Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 138 Dao? Buddha? Onmyoji? Qin boss is not... (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Wendy remembered something her grandfather had said to herself during his lifetime.

"No matter what danger you encounter, don't rush to escape, because that often means leaving your back to the enemy."

“If it’s a robber with a knife or a gun, give them the money.35

"If it's wild beasts, keep an eye on them and keep quiet.

"If it's a powerful evil spirit, believe me, you can't run, think about how to fight, don't waste time on the road!"

Wendy gradually calmed down, she sat on the bed and rubbed her face.

"Yes, it's useless to escape, if he can find me once, he can find me a second time.

The other two have always had Wendy as their mainstay.

"So...what are we going to do now?" Lavoisier asked.

Wendy thought for a while and said, "From now on, you are not allowed to leave here alone. I sleep in the master bedroom, but I will leave the door open. You sleep in the living room, not the second bedroom." The hotel suite has two rooms, but If they all slept in the room, they would be isolated, and Wendy needed the three of them to observe each other at all times.

"OK." Lavoisier has a much better temper now, because he was also frightened.

Jason nodded weakly.

Wendy then explained some precautions, and handed the knife that could stab evil spirits to Lavoisier.

Jason rests, Wendy and Lavoisier take turns on the alert.

One night, everything was fine. 027.

In the Valley of Thrillers, the paper figure handed over the news to Yue Qiluo, and Yue Qiluo told Qin Yi.

Qin Yi frowned: "So, the paper figurines can't get in, but they know the exact location... They might move, and are there still paper figurines staring there?"

Yue Qiluo said coldly and proudly: "Will I be so stupid that I don't know how to keep staring?"

Qin Yi:

He said helplessly: "Your temper... can you change it? Can't you just talk well? Be gentle?"

Yue Qiluo rolled over and closed her eyes: "No, I'm going to sleep, you go."

Qin Yi sat beside his bed and asked weakly, "Where should I sleep then?

It was quiet.

"This is my room and my bed!!!"

In the middle of the night, Boss Qin in Thriller Valley reluctantly left his warm bed.

In the office outside the bedroom, he summoned the local portal and stepped one hundred and eight thousand miles to Jurassic Island in the Pacific Ocean.

The main building of the umbrella company.

He still chose to put his arms around Li Yan and sleep.

The next day, early morning.

Li Yan lowered the darkness (bcei) of the smart glass window, faced the sun, turned her back to Qin Yi, and buckled her bra with her backhand.

"Why did you come here suddenly late at night?" she asked contentedly.

Qin Yi opened his tired eyes: "Because... I'm afraid of ghosts."

Li Yan turned back, a black question mark face.

What can Qin Yi say? His bed was robbed by a female ghost?

Qin Yi is very puzzled about Yue Qiluo's greed for his own body...

Although Yue Qiluo's body is human, she is essentially a female evil spirit, sleeping with her... Qin Yi still has a bit of a psychological burden...

And, if that happened, Qin Yi always felt like she was felt weird...

Maybe Yue Qiluo is too aggressive...

"By the way, I have something to do, call Shirgai to see me. Qin Yi said.

Shirgay is the head of the umbrella company, the red umbrella branch, and the boss of the military department.

Not long after, Shirgai appeared in the conference room and waited for Qin Yi.

After a brief wash, Qin Yi saw him in the conference room and said straight to the point: "Provide me with a set of light weapons and protection.

Shirgay froze for a moment: "Want... what kind of? What exactly are you going to do?

Qin Yi didn't know about this issue either.

Qin Yi just thought that he had to go to the children of the Xingtiao Kingdom to find out the situation, but he didn't know their abilities very well, and they were somewhat dangerous, so he needed to make certain protective preparations.

As for the umbrella company here, the main energy is on dinosaurs, and the main product T virus has not been developed, so he can only ask the military department for weapons and equipment, but he does not know what he needs.

After telling him the appeal, Shirgay thought about it for a long time.

"Nano-level protective clothing can protect against bullets and sharp weapons, right? But it can't protect against blunt weapons. There is also a tactical team... In terms of weapons, plasma cutting guns that are easy to carry..."

Qin Yi didn't know which ones were useful, so he let him prepare anyway.

After doing this, Qin Yi came to the window on the third floor and looked at Jurassic Park, which was undergoing renovations.

"Huh! This progress is okay!

Qin Yi's face was full of surprise.

Outside the valley, the appearance has completely changed!

All kinds of buildings are popping up!

For example, the oval-shaped aquarium dinosaur exhibition hall by the sea! It looks like a replica bird's nest!!

The heart of the main activity for tourists is also fully established!

In other places, there are cranes, cranes, and engineering vehicles of construction teams everywhere! Rumbling!

Qin Yi is very satisfied: "It's not bad for the infrastructure madman, the engineering team of the motherland is still very strong in construction ability... It seems that it can be opened soon, and part of it will be opened first!"9

On the plain in the distance, groups of brontosaurus were drinking water comfortably by the river.

In the sky, pterosaurs spread their wings and fly high.

The noise of construction machinery and the movement of dinosaurs' original ecology are mixed together to form a symphony with a very powerful and epic sense.

Anyway, Qin Yi likes to listen to it.

"Who the hell is he!!

In the hotel suite, Wendy was frantically looking up all kinds of information on her laptop.

Eye circles are tired.

There is a cup of insightful coffee on the table, refreshing rice-style coffee, she has drank six cups! She has not slept all night!

Wendycha's information is not available on the Internet, but her family has collected a lot of occult works, which can be said to be all-inclusive. In order to facilitate her access to the information she needs at any time, she has already scanned these books and uploaded them to OneDrive. .

But after checking all night, Wendy still had no clue about Qin Yi's strength.

"He is a native of Xia, so from a common sense, he must be a master of Xia's mysticism... Among the religions of Xia, there are mainly Taoism and Buddhism, but they are not compatible!! These two religions, They didn't even say that they can support so many evil spirits for their own use!!!"

"It's the Onmyoji of the East Japan Kingdom, who used to sign a contract and raise a shikigami as a common practice...but..."

Wendy rubbed her hair in a mess, collapsed and shouted: "Then there is no way to raise so many shikigami!!! As long as you are a human!!!! No matter how strong your spells are!!!! Eat and wipe clean ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!”.

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