Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 143 is so tough! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

The fastest response is the Stars and Stripes!

Park Palace!

"Strong protest!! 35

And said some reasons such as not applying.

Xia Guo also quickly counterattacked.

"What our country has done is reasonable and legal."

For a long time to come, the turbulent situation at the international level made people dizzy.

It was also from this time that the whole world was shocked by Xia Guo's action.

Netizens in neighboring countries, East Japan and Han countries, have mixed emotions.

They discuss on web forums:

[Where are the people who always say that Xia Guo is indifferent to the world? Have you seen it! The previous ones were all disguise! It was an illusion! 】

[Xia Guo belongs to the kind of people who don't speak out, but it's already a blockbuster, and it's too scary to endure it]

[Dongfanglong may...has woken up?]

[In principle, Xia Guo is really reasonable and legal.]

[So the Star-Spangled Kingdom is even more angry, the bald eagle has always regarded the Pacific Ocean as its own waters]

[To be honest, a little gloating]

But this time, the big event that was originally designed for geopolitical ZZ was diluted by the latter two messages.

Most of the people who care about the above are the heads of countries, as well as ZZ fans.

But the news about the resurrection of dinosaurs, or the news that Jurassic Park 040 is about to open, is what the general public pays the most attention to!

From online to offline, this matter has become a topic that people of all ages, men, women and children all over the world are very concerned about!

The center of the event, Xia Guo.

On the road, you can see those middle school students who are red-faced after school.

"Dinosaurs really come back to life!"

"You said we had a chance to see it?!"

"Hang...but if I can get close to the top five in the class at the end of the term! Maybe my parents are willing to bleed once!""

"It's so exciting!! I must go!!

University campus:

"Hey, what do you think of this Jurassic Paradise? How can these dinosaurs be cloned tens of millions of years ago?"

"I don't know, it's true anyway! I've seen all the previous live broadcasts!"

"It can only be said that Qin Yi is a bully! He can't come from crossing! It's simply! He really masters the core technology!!

"Guess the ticket price blindly! In the early stage of early adopters, each tens of thousands of yuan will not come down! 35

"You're too conservative in guessing... 100,000 blind guesses!! I'm looking forward to watching TV broadcasts or something..."

Streets and Alleys:

"Hey, candy, are you here to smoke too?"

"Yeah, our boss is really SB... By the way, do you think Boss Qin is too amazing? He really did this thing about dinosaurs!"

‘Have you seen the underworld underworld of Thriller Valley?

"No? What?"

"He might really be a god."

There has also been a boom abroad.

In many countries, many people wearing dinosaur coats took to the streets to cheer, expressing that this is a blessing for all mankind.

Dinosaur fever is too high! People are too enthusiastic about dinosaurs!

Jurassic Park trilogy, once again carried to the theater to play!

Scientific researchers all over the world are very curious and hope to go to this real Jurassic Park in person as soon as possible to find out!

Of course, in this era, there is no positive voice.

In the announcement issued by Xia Guo, there is a vulnerability that is easily attacked - genetic experiment!

Led by the Stars and Stripes, their scientists, together with animal protection organizations, and many white left virgins, together made the strongest voice on the surface of the moral commanding heights!

[Why! Xia Guo dared to use genetic technology to revive animals that should have gone extinct! 】

【What kind of long-term negative impact will the resurrection of dinosaurs have on the ecology of the earth?】

[The former overlord is back! Will the extinction of mankind be far behind?! 】

【We use science to serve mankind; they use science to destroy mankind!!!】

【Who allowed you to keep dinosaurs in captivity?! The people of Xiaguo actually want to play the role of God!!!】

【Jurassic is crying!!!】

But this time, Xia Guo showed unprecedented toughness.

Xia State Diplomacy:

"Reasonable and legal.


(bcei) "Strong protest!!!

At this time, many people from Xia who had always hated iron becoming steel suddenly realized something.

[Hey... so they would only protest strongly!]

【I just like how the motherland is so rigid! 】

[Xia Guo: I also like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me]

[Seeing the mother of the motherland looks so arrogant...I feel relieved hahahaha]

[Just four words, I don't want to say more, see how you guys are! 】

At this moment, Qin Yi, who was on the cusp of the storm.

On Jurassic Island.

Umbrella Company, White Umbrella Branch, the largest conference room on the top floor.

Qin Yi glanced at his phone, and in addition to dozens of missed calls, there were more information reminders.

Weibo and WeChat have both exploded.

"Oh...I'm red after all.

Qin Yi, who has always kept a low profile as much as possible, was officially Cue this time, and he really had to be famous!

Originally, after asking Wendy and other awakened ones, he was still thinking about the circle of awakened ones.

Made him feel quite insecure.

I am struggling to complete the construction of the paradise at hand as soon as possible and improve myself as soon as possible.

Then the above discussed with him, to disclose the island information, it's time for a showdown!

Right now, Xia Guo's official showdown, and his side is also under a lot of pressure.

Jurassic Island is bound to open soon!

Now at least half of the information on Qin Yi's Weibo is rushing to ask about the opening time of Jurassic Park!

Qin Yi glanced at the attendees.

The conference room was full of people. There were more than 30 management members of the umbrella company next to the conference table, and there were also related employees with notes in their hands against the wall.

They, at present, are the core of the management of Jurassic Park.

Qin Yi nodded and said solemnly, "Let's get started... First, when can we open for business?"

Li Yan, who was in charge, provided a series of data and then said: "At least one more month of preparation time is needed, December 1."

Qin Yi made the final decision.

Then he asked: "My idea is... December 1st is the opening of the park, it is also a trial operation, not the official opening... I want to recruit a group of experience tourists, how many people and how much do you think is more appropriate?"

The crowd started talking in a hurry.

Qin Yi listened to it for a long time and was very dissatisfied.

In the end, he said directly to himself: "I arranged a cruise ship called 'Anthropocene', excluding the cruise staff, it can take 5,000 tourists, so the number of people for the opening experience should be 5,000."5

"As for the experience ticket price...'

"We will kill the rich first.

"The 3-day and 3-night Jurassic Park tour includes transfers, accommodation and basic meals. It is divided into four levels of ABCD, with a minimum of 500,000 yuan per person and a maximum of 1.2 million yuan.

When these words came out, everyone was shocked!

"Boss! This is too expensive!"

(Discordant content has been edited).

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