Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 110 The other side of the flower, the memory of the past life (thanks for subscribing!)\r

It's just that few people care what she shouts now.


They stared at their surroundings in amazement!

" it... Huangquan Road?

Zhou Yucheng, a religious expert, saw the picture in front of him and his mind went blank!

They stood on an incomparably wide road, and their feet were still like water but not water, like gold but not gold.

On this road, they are not alone.

There are countless ghosts with red lights on their bodies!!

They look around!

At least! Tens of thousands?!

Very few people see so many people in such a vast area at the same time, so they basically lose their ability to judge numbers.

Qin Yi stood at the front of the team, looking indifferently at the "zero one zero" ghosts around him.

I saw it once yesterday, and he can only act calmly today.

But deep down in my heart, there is still a little feeling of death.

Beside him, a spirit body glowing red, wearing plain old grandma, stooped and walked over, still muttering: "I am dead, what will happen to my grandson? This child has a miserable life! He Dad died early, and his mother ran away long ago... It's all up to me and my old man's pension to support him... If I don't die... I can get two more years from this pension

Beside the old grandma, accompanied by another old grandma wearing a white cotton jacket.

She comforted: "Don't think too much, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

This old grandmother in a white padded jacket has no red light on her body.

Bai Wuchang took the blame of the tour guide and said, "Have you seen it? Every soul that has passed away will be brought to Huangquan Road by us. These ghosts with rich red light are new ghosts who have just died...

"Beside them, there are black impermanence and white impermanence. Generally speaking, black impermanence extradite evil people, and white impermanence extradite good people and most ordinary people..."

The female white-collar covered her mouth and said in surprise: "How come there are so many... and how bad the image is..."

Gao Leng Hei Wuchang said: "Black and white impermanence only has one position, civil servants in the underworld, there are many ... and we have the ability to change, Bai Wuchang usually changes into the people he cared about in front of the deceased, such as his mother and sister who have passed away, or other relatives and friends."

"As for me, I will become a more frightening image. 35

Among the many ghosts on Huangquan Road, other black and impermanent figures can be seen from time to time.

Some of them kept the traditional image, with high hat and Ziyi, and some transformed into other images, some tall muscular men, some ugly and terrible old men.

Except for the handsome black impermanence beside him, most of the other peers tied those ghosts with chains, and also held the weapon of the Kuxiao mace in their hands. splash!

Qin Yi made a joke.

"Huangquan Road is quite lively.

Most people are still uneasy and speechless.

After all, how to be mentally prepared for Thriller Valley.

Suddenly appearing in such a vast space of terror is difficult for everyone to accept.

Especially the many people who used to try to explain horror valley entertainment projects with science...

Coming here, the scientific concept has been crushed!

Starting from the unreasonable gate of the ghost gate, looking at the shadow turns the world upside down! Then I came to this big and boundless space, and there are ghosts everywhere!!


Obviously it is the real Huangquan Road!!

There is a female Internet celebrity named Ning Xiaojia, she was so scared that she was about to cry! She was holding a selfie stick in her hand, and the live broadcast on her mobile phone was frozen before she walked into the gate of hell, a picture bathed in the sun with enthusiasm and radiance smiley face.

"Why... why is there no signal...

"Not at all..."

She launched the live broadcast interface, and the time display on the phone stopped.

The signal shows that it is out of service area.

Qin Yi came over and scare her with a smile: "Of course, this is no longer the world of the living, what about the Internet? 39

Ning Xiaojia was about to cry on the spot.

Qin Yi walked in front, familiar with the road: "Let's go, this road is not long or short..."

Someone took the lead, and the small army began to move.

It was amazing, everyone felt that their bodies became much lighter and they walked very fast.

In addition to the ghosts and countless ghosts of different appearances, the only scenery on Huangquan Road is the fiery sea of ​​flowers on both sides of the avenue!

Qin Yi couldn't look away.

This sea of ​​flowers is too red! There is no such color in the world!

Layer upon layer, boundless, until the end of the world!

Bai Wuchang explained: "This is the other side flower, the most beautiful flower that can only bloom on the roadside of Huangquan... Let's go, we can go and see it."

They looked very far away, but they walked so fast that they seemed to shrink into an inch.

Soon to the flower sea.

Ning Xiaojia also put away her phone at this moment, smelling the fragrance of flowers at the tip of her nose, as if she was fascinated, she couldn't help squatting down, went to pick one, and put it in front of her nose to smell it hard.

Qin Yi didn't stop her either.

After a while, she started to cry with dazed eyes.

The old man Zhou Yucheng has been observing her, "Little girl, why are you crying? Is there something wrong with this flower...?"

Ning Xiaojia didn't answer, Qin Yi patted her on the shoulder, and she seemed to suddenly come back to her senses, "Ah? What?

Zhou Yucheng asked again.

4.8 She then touched her face in surprise and wiped away her tears: "Why am I crying?

Qin Yi asked her, "How do you feel?

Ning Xiaojia frowned, and two more lines of tears fell: "I seem to...forgot a lot of important things...I don't know why...but I'm so sad all of a sudden...what did I forget?!99

Hei Wuchang looked on with cold eyes, but Bai Wuchang sighed:

"The other side flower can awaken a part of the memory engraved in the depths of the soul, perhaps from her past life, or perhaps more distant... Some memories are so broken that they cannot be read, and only emotions are deeply ingrained and difficult to remove. 35

Qin Yi really didn't smell this flower well yesterday.

He also pulled one out, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it hard.

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