Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 122 Sins in life! Repayment after death! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Qin Yi talked about this topic with King Qin Guang yesterday.

"After all... the underworld and the human world do not follow exactly the same set of moral standards.35

Qin Yi's face was complicated: "In the human world, in fact, different countries have different attitudes towards suicide. After all, our Xia Kingdom respects the dead and pays attention to the dead, so once a person dies, we won't say anything. , suicide is also illegal..."

"In the underworld, the rules are even tougher.

"You can say how much pressure you have and what kind of hardships you have, but most of the reasonable reasons in the world, in the eyes of King Qin Guang, are cowardice and incompetence, wasting life, his logic is very hard, if you don't want to be a man, then don't As a human being, if you want to die, let you die enough..."

"Of course, if you are persecuted, or severely insulted or beaten, and you can't think about it for a while, King Qin Guang will consider it at his discretion, and there is a high probability that he will be sent to the City of Death to pass the remaining ghost life, and there will be no extra. Punishment, but the reason the child said, Qin Guangwang did not think it was the reason...

Among the tourists was a hospital psychiatrist.

He said solemnly: "If this is the case, the disposal of the underworld is too unfair.

"Most suicidal children are deeply troubled by depression, and depression is a physiological disease, how can people control it freely?"

"If I have to be punished for this, I will not accept it, it is not fair!"

Qin Yi looked at him with a smile, and then looked at the rest of the tourists: "By the way, do you have any friends who study law?"

A girl who looked to be in her twenties raised her hand timidly: "I... I'm a lawyer, but I'm still a trainee lawyer.

Qin Yi asked, "Do you think the law is absolutely fair?"

The girl did not hesitate at all: "Of course not, the core appeal of the law is to pursue social stability, so in terms of judgment, it tends to be relatively fair. For example, in many car accidents, the perpetrator is not responsible, but humane compensation is still required to appease the injured or The emotions of the deceased...~"..."

"Yes. 99

Qin Yi said to the doctor: "The laws of the earth and the underworld have their own set of standards, and there is never absolute justice. In the earth, killing is the greatest sin, while in the underworld, suicide is the greatest sin. The old peasants who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky are the most disrespectful of wasting food in their life, the anti-drug police are the most disrespectful, and the hell kings of the underworld...they are the most disgusting, some people have wasted tens of thousands of ghosts and gods in the underworld, and they dream of being human Opportunity.99

The doctor stopped talking.

He also understood that, indeed, absolute fairness did not exist, and when the water was clear, there would be no fish.

Any reason, debated to the end, is nothingness.

After listening to them say these words, I can see the majesty of King Qin Guang again.

Looking under the prison platform again, that Xiang Yang was resurrected from the dead again and again, Zhang Meng was so frightened that his face was ashen.

Black Impermanence can see that this little girl has long had this idea.

So he leaned over and added weight to frighten her:

"Did you know? There is a limit to the torture of living people in the world. People may faint, may become numb, and finally die... But in hell, they will maintain their initial sobriety. Just as painful once!""


Zhang Meng screamed and covered his head: "I don't want to lose my mind! I don't want to go to hell!!

Qin Yi and Black and White Impermanence looked at each other and smiled.

The doctor also saw it, and he shook his head helplessly: "This education method is really unscientific."5

Elder Zhou Yucheng, a religious scholar, said with emotion: "But it works!

Tourists have different reactions, most of them are afraid.

And that father and daughter are strange.

The fat man with an honest appearance frowned and kept his head down, daring not to look directly at King Qin Guang, or even to look at the judges.

And his daughter...

The girl with tattoos on both arms, dyed yellow hair, and looking very rebellious, looked up firmly at the huge and majestic King Qin Guang.

There was fire in his eyes, very complicated emotions.

King Qin Guang also felt it and glanced at her.

Then the trial continues.

One ghost after another passed by.

Qin Yi and the others watched, most of them went directly to the tenth hall to prepare for reincarnation, and about 20% of the sinners entered the second hall to continue the trial.

There are also about 10% going to the City of Vain Death and the Hell of Vain Death... These two places are completely two forces.

One is equivalent to the existence of the cold palace, and the other is the real hell.

The evil mirror table has been useless.

Until an elderly man stood on the prison platform for trial.

The four judges seemed to be entangled for a while, discussed for a while, and then said to King Qin Guang:

"This person's name is Huang Yu, he is dying, he was a guan in the world, and he has been tried once... If we refer to the judgment in the world, he is innocent, but there are countless crimes recorded in the book of life and death...

Huang Yu shouted: "His Royal Highness! I am innocent! I am a good person!! I have never done anything bad in my life!! I often donate to children in the mountains!!

King Qin Guang's face was expressionless: "Go up - the evil mirror platform."

This old man was a little reluctant, he was still there, and he was pushed up by the bull-headed horse!

Black mirror imaging.

First, his portrait was shown, and then the portrait of the old man turned into a baby in the mirror.

Then the screen changes, like a movie, a first-person movie.

First, many of the wrong things that this person did when he was a child appeared one by one at a very fast speed.

Words provoke the relationship between mother and grandmother.

Steal the wallet of the neighbor's parents.

Provoking classmates to fight, tell the teacher by the way.

Qin Yi was taken aback for a moment: "Wow... this person can do it, he was cheap enough when he was a child..."

King Qin Guang was disturbed, he waved his hand and fast-forwarded.

The next picture is very exciting (deserved)!

On the wine table, a tablet was melted into the wine.


The middle-aged man opened the door and saw his coveted female subordinate sleeping on the hotel bed.


He gave gifts, moon cakes.

Another person in a high position opened it and saw that it was all round gold!

Golden Mooncakes!


He was on the phone and said:

"Just kill her, do it like an accident.


A young policeman came home and just picked up his young son, laughing and playing, when suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the flames bursting from the kitchen engulfed everything!

"Don't look at it.

King Qin Guang's eyes widened in anger, his bloody eyes almost glaring out, extremely terrifying.

"All guilt! Write it down! Send it to the second hall!!

That old man, who had escaped countless disasters and enjoyed all the glory in the world, suddenly fell to the ground!


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