Selectmen patrolling the Selector camp outside the city also discovered something unusual in the town.

"Captain, the zombies in the town are all crazy. It seems that someone broke into the center of the town." A male selector reported to the young leader

"Let's go up to the city wall and take a look." The young leader led a few selectors up the city wall and looked towards the center of the town. From a distance, he saw golden light flashing from time to time in the darkness, and the roars of zombies coming one after another.

"Captain, that person doesn't want to die. He dares to attract so many zombies. We killed more than 500 zombies in two days and lost about 10 people. Not to mention that the zombie king didn't show up."

"Captain, you see, all the zombies on the street are gone. They have all been lured over."

"Well, the selectors are not fools. Find a few people who are good at sneaking and follow me to see if there is any chance of missing something. Remember to cover up your breath and wear night vision goggles!" The young leader led four people. The chosen ones rushed towards Tianyu.

"Hiss, captain, look at that man dead. There are almost two thousand of these zombies." The young leader and his group stopped to observe more than 300 meters away from Tianyu. One of the team members looked at Tianyu from a distance and said.

The young leader also saw that there were some powerful armored zombies among the zombies, which were completely comparable to him. This made him feel chills. If he were Tianyu, he would have panicked to death.

Just then they heard Tianyu’s voice:

"Heaven and earth Xuanzong, the root of all Qi; cultivate ten thousand calamities to prove my supernatural powers; inside and outside the three realms, only Tao is supreme; the body has golden light, covering my body; invisible to the eyes, inaudible to the ears; encompassing heaven and earth, nurturing all living things; chanting ten thousand times, the body has light; guards the three realms, the five emperors welcome; all gods pay homage, command thunder; ghosts and demons are frightened, and spirits and monsters lose their forms; there is thunder inside, the thunder god hides his name; the profound wisdom is intertwined, the five Qi are rising; the golden light appears quickly, covering the real person. Hurry up as the law orders."

Back to Tianyu, he has not sensed the appearance of the zombie king, but he sensed the group of people led by the young leader. He doesn't care, as long as they don't come to provoke him.

Looking at the group of zombies gathered, Tianyu began to recite the exorcism spell, and used the Qi to cast the exorcism spell. I saw golden light bursting out from Tianyu, plating the surrounding floor and walls with gold, and the golden light stuck to him like armor.

The zombies surrounding Tianyu howled in fear. Tianyu jumped down from the roof and crushed a black zombie with one foot. The golden light in his hand condensed into a golden long sword. He waved it around and cut off the zombies surrounding him.

The zombies were in chaos. They didn't have much consciousness and instinctively wanted to stay away from Tianyu who was covered by the exorcism spell.


At this time, a zombie roared, stopping the zombies who were scared and wanted to turn around and run away. A zombie leader commanded the zombies, and then the zombies attacked Tianyu frantically. The sharp black nails full of corpse poison pierced Tianyu from all directions, and he was about to be sieved.


With a crisp sound, the zombies' nails hit Tianyu who was covered by the exorcism spell, just like hitting a ten-thousand-foot iron wall, and were all broken.

These zombies could not break the defense of the exorcism spell at all. The terrifying dynamic potential energy was instantly absorbed by Tianyu and converted into his own power. Tianyu stood still like a hill, allowing the zombies to attack.

Tianyu solidified and lengthened the golden long sword in his hand, and chopped it towards the necks of the zombies surrounding him, like a hot knife cutting butter, without any hindrance. Dozens of hideous zombie heads were chopped off in an instant, and black dirty blood rushed into the sky and sprinkled all around.

The dirty blood in the sky was all blocked by the golden light and could not fall on Tianyu, but the zombie group became more violent and crazy.

In this way, Tianyu was like a perpetual motion machine, tirelessly slashing around, and the zombies also mindlessly besieged Tianyu, and the zombie corpses under his feet piled up more and more.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally Tianyu caught the zombie leader who had some consciousness in front of him and chopped him with the sword, ending the war.

"Who else!!! Ah~"

After the battle, the full moon was in the sky. Tianyu stood on a pile of zombie corpses as high as a hill, howling to the sky, and the terrifying howl spread throughout the entire Teng Teng Town.

"Hiss, so terrifying!!!"

"Is this this, this, still a human?" The young leader and the surrounding summoners took a breath of cold air, looking at Tianyu who was howling to the sky, like a devil and a god, and asked tremblingly.

This scene, I believe they will never forget it!!!

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