Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 120 Who wants to experience the evil mirror? (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Just one step, they have actually stepped into a palace without a roof!!

Before I could observe the surroundings, the "person" in front of me had already scared everyone and ghosts, because it was impossible to ignore his existence!

This "person" is not the size of a person at all, but a real giant!!

He is like a majestic mountain, sitting on the throne!

The people or ghosts in each hall should try their best to lift their necks and look up in order to see the true face of this giant!!

Perhaps it was too high, and there were actually a few cyan clouds there.

A pair of red eyes emerged from the cloud, staring at them coldly and dignifiedly.

It is like an ancient god who is aloof, watching the mediocre beings.

Bai Wuchang "Zero One Zero" is a very good guide, she whispered to everyone: "This is the first of the Ten Temple Yama, Qin Guangwang Jiang.

Qin Yi came here yesterday and saw it, so he wasn't so surprised, and he turned around and explained kindly: "Hey, there is actually more than one Hades in the underworld, there are as many as ten, I personally think this one looks the most scary, Qin Guang Wang is responsible for the registration of life and death in the world, and is responsible for receiving and leading supernatural beings, the good and the bad... In short, he does the preliminary screening of the first level, the good people will be canonized, if they can be promoted to immortals, they should be reincarnated. Just reincarnated, and the bad guys are put into the second hall for screening... Basically, he can screen out more than half of the people here, reducing a lot of workload for the colleagues behind.

Bai Wuchang nodded: "Well, King Qin Guang is the hardest, so his temper is not very good.

Actually, they don't need to say it.

All the ghosts here are shaking.

The tourists brought by Qin Yi were also trembling.

After a brief period of surprise, everyone entered a state of increasing fear and panic.

Those eyes on the clouds, watching majestically silently, put a lot of pressure on them!

It's like a fear engraved in the soul! Whoever you are, as long as you see him! You will be afraid! There is no reason!!

King Qin Guang himself is quite scary. The so-called natural phenomenon, his eyebrows and cheekbones are very prominent, his eyes are red and round, and his beard and hair are all purple and black. than the mountains!

The eyes looked at it for a while, then suddenly narrowed, as if seeing something of concern.

Then King Qin Guang approached his head and rubbed his eyes.

Qin Yi raised his face and waved his hand with a smile.

King Qin Guang recognized Qin Yi, and quickly stood up, bent down, folded his hands, and bowed: "Sir..."

This scene is a little embarrassing.

Just like the sense of sight that humans bow like ants.

King Qin Guang looked away, and the pressure disappeared. Everyone looked at Qin Yi in shock, and then looked at King Qin Guang again.

The tourists he brought are almost a little suspicious now...

Qin Yi may not be human at all!

What a goddess he is!

This is the real underworld! This is the real King Jiang of Qin Guang!!

Qin Yi waved his hand again embarrassedly: "Leave me alone, just do your thing."

"Yes. 95

Qin Guangwang Jiang looked a little clumsy, maybe it was too big.

Qin Yi also didn't understand why Qin Guangwang Jiang became such a big king of hell... maybe even bigger than the giant spirit god.

King Qin Guang sat down again and beckoned: "Continue.

The ghost messenger pushed a row of trembling new ghosts and walked in line.

The tourists breathed a sigh of relief and freed up their energy to look around.

This is a very magical space.

They just entered the city gate and came here, but this place looks bigger than the city wall!

The surrounding looks like the main hall of the palace. There are red pillars in all directions, standing high up to the sky, looking up at the top, there is nothing blocking it, the pillars are stretched into the darkness, and there is no end in sight. It seems that this is an open-air palace!

In front of this hall, there are mainly three areas.

In the middle is a brass-colored platform. The ghosts on trial will line up to walk up one by one, one ghost at a time, and the others will wait behind...

This progress was very fast, because King Qin Guang didn't speak most of the time, and it was all up to the judge to discuss and speak.

The second important area is the pure white high platform in front of the left side. A round mirror is erected on the high platform. At first glance, the round mirror is pitch black, like the dome above, without a trace of light.

The round mirror is very large, at least ten meters high and ten meters wide, and there is a line of handwriting on the top of the mirror frame, which is slightly shining.

There is no good person in front of the evil mirror!

The third area is the throne where King Qin Guang Jiang sits, as well as several judges by his side.

The judges all looked normal-sized and varied in appearance, but they weren't scary.

Behind the judge, there are many Yaksha rakshasas who look like stone sculptures and remain motionless, and they are quietly guarding the place.

Bai Wuchang introduced: "This platform for trial is called the prison platform. Generally speaking, it just goes through the process. However, when encountering some people who are not liked by King Qin Guang and those who have committed crimes, some King Qin Guang can do it. If you deal with it directly, it will be opened below, and you will be directly sent to hell to be punished.""

"There is the evil mirror platform, have you heard of the evil mirror platform?"

"In some troublesome cases, the judge will look at the life and death book, and there will be some doubts. Sometimes the verdict is made, and the ghost will complain about grievance in 4.8..."

"For example, in the same suicide, some people were forced to die, they were also murdered, some were accidental, or to protect others... The record of merits and demerits in the life and death book is unclear, so we need a mirror platform to see what it is."

"The evil mirror can reveal the merits and demerits of a person's life, and the picture quality is great!"

"The saying that there are no good people in front of the evil mirror does not mean that the person who needs to go to the evil mirror to look in the mirror must be a sinner, but to say... No one in this world is absolutely perfect and spotless, and the evil mirror can Recover the smallest bad thing you've done, even if it's just a prank when you were young..."

"Translation of this sentence, it should be called No one is perfect in front of the mirror.

"You can experience it later."

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