Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 126 Eighteenth floor! Horror nightmare of infinite reincarnation! (Thanks for subscribing!)

Eighteenth floor, the deepest hell.

Seeing that many people were resisting, Bai Wuchang comforted them:

"Actually, the eighteen layers of hell are divided into yin and yang. You only look at the yang side, but it's not so scary. 35

Qin Yi had seen it, knew it, it was true.

The eighteenth floor is called the Saw Hell, but in fact, it does not live up to its name.

In fact, the punishment of the saw...

It's just foreplay for deeper torture.

Ding dong.

The 18th floor is here.

The elevator door opened, and the screams and screams of the mountains and tsunamis came!

Everyone is stunned there!

Not far away, there is a solitary pinnacle hanging on the sea, with a huge circular platform on the pinnacle.

On the platform, there are many people standing densely, without clothes, with different shapes, but their expressions are very frightened!

"The next round is coming! Ahhhhh!!!

As the screams surged again! They also saw that the platform on this pinnacle began to tilt!

On the platform, many people have fallen into the sea.

There are more people, screaming and crying for 12, grabbing anything around them with their hands and bodies!

And on this platform, the only thing that can be caught...

It's a circular saw and a sharp blade that keeps rolling!!

Countless three-sided sharp blades pierced the surface from under the platform, shimmering with cold light!

At the same time, there are countless circular saws that look like living creatures on the platform! These circular saws move quickly among the crowd, cutting all the sinful people on the ground!

I saw these naked criminals desperately trying to grab the things around them, and most of them would choose to grab the blade!

Because although this thing is sharp, it can still hold!

Bai Wuchang stretched out his hand and pulled in the void.

The picture on this platform suddenly approached, and it was clearly displayed in front of everyone!

Zhang Meng asked in horror: "Why would they rather grab the blade than fall into the sea... Is there anything more terrifying in the sea?

Bai Wuchang replied: "Yes, they are now equivalent to living, punished with physical pain, and if they fall into the sea, they will die again... And in the process of resurrection, this is the most painful aspect of the punishment... …Dream reincarnation.

Zhou Yucheng frowned: "What do you mean? Never heard of it?"

In the process of their chat, the platform has been very tragic!

About 80% of the people grabbed the blade around them when the platform tilted!

The blade was extremely sharp, and when you grabbed it with your hand, blood was pouring out of your hand, and then the blade penetrated the five fingers little by little, and it seemed that it was impossible to grasp it!

They'll use their other hand, or an arm and a leg, or even their body! Come and grab it hard!

Intensive circular saws, swiping quickly, often cut off a piece of the body parts of these criminals.

Maybe the butt, maybe the waist, and of course, maybe the head.

The platform tilted to 90 degrees, and a lot of bloody minced meat and torso fell sparsely.

Qin Yi always felt like he was preparing a stew...

These people died and entered the dream cycle.

There is still a lot of persistence on it...Unfortunately, the platform quickly tilted in the opposite direction...

Whoa, it's a lot of flesh and blood again!

"Let's go, I'll take you to find someone's dream to see, and find one that's not so scary.

Bai Wuchang took everyone back to the elevator, and then went down half a floor.

When you open it again, it is like a hotel corridor.

There are doors on both sides of the long and narrow corridor, and there is a strange number on the door, followed by someone's name.

"These are the birth dates and names.

Bai Wuchang looked around and pushed open a door: "Let's take a look at this person's dream...

Qin Yi greeted her and walked to the other side without attracting the attention of others.

He was going to find Song Jiacheng's dream.

As the owner of the underworld, Qin Yi quickly found the door with his name on it.

push away.

A cold wind blows from the cliff.

Song Jiacheng, who was only fifty years old, was sitting in a wheelchair and seemed to be watching the scenery from the top of the mountain.

A young girl was behind him, pushing him, talking and laughing.

But as she pushed the wheelchair and got closer to the cliff, Song Jiacheng's expression became more ugly.

"Nannan, what are you doing...don't go there! I'm afraid of heights!!"5

Nannan is the name given to daughters in Jianghai City.

Qin Yi could see that in this dream, Song Jiacheng got married and had a daughter of his own.


The dream of hell has no good end.

Sure enough, the young woman increased her speed while laughing.

Song Jiacheng watched the cliff getting closer and closer, and his breathing became more and more rapid:

"Nah! What the hell are you trying to do!! Are you going to kill Dad?!" 5

The rubber wheel of the wheelchair quickly slid to the edge of the cliff and stopped suddenly! Then the woman turned hard, causing Song Jiacheng 010 to turn around and face herself!

The wheelchair is still tilted, he is leaning backwards, the veins are jumping on his forehead, and his eyes are round!

"You bastard...I..."

Song Jiacheng was about to scold, but suddenly found that her daughter's face gradually became smaller and turned into another child's face! A strange yet familiar face!

"Hee hee... bro... let's play together!

It's his sister's face!

Song Jiacheng clutched his chest, his expression painful and frightened: "It's's're here to claim your life!! 99

The face of his sister, the more she smiles, the brighter she becomes!

In the end, he laughed until the seven holes bleed.

"Hee hee... Brother... This time... I'll push you!"

As soon as she let go, the wheelchair took Song Jiacheng and fell off the cliff together.


Qin Yi knew that such a dream would have to be reincarnated many times.

The most terrifying thing in the eighteenth hell is the dream here.

Many wicked people may have mental problems, and the things they are afraid of are likely to be different from ordinary people.

And here, they can tap the most feared elements in their hearts, and then weave them into endless nightmares.

The experience is real.

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