Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 140 Death Angel! Karma Red Lotus! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Wendy hid in the room with her back against the wall, not daring to let out the air.

How is it possible!

How did he break the door!

Isn't he the devil?!

Is he human? Or is he helping?!

The first protection was broken like this!!

The footsteps sounded, very slowly and calmly.

Then stopped.

Wendy knows, he's in! He's standing in the living room of the suite now!

Qin Yi stood there, looking back somewhat helplessly.

In the corridor outside, Zhong Kui and Yue Qiluo both nodded and encouraged him, Zhong Kui mouthed and said:

Be bold! I will protect you!

Qin Yi looked at the room, there were still meals left on the table, unfinished milk, half a sandwich, and a laptop that was not closed. The screen saver was actually a UFO eyeball on a dark background.


"Well, I don't mean anything."

"I just want to find three people to talk about "027"...

"Your purpose. 35

Qin Yi felt that it was quite polite to say this.

The result is just finished.

An invisible force swept through the whole body in an instant!

It's like being pinched by a giant's hand! Qin Yi's whole body was caught, and his feet were in the air!

Jason in the bathroom was secretly excited!

"Yes! Got it!"

Jason used his mind power to have a little bit of experience.

Once the power of mind grabs a person, be sure to let him float, there is no place to borrow power!

Otherwise, even if that person just relies on brute force to grab anything around him, if the two sides wrestle, it will cause a lot of consumption to himself.

Yue Qiluo was about to make a move, but Qin Yi raised her right hand to signal her not to move.

Because Qin Yi found out...

They don't seem to be strong.

The same is the mind power, Qin Yi's mind power comes from Zhenzi.

He doesn't even need to use three thousand thoughts to strengthen it, just relying on normal thoughts is enough to untie the bondage.

Qin Yi just hovered for a moment, and then his feet fell back to the ground.

In the bathroom, there was a muffled groan.


Jason had a headache and two lines of nosebleeds.

Qin Yi didn't move, and looked there.

The mind is like a dragon.

bang! bang! bang!!

Along the way, everything was knocked open, and the bathroom door was also knocked open. A small man with yellow hair was pulled out by invisible hands, bumped against the wall, and was pulled in front of Qin Yi.

Jason mopped the floor with his toes, his body was slumped, and he was carried by the mind force, and looked at the mysterious oriental man in front of him in fear.

Qin Yi looked at him: "You also use mind power?"

Jason's voice trembled: "Uh? I can't speak Chinese."

Qin Yi asked again in English.

The hotel suite is not big, and there is one person hiding behind the sofa in the living room.

Lavoisier opened a small can of oil and poured it into his mouth like drinking Coke.



Qin Yi heard this and frowned.


The sofa was knocked out!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 35

A red man, like a piece of red-hot iron, suddenly jumped out from behind!

His figure has become much larger than before, as if his body is burning, and the heat is making him expand rapidly!

Get a punch!

The fist is almost good at the wind! In a short moment, it has become a lot bigger!

Qin Yi pushed him away with thought force.

Lavoisier only took a step back!

His clothes were already torn, his red skin quickly turned blue-black, his body was huge, and his muscles were knotted.

Qin Yi was also surprised that Nian Li couldn't push him away for a while!

Lavoisier backhanded and pulled out the Saraville dagger hidden in the lower back! A powerful stroke!

Qin Yi thought to himself that his protective clothing was about to make a contribution!

As a result, before he could reach him, a red glow covered his arm!

Yue Qiluo pinched Fa Jue, her eyes cold and stern.

A crunch of bones!

Lavoisier screamed, hugging his bent right arm and falling to the ground!

Qin Yi looked at him in pain, and was about to go over to help him up when a girl suddenly shouted, "Don't touch him! What are you asking?! I can answer you!"

Qin Yi turned his head and saw that it was the red-haired girl.

"Oh, it's you."

Qin Yi walked in her direction: "I said, I'm not malicious, you don't have to be so nervous...35

Wendy looked at him nervously and walked to the middle carpet!

There is a confinement magic circle below!

Is it done!?

Then Qin Yi walked slowly through the area again, not realizing what was wrong at all.

"I probably know where you are from, the Star Striped Nation? I'm just curious about your abilities and what kind of people the Awakened are..."

Wendy didn't listen to him at all.

She's broken again!


He is not a devil...

He is human!

But people who are beyond their comprehension are more terrifying than demons!!

"There is only one last way..."

Wendy cut her fingers with a knife and drew a symbol like a lying down 8 on her forehead.

The 'infinity' symbol, and then two more tails were drawn.

Qin Yi had never seen such a symbol.

"Hey...I said..."

"Awadi Normanli... Dosali Gabo squeak..."

Wendy lowered her head and stared at Qin Yi, revealing her arms, which were engraved with strange incantations with a knife. As she recited, the incantations on those arms began to seep more blood!

Blood began to levitate in the air in front of her, forming two vague humanoid silhouettes!

"Although I don't know who you are, what are you..."

She smiled weakly: "But if you are human, then you are finished. This summoning spell comes from a summoning ritual recorded in a very ancient Babylonian Zoroastrian book... The ritual of summoning the angel of death..."

The lights flickered.

The space in front of me seems to be slightly distorted!

Qin Yi watched this scene in amazement, and felt a little irritated.

In the human form outlined by blood beads...

Suddenly two angels appeared!!

Qin Yi's eyes widened: "Wow...this is handsome..."

In front of Wendy, stood two angels!!

They look exactly the same! They have white skin, white hair, white eyebrows and white lips, all with closed eyes, and the faces of ancient Greek statues are full of the beauty of the golden ratio.

They had a pair of huge smoke-grey wings tucked behind their backs, and held half-moon-shaped scythes.

Wen 4.8 Ti is very happy, it was a success!!

She actually summoned two angels of death out of thin air!!

This is solid!!

The reason why this Babylonian summoning spell is a forbidden technique in the field of occultism is because it is suspected of blasphemy! Using the angel of death to kill people! It is almost using the law of death!

As long as the summoning is successful, a soul will definitely be harvested!!

Wendy raised her head with difficulty, pointed at Qin Yi with her blood-stained fingers, and uttered a final spell in her mouth.

The two angels of death instantly opened their white eyes!

One of them, wielding a scythe, floated past!!

From Qin Yi's point of view, the angel of death is very beautiful, and his movements seem to be slow and fast. When he reacts, he can't escape!

The silver-white sickle is about to touch his neck!

A strange flame appeared out of thin air!

The tip of the scythe is on fire!

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