Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 134 The trio scared by Billy! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

They went back to the hotel and rested for a while, and the three of them fought again.

Lavoisier was strong after all, although Wendy had transferred the alcohol to herself in a way he couldn't understand, but she was almost completely metabolized when she returned to the hotel.

He still insisted on his point of view: "We don't need to go head-to-head with a strategic level! OK?! 35

Jason looked indifferent: "Then what do you plan to do?"

Lavoisier said: "Just pretend! You don't have the power of mind, you can throw a knife across a few hundred meters and try it out to see if it doesn't work! If you really kill it, of course it's the best, even if If it fails, it can also pretend that it has nothing to do with us, and we can observe what his abilities are-!

Wendy was taking out all kinds of strange tools from her large suitcase, such as a voodoo doll, a hexagram necklace, a phalanx necklace, and a beautifully shaped pistol dagger.

She didn't lift her head: "The first priority is to bring Qin back to China."

Lavoisier's attitude towards her has improved a lot now, "Then may I ask, what should I do?"

Wendy is very confident: "When I see him, I will naturally know how to use it." She touched the tip of the knife with her fingertips, and as expected, punctured her thumb, she slapped her finger in the mouth.

Lavoisier shouted: "Come on! He's strategic! We're only three lowest-level Awakeneds! 35

Wendy said angrily: "If you are afraid, go back yourself! What about the strategic level? Thirty years ago, the famous 'prophet' of Bari was beaten to death on the street by a group of gangsters. You have never heard of it. ? This Qin's ability may just be a trick.

Lavoisier and Jason were speechless for a moment.

Because it is.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Lavoisier, the only one with brute force, spread his hands and asked the other two.

Wendy packed her luggage and lay down on the bed tiredly: "Go directly to the amusement park called Thrill Valley with me tomorrow and find him, that's all."

The other two have no opinion.

After all, they have all seen Wendy's strange methods.

Wendy is an absolutely confident woman.

After all, her ancestors were the famous Warrens.

Not only did she inherit their ability to communicate with ghosts, but she seemed to be even more gifted.

Wendy has been interested in things in the field of occultism since she was a child, and her learning ability is amazing. So far, she has a little bit of Jewish driving golem magic, traditional European black magic, anti-grammar, dragon language magic... all kinds of things.

As for why her rating is still low-risk, Wendy thinks that Los just doesn't look down on her exorcist, and they prefer superheroes with amazing destructive power similar to the movies!

After all, los is the acronym for League of Superhero!

Wendy didn't get up until noon, dressed neatly, carried a canvas bag, and then the three of them came to the famous Thrill Valley together.

Seeing the bustling crowd at the door, she frowned.

"There are a lot of people in Xia."

Among the three, Lavoisier, who was in the best health, went to line up to buy tickets, and Wendy thought about it for a long time, but she gave up the project called Underworld, because there were too many people.

As she walked in, she said:

"The above thinks that Qin also has a certain affinity for ghosts, and they think that there are many real ghosts in this amusement park, so they sent me here.

Wendy smiled and shook her head: "It's really a group of wine sacks, as a professional exorcist, an expert in dealing with ghosts and demons for a long time, I can tell you with a pat on the chest... No one can control so many ghosts! Not to mention Concentrating the ghosts in the playground is guaranteed not to hurt anyone! No! Impossible! If there is, then he is not human!

Jason asked curiously, "Can you see ghosts?"


Wendy raised her head with a proud face: "I have been able to see since I was a child, different ghosts, in my eyes, also show different colors... My grandmother praised me as very talented! For example, I just left my body. The ghost will appear relatively bright red, after a long time, it will turn into white and dark blue, and then the color will gradually deepen

I've seen fuchsia evil spirits once! That's really..."

Halfway through, she stopped.

She also stopped.


crunch crunch...

Directly in front of the three of them, in front of the entrance to the auditorium of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there was a puppet with red eyes, black hair and high cheekbones, slowly passing by on a bicycle.

Wendy stood stiffly as if struck by lightning, staring at the doll.

Although Lavoisier is also very strange that there will be dolls here, but Wendy's reaction is even more strange.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this doll?'""


Under the action of stressful adrenaline, Wendy's heartbeat started to speed up!

Her pupils are starting to dilate!

"This doll..."

The puppet Billy stopped, stood in the middle of the road, and turned to look at the three of them.

Wendy is terrified!

She also has a lot of terrifying ghost relics in her home, and some toys even hide murderous spirits!

Others can't see the anomaly, but Wendy has been able to see the color of the soul contained in those things since she was a child!

White, dark blue, dark blue, purple...

But she has never seen...


In Wendy's eyes, there was a circle of black light lingering on the small body of this doll, which was very condensed, like the substance!

She nervously put her hands into the bag.

Feel the cursed Saraville dagger and be ready to do it!!



Billy watched them for a while.

Turning around, riding the small bicycle again, crunching forward, suddenly, the bicycle got stuck on a small rock, and Billy stumbled and fell to the ground!

Billy made a voice: "Ouch..."

Wendy went crazy, with a shocked expression:

"Why do black-level undead fall flat on the ground!!!

Billy didn't seem to care, got up and patted his pants, then pushed the bicycle and walked in, but this time he stepped on the stone, and stumbled firmly, and his face fell!


Wendy shocked max!

"Fall again!!! How is this possible!!!!""

Billy seemed to dislike her for being noisy, so he glanced back at her, then got back on his little bike and walked away.

Leaving Wendy standing there, countless tourists walked by, her three views were broken and her thinking was lost.

"I may have... done something wrong..."

The other two were frightened a little bit badly by her.

Jason nervously said: "What? There's something wrong with that doll, right?! I'm also very uncomfortable looking at it, it feels like a person! Not a toy!

Wendy stepped inside again: "Just take a look... maybe... only the doll just now is a threat.

After they left, Billy slowly rode his bike and emerged from behind them.

"I have a fart threat... Who are they? They look stupid... Let's talk to Lao Qin."

(The last chapter was changed for 1 hour, I don't know what the sensitive words are, and I can't put them out.) It's been a long time.

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