Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 130 Boycott is useless! The number of people continues to double! Disney headquarters panic!

That night, Thriller Valley suddenly had nearly 5,000+ reviews on!

The website maintenance staff was so frightened that they immediately checked it out, for fear that some bigwigs would brush comments too hard and affect the image of their website.

In the end, it turned out to be Thriller Valley~

Yo West!

When I raised my heart, I let go of half of it.

Mainly because... Qin Yi has already become a man of the limelight. He is very low-key, but it does not prevent him from appearing in various bright news reports at home and abroad, as well as in various conspiracy theories on the Internet.

And Thriller Valley is also one of the hottest places in the entertainment and tourism sectors on It has a history of skyrocketing reviews before its opening.

But the maintainers were quick to spot the difference.

so many reviews...

"Zero Twenty Seven"

5000+ Reviews...

There are almost no pictures at all?

Occasionally, there are a few pictures, and they are also shooting other amusement facilities in the Thriller Valley, and some selfies and so on...

There are no pictures of the new project of the Underworld.

He casually clicked on a few and looked at them.

[Imperial Underworld, I've finished shopping, and I only have one thing to say - it's so good to be alive! 】

[Many people ask why there are no pictures... I actually wanted to shoot, but when the camera lens of the mobile phone is turned on, it can be photographed in total darkness, which is terrifying, as if there is a little ghost blocking the lens with his hands... 】

【Indescribable! Indescribable!! The eighteenth floor of hell is too scary!!! I really want to take a picture for you!!!! But I can't do it!!!!!】

[There has been a lot of speculation about the identity of Qin Yi. I didn't believe in conspiracy theories before, but now I have to. He may be a ghost, maybe a god, even an alien... I can accept it now. 】

【No exaggeration! We really do not exaggerate!!】

[There is no way to take pictures... The phone below is a piece of scrap iron. 】

[This is the first time I know that Naihe Bridge is so spacious, the first time I see Meng Po so beautiful... The first time I see my wife in my previous life... I was not a single dog in my previous life...]

[If you don't believe me, go and see it yourself! I really can't take pictures! I swear, I'm definitely not a navy! Thriller Valley doesn't need a navy at all! Foreign magazines have published it, and it is recognized as a supernatural paradise!! 】

[The ticket for the cabin in the woods can't be grabbed, and I'm afraid I won't be able to grab the pass in the future... Because compared to this experience, 399 is not cheap... 】

[The sense of time in the underworld is vague, I feel like a whole day has passed, and it seems like several days have passed, but after I came out, I found that it has only been an hour... God is good! 】

[The first time I shed tears was when I saw Meng Po Tu Mi's expression when she handed over Meng Po soup...]

[Tumi's face! For her sake, I want to go see it again! But the shock of Senluo's hell makes me dare not go there for the second time...]

【Has anyone seen Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?】

【I saw!!】

There are many discussions about the underworld underworld, and there is everything.

Daily operation, on a hot search.

More people know.

On the one hand, many people were originally curious about the new project of Thriller Valley, and after reading the comments, Gangpu wanted to come. On the other hand, there are so many positive comments, it is so mysterious! But there is not even a picture inside!

This makes more people curious and itchy!

So, on the second day of the opening of this new project, the number of people who came to the Thriller Valley and asked for the restaurant underworld directly doubled!!

Thriller Valley had to postpone the closing time, and it was open until 11:00.

Qin Yi immediately sent an urgent notice and apology after the end.

[I'm sorry, everyone who likes Thriller Valley. From tomorrow, the ticket price of Thrill Valley will start to be priced according to the flow of people...

As we all know, basically all amusement parks are priced floating, which is also a last resort method to control the number of people.

Tomorrow, the pass price of Thrill Valley is 599, please forgive me.

I never thought that the new project Yin Cao Difu would be so popular, but although this project has the largest capacity, it still has an upper limit, and it is impossible to accommodate tourists indefinitely...

Now the surrounding area is being demolished, and I am also going through the contracting process for the nearby land. I will expand Thrill Valley into an international-class amusement park as soon as possible to accommodate as many tourists as possible! Thank you for your support!

Writing down: an ordinary amusement park owner]

After this letter of apology came out, although it was understood by many tourists, Qin Yi was also scolded by many people...

The most common thing on the Internet is the sprayer.

Especially Weibo.

Qin Yi's Weibo:

[Removing the powder, removing the powder! I thought you were different from those black-hearted capitalists! The result is the same face! 】

[The hut in the forest is so expensive that I won’t say it. There are only a few tickets per day. It doesn’t matter if I wait for the fart... But why do you increase the price of the pass in the old area of ​​Thriller Valley!!]

[I think he is floating, not just a broken amusement park! I call on everyone not to go! Boycott Thriller Valley! I see if he can still be so superior!! A fart amusement park is bigger than Disney An expensive ticket of 200 yuan! Do you deserve it?!】

These remarks have also been scolded by many tourists who have come.

[This friend who asked if Thriller Valley is worthy...have you been there? You won't say this if you have been there. 】

[If Boss Qin doesn't raise the fare, you may have to move a small horse in the future and queue up in the early morning]

[There are already scalpers in 4.8 now! Do you know how the scalpers came from? There is a price difference to make money! This shows that the ticket price of Thriller Valley has always been set low, and the supply is in short supply. 】

No matter how the two gangs argue or quarrel.

No matter how many keyboard warriors who are unwilling to even sell 399 fares, they are clamoring to boycott Thriller Valley.

The third day of the underworld project opening.

Standing at the gate, Qin Yi sighed as he watched the increasingly long ticket-buying queue.

"Change tomorrow...let's open a few more ticket windows.

Another week passed.

The team of presidents of the company operating Disneyland in Jianghai City hurriedly boarded the red-eye flight to the United States.

They have to rush over overnight!

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