Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 132 The people of Xingtiaoguo finally made a move! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

These two title skills, at first glance, have a great relationship with the underworld.

Qin Yi sat on the toilet and looked at the system's introduction to these two skills.

【Tong Mingmu: ghosts of the ghosts, objects of the ghosts, and places of the ghosts, all can be seen and observed! 】

[Introduction: This skill is an active skill. With the movement of one's mind, the naked eye can pass through the underworld. It can be understood as the most advanced Yin-Yang Eye. Consume a small amount of mental energy. 】

At first glance, Qin Yi was a little disappointed.

"Che... it's just a yin and yang eye."

But after thinking about it, I suddenly feel like I know something more...

"The skills rewarded by the system do not seem to have any tasteless skills that cannot be used at all. If the system rewards me with eyesight, does that mean...'

"There are ghosts in this world?"

Although Qin Yi has passed the system and has the underworld underworld in Thriller Valley, this does not mean that the world he lives in also has the same underworld underworld, and it also cannot prove the existence of ghosts.

But now that I have acquired such a skill...


There should be.

At this moment, Qin Yi thought of two things.

One thing was the elder brother Zhong Kui who was wearing a tight shirt and vest in the underworld.

It seems that he can usually leave the underworld and come out to catch ghosts.

Another thing was that he had eavesdropped on Yu Ziqiu's conversations with those high-level executives.

They are designated as the so-called strategic level.

All kinds of clues are linked together, Qin Yi is basically sure that the world is not as simple as it seems.

"The first skill is an active skill, which allows me to see danger, so the second passive skill can at least avoid danger, right?"

Qin Yi looked at the second skill with a very conspicuous name.

[Red Lotus Karmic Fire: In the seventh prison of the eight cold hells, the fire refined from the sinful karma of sinners is one of the true fires of hell. 】

[Introduction: This skill is a passive skill. Within a certain range, if there is something dark and dark that is unfavorable to the host, it will automatically ignite the red lotus karmic fire. The karmic fire comes from the underworld, and the host has no consumption. 】

This skill is awesome!

It belongs to the one you want to use when you see it!


is a passive...

Qin Yi vaguely felt that these two skills should be more advanced than all the skills he had acquired before!

After all, the title is also very conspicuous!

Lord of the Underworld!

He was mentally prepared and took a deep breath of the turbid air in the toilet!

Then close your eyes.


As soon as his mind moved, a dark red light appeared in his eyes, and if he looked closely, he could find a strange rune emitting a faint golden light.

"There is nothing~".

The toilet Qin Yi saw was the same toilet.

I was mentally prepared, but I didn't see anything I shouldn't see.

He nodded:

"Well, it's a new house, it's clean! There's nothing dirty!""

Pretentiously, I flushed the toilet.

Qin Yi went out, he secretly glanced at the living room with his eyes, then got into the bedroom and the storage room to have a look again.

Still nothing.

Just his own parents, Qin Yi could see the faint red light on them.

"That...Mom, I'm going out for a walk!"

Every time he went out, Qin Yi used to only tell his mother, after all, his father didn't care.

Qin's mother slapped the table angrily: "sit down! Eat me!"

Qin Yi could only suppress his eagerness to test his skills, sit down, and finish the rice honestly.

After eating, I was still a little aggrieved: "Mom, I'm very good now, I make a lot of money... You can't always treat me like a child, right?

Qin's mother said: "it's okay not to treat you as a child, you can find your wife to have a child, and you won't grow up until you have a child!

"Okay, I'm done! I'll say goodbye!"

Qin Yi found that he had finally reached the age to be urged to marry, so he hurried away.

The residential area here is large and the greenery is well done, but despite this, there are few people hanging out in the community.

Qin Yi looked at several people with his eyesight, but he could only see deep and shallow red light on his body, but he didn't see anything dirty.

Arriving outside the gate of the community, looking at the pedestrians coming and going on Binjiang Avenue, there was a red light in the eye, Qin Yi guessed that it was the soul power of people.

"Well... it seems that the world is still very clean.

"These two skills, it is estimated that they will not be used in a short time.

Looking at Jiang Jing for a while with his hips crossed, Qin Yi turned around and walked back with a bit of regret.

In fact, it was somewhere he hadn't seen.

In the river under Binjiang Avenue.

Standing there was the soul of a long-haired woman who had been dead for a long time and was wet.

She stood in the floating river, looking up at the poignant moonlight.

The white figure slowly dissipated.

Jianghai Hongqiao Airport.

Two crooked-looking men from Ouzhou seemed to be waiting for someone outside the airport.

The weather was not very good, it was raining heavily.

They were standing next to the taxi parking space, not knowing what they were talking about, (to Zhao) anyway, both of them looked irritable.

At this time, a private car drove past at a high speed, and the wheels just ran into the puddle, splashing a curtain of water! It was about to splash on these two people!

But they didn't dodge.

Among them, the relatively thin, short yellow-haired Ouzhou man just turned his head and glanced.

The water curtain seemed to hit an invisible glass wall and stopped suddenly!

Fallen corporal!

Another brown-haired man from Ouzhou seems to have taken it easy.

Still complaining:

"Seriously, I don't want to take on this mission at all, do you know the man's rating? Strategic! What a joke! What are we? Low-risk! They want to use us as cannon fodder! Come on! Just try it out!

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