Global Selection: Only I Know the Story

Chapter 49 Forced Summoning

After Tianyu delivered the strategy, he just entered the door and the reminder sound of the selected space sounded in his mind.

"Chosen Tianyu, you have been forcibly summoned and will enter the mission world "Zombie World War" in ten seconds. Please be prepared!"


"10, 9, 8"

Before Tianyu could react, the selected space had already started counting.

"Wait, wait, what's going on, I don't want to enter the mission copy!"

Unfortunately, the selected space had no intention of paying attention to Tianyu at all, and it was still counting down on its own.

At this time, Tianyu's mind flashed, and he seemed to have seen such a scene somewhere.

When he thought about it carefully, he remembered that his father was cheated in this way, and he hadn't come back until now.

"Haha, playing this trick with me, and it's a mission world like Zombie World War, it's really interesting!" Tianyu had a sneer on his face.

No matter who it is, since he chose to deal with him, Tianyu didn't intend to let him continue to live.

Moreover, he was very familiar with the mission world of World War Z, and he really didn't believe that the other party could kill him in it!

The countdown ended.

Tianyu was suddenly shrouded in red light and disappeared in the room

When Tianyu regained his sight again, he was already in a busy street.

This is a prosperous metropolis, with busy streets and countless high-rise buildings around.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, shining on people, making people feel lazy and comfortable.

On a sign on the side of the road, the name of the city was marked: Boston!


Located on the Atlantic coast in the northeast of the United States, it is the capital and largest city of Massachusetts.

Famous universities such as Harvard University and MIT are located in this city!

"Please note: Mission released!"

"Main mission: Please survive in this city for 10 hours and kill at least 10 zombies!"

"Mission time: 10 hours."

"Mission failed: wiped out!!"

"Warning: Do not escape from the city limits! Violators will be wiped out!!"

"Tip: The more zombies you kill within 10 hours, the higher the mission rating you will get!"

"Note: The virus will appear in 30 minutes, please be prepared."

After hearing the mission, Tianyu was refreshed, and then Tianyu immediately moved

It seems that even if someone forced him in, it is no different from usual, and there are tasks to be completed.

So, the reason why his parents did not come back is that they were prevented from completing the mission?

There is no rush for these things, and clues can be found sooner or later. The most urgent task is to find out how many talents the other party has.

If the other party has a large number of people, then I still have to temporarily avoid the sharp edge; if the number is small, hehe.

But I think the other party will not be able to take care of me for a while. After all, there are too many zombies in this mission world. At present, the main thing is to complete the mission!

In this way, even if the other party is strong, I can at least withdraw at any time and leave a way out for myself.

After making the best decision, he first chose a remote alley, then went directly through the window and climbed into a house.

The owner of the house is a middle-aged white couple.

Seeing the intruder, the male owner immediately rushed up to drive him away, but was knocked to the ground by Tianyu with a punch and fainted directly.

Tianyu's current strength attribute has reached 80 points, which is eight times that of a normal person!

It can be called a super strongman!

Ordinary people naturally can't bear it with one punch.


The remaining white housewife saw her husband fall down and immediately screamed.

"Shut up, lady. If you scream again, I don't mind breaking your beautiful teeth!" Tianyu said in fluent English.

With his spiritual attributes improved so much, learning is too easy for Tianyu now, just English.

Hearing Tianyu's threat, the white woman stopped screaming.

"Please don't hurt me. I, I can give you all my money!" The white woman was so scared that she stuttered.

"NO!" Tianyu shook his head and said, "I don't need money. Tell me, where are your guns?"

That's right! Tianyu chose to break into a private house just to steal guns! !

Tianyu has checked the stores in the safe zone, and there are no dangerous goods such as guns for sale.

And the guns in the real world can't be brought in, and he doesn't have time to prepare, so he can only rob them himself.

The Ugly Country is known as a free country. It does not prohibit civilians from owning guns. As long as you are a citizen of the country and are over 22 years old, you can go to a regular store to buy a gun.

A country where guns are rampant! There are guns in almost every family!

Here we have to talk about the advantages of guns. Even though Tianyu is now strong enough to dominate the martial arts world, he still cannot face guns directly.

One or two guns are okay, Tianyu can dodge bullets with his speed, but when there are too many, he can only laugh and say GG.

I guess this is also one of the purposes of the other party to pull him into this world!

His current strength makes killing zombies as easy as killing chickens, but human physical strength is limited. If he can kill one hundred or one thousand, can he kill ten thousand?

Therefore, even if he is as strong as Tianyu, he must use hot weapons to kill a large number of zombies!


The white woman hesitated for a moment, and seeing Tianyu's fierce eyes, she immediately said: "In the drawer of the bedroom!!"

At this moment, Tianyu's image is the masked weirdo in the selected space, and it is still quite scary when he stares.

"Take me there, remember, don't play any tricks, I just want a gun, don't force me to hurt your life and your husband's life!!"

"OK! OK! I'll take you there."

With the cooperation of the white woman, Tianyu soon got the gun, a Beretta M92F pistol, and there were six bullets in the magazine.

Seeing Tianyu nod with satisfaction, the white woman asked tentatively: "Sir, you have got what you want, please let us go"

Tianyu nodded, then slashed the back of the white woman's head with a palm, knocking her unconscious.

This is done to prevent the other party from calling the police immediately and causing trouble for him.

As for the other party waking up and calling the police again. At that time, the whole city had become a paradise for zombies, and whether there were police was still a question.

Afterwards, Tianyu took some US dollar bills from the other party's pocket and left directly from the main gate.

Arriving on the street, Tianyu stopped a taxi.

"Hello, man, where are you going?" The driver was a black guy.


"Oh man, you don't have any infectious disease, do you?"

"I'm healthy!"

Tianyu took out all the US dollars and shook them in front of the driver, saying: "Take me to the CDC in ten minutes, and they are yours!"

"No problem! Sir, please fasten your seat belt!"

Eight minutes later.

Tianyu threw down the US dollars, got off the car, and walked quickly into the CDC.

There were still more than ten minutes before the zombie virus attacked, and he had to find what he wanted as soon as possible.

What did Tianyu want to do at the CDC?

Anyone who has seen the movie "World War Z" will definitely remember one of the key points.

That is, although the zombies in this world are extremely ferocious and can be called the strongest zombies, they have a fatal flaw

They only attack healthy humans! !

Humans like those with diseases are not within the attack range of zombies. The more serious the disease, the more zombies will avoid them.

It's like a person who is looking for food and suddenly sees a pile of excrement. He definitely doesn't want to even look at it.

This results in the most powerful zombie having a huge weakness that is so obvious that it can't be more obvious.

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